Hi friends. In this article let us see about the chemical elements with their symbols and their atomic number. There are 110 chemical elements.  All chemical matter found on earth comes from these elements. Each has a distinct atom featuring an atomic number (the number of protons in its nucleus) and electrons. The atomic number is nothing but, the number of protons in its nucleus The most common elements found in our universe are hydrogen, helium, carbon and oxygen while elements with an atomic mass of 83 or over are unstable and experience radioactive decay. The following chemical elements are listed according to atomic number.



1. Hydrogen – H


2. Helium - He


3. Lithium - Li


4. Beryllium - Be


5. Boron - B


6. Carbon - C


7. Nitrogen - N


8. Oxygen - O


9. Fluorine - F


10. Neon - Ne


11. Sodium - Na


12. Magnesium - Mg


13. Aluminium - Al


14. Silicon - Si


15. Phosphorus - P


16. Sulfur - S


17. Chlorine - Cl


18. Argon - Ar


19. Potassium - K


20. Calcium - Ca


21. Scandium - Sc


22. Titanium - Ti


23. Vanadium - V


24. Chromium - Cr


25. Manganese - Mn


26. Iron - Fe


27. Cobalt - Co


28. Nickel - Ni


29. Copper - Cu


30. Zinc - Zn


31. Gallium - Ga


32. Germanium - Ge


33. Arsenic - As


34. Selenium - Se


35. Bromine - Br


36. Krypton - Kr


37. Rubidium - Rb


38. Strontium - Sr


39. Yttrium - Y


40. Zirconium - Zr


41. Niobium - Nb


42. Molybdenum - Mo


43. Technetium - Tc


44. Ruthenium - Ru


45. Rhodium - Rh


46. Palladium - Pd


47. Silver - Ag


48. Cadmium - Cd


49. Indium - In


50. Tin - Sn


51. Antimony - Sb


52. Tellurium - Te


53. Iodine - I


54. Xenon - Xe


55. Cesium - Cs


56. Barium - Ba


57. Lanthanum - La


58. Cerium - Ce


59. Praseodymium - Pr


60. Neodymium - Nd


61. Promethium - Pm


62. Samarium - Sm


63. Europium - Eu


64. Gadolinium - Gd


65. Terbium - Tb


66. Dysprosium - Dy


67. Holmium - Ho


68. Erbium - Er


69. Thulium - Tm


70. Ytterbium - Yb


71. Lutetium - Lu


72. Hafnium - Hf


73. Tantalum - Ta


74. Tungsten - W


75. Rhenium - Re


76. Osmium - Os


77. Iridium - Ir


78. Platinum - Pt


79. Gold - Au


80. Mercury - Hg


81. Thallium - Tl


82. Lead - Pb


83. Bismuth - Bi


84. Polonium - Po


85. Astatine - At


86. Radon - Rn


87. Francium - Fr


88. Radium - Ra


89. Actinium - Ac


90. Thorium - Th


91. Protactinium - Pa


92. Uranium - U


93. Neptunium - Np


94. Plutonium - Pu


95. Americium – Am


96. Curium - Cm


97. Berkelium - Bk


98. Californium - Cf


99. Einsteinium - Es


100. Fermium - Fm


101. Mendelevium - Md


102. Nobelium - No


103. Lawrencium - Lr


104. Rutherfordium - Rf


105. Dubnium - Db


106. Seaborgium - Sg


107. Bohrium - Bh


108. Hassium - Hs


109. Meitnerium - Mt


110. Darmstadtium - Ds

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