
It is never easy to write. It is less difficult for a writer to write something that he himself thinks is good. It may not be. The test of whether a report is good or not is whether it produces the desired effect from the reader. If it does not - the reader does not accept the writer’s facts are correct or if he does not accept the writer’s conclusions or recommendations – then it cannot be said that the written communication is good.


The difficulty in writing does not usually stem from the fact that the writer cannot write. Instead it usually comes mainly from two problems:

(a)  deciding what information to include and


 (b)  deciding how to get that information out in a logical manner.


Let us first look at what the intention is.  The intention is to write a memo, a letter or a report to convey information and ideas. It could also be to make recommendations or to convey concerns. There is no rule regarding length. The writing can be of any length from a brief one or two page summary to a lengthy report that includes a detailed discussion on the subject. The fact to remember is that it must be complete. Writing that is incomplete, inaccurate, poorly organised, biased, badly presented, long-winded or filled with irrelevant information can harm the organisation.


A well presented piece of writing will be:

Clear: It will be worded simply and logically organised. It will be such that the reader will understand the matter conveyed easily. It will not be wordy or full of jargon.


Concise and complete: All the information that is required will be presented concisely. The information will be adequate and complete. It will not be too long. It will be written with the reader in mind.


Accurate: The information presented will be accurate. This will enable a proper decision/ conclusion to be reached.


Inviting: Where required tables, diagrams and other tools will be used to explain/ illustrate a point.


Organised: The ideas and points will be properly and logically organised. One thought/ idea will flow to the next.


In order to achieve this manner any writing should be approached is by:

·         Focusing on the reader. The person to whom the writing is addressed. In short you should know the reader. Writing that is not focused on the reader will not serve its purpose.


·         Planning and Investigating.


·         Organizing the writing and


·         Then writing.

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