Page Rank is Google’s system for ranking web pages. A page with a higher Page Rank is deemed more important and is more likely to be listed above a page with a lower Page Rank.
Here are some ways that will help you in improving your page rank on Google:-
1>Include content that users want and will share with others and there should be useful high-quality information on your site.
2>Get highly ranked sites to link to yours and check a site before linking your website to it for the content it contains and will it be of value to your sites visitors.
3>Give away content so that it enables other to copy distribute and make derivative contents from your work.
4>Use language translations in your website so that it is accessible by a larger number of people, who understand different languages.
5>Publicize your website with the help of social book-marking, press, letter-heads, newspapers and brochures.
6>Keep your websites accessibility up ,if a website is not accessible for an extended period of time Google may reduce its page rank.
7>Get involved in communities relevant to content of your site , visit their forums and post links of your site on them.
8>Provide RSS feed on your site as it will make easy for other sites to distribute your content.
9>Try and use less-competitive key words and optimize your webpage with those key-words, as it will improve your page-rank if those key words are searched for.
10>Use cross-linking of pages on your site as it will help in balancing page-rank across diff pages of your site.
Google periodically changes how it calculates a page’s importance, thereby resulting in shifts in rankings, known as a Google Dance. Google Guide’s placement in Google’s search results sometimes changes when Google modifies or enhances their indexing algorithms.


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