India is a vast country with many types of cultures. There is large number of small and large communities Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 in India. Due to globalization, the changes occurring in the world are very rapid. There are many possibilities in the future for India to grow to a superpower or to destroy itself in conventional or economic or nuclear war. The increasing number of terrorism attacks also put the future of India in peril.
if we project India’s image from now on and considering that it will go with the same pace then India is likely to emerge as the most powerful nation in 2020 A.D. The increasing population has its advantages and disadvantages also. Increasing population stiffens the competition and the people have to go beyond their limits to outdo each other. This would result in best technicians, engineers, doctors to be born in India. The GDP of India is likely to rise beyond every nation in 2020 A.D, if there is smooth progress and the nation continues to rise.

Today India is still seen as a developing country. Many of the people who live in slums are still not able to meet their two ends. As new laws are passing to help these poor people in order to provide them the basic needs, it can be said and predicted that in 2020 India will be able to provide food and other necessary things to these poor people and will be able to solve much of its poverty problems.

With the fast development of technology, soon India will overpower any other country in the world in technology. Government of India is opening several new IITs in the country to increase the tech power in the country. This may obviously increase the tech power of India.

As the danger from neighboring countries is increasing to capture Indian land, the Government of India is increasing their defense system to combat any unlikely war with the neighboring country. In order to insure that no country tries to bully India or tries to capture its land, it has equip itself with the most powerful and most advanced weapons in order to retaliate or defend itself.

The growing prosperity of India has drawn many multinational companies to invest in India. They invest their money in the country to get profit. While doing so these companies bring foreign currencies India. This will enhance the country’s growth. As India has a very large population, so it will have very large consumers. This will tempt many countries to launch and invest in India and thus increasing the economic strength in India.

Security in India is still very weak but the Government of India, due to recent increasing terrorism in the country, is trying its best to increase the security system. India as a developed nation will be powerful enough to fight enemies from inside and outside as well. Many loopholes that still exist in the security system will be removed through close inspection.

Agriculture system is still developing in India. Due to large population in India, it has a very high consumption rate. Thus Indian farmers have to do intensive agriculture. New techniques are developed by agriculture engineers to enhance the growth and quality of food in India. In 2020 India will be able to become self sufficient in food. The crops will be resistant to any types of diseases by selection process and the production rate will also be very high.

Water is an essential part of life. Today India faces problem of supplying the required amount of water to all of its citizens. But slowly and slowly India is trying its best to provide water to its citizens by enhancing its system. New methods are evolved to supply water to every person who is in its need.

Today India is facing challenge in meeting the power requirements. But it is taking steps to increase its power. The nuclear deal with America is a big step towards making India self sufficient on power. New nuclear power plants are formed and soon these will provide enough power in order to meet the power requirements. In 2020 India will be providing uninterrupted power supply to its nation people.

There is also another side of it, the race of arms in South East Asia is increasing, which is increasing the tensions in the neighboring countries. The increasing terrorism and the lack of trust on each other is resulting in cold wars between nations of Asia. This may result in war and the war may turn out to be the last war as the nations are nuclear states and are capable of destroying other completely by nuclear arms. In other words in 2020 there will be no India.

But if we hope for the best, India has every possibility to become a safe and developed nation. If we do not consider the possibility of natural disaster which may cripple the country or a war(conventional or nuclear), then it can be assumed India will be the most prosperous country in 2020.

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