
We all know apples are considered healthy. Often we eat apples just because we know there is something in it that is good for our health. But did you also know that apples help in combating the risks associated with several critical diseases? Apples in general are rich in iron and therefore are considered to be a good source of food that purifies our blood and adds to the red blood cell (RBC) requirements. In addition, apples have many other important features that have been proven to be of medical significance. 

An apple a day keeps a doctor away!

This popular saying is not just a statement; it has many medical results backing to support its authenticity. Healthcare professionals usually add apples to the diet plan of people suffering from diabetes and other health problems related to reduced levels of iron and blood platelets. Beyond meeting such health needs, apples have been found to be effective in for various critical diseases in human body.

Medical Uses of Apples against Potential Diseases

The following list discusses about the medical significance of apples making them so important today.

Apples against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases

Several studies have revealed that the content of apples help in effective functioning of the brain cells, thereby avoiding the risks of Parkinson's disease.

The composition of apples has also been found to elevate the functioning of neurotransmitters of human brain, also known as acetylcholine. Abnormal functioning of these neurotransmitters are potential reasons for Alzheimier's disease. Apples help in reducing the risk of this disease by helping the brain to stay free from any neurological disorders.

Apples for reducing symptoms of cancer

Apples are filled with two important elements, namely triterpenoid and flavonoid - both of which are known to reflect anti-carcinogenic features. Although there are not many studies to support the medical effect of apples on helping people from cancer and related diseases, experts suggest taking apple in diet as a supplement useful for reducing the symptoms of cancer.

Apples for maintaining body weight and cholesterol levels

Pectin, also known as a soluble fiber, is one of the key ingredients in apples, helping to maintain the levels of cholesterol in human body. Pectin helps the intestine to avoid fat absorption. Apples also contain polyphenol anti-oxidants that play a major role in removing toxic cholesterols from the body. Overall, apples help manage the cholesterol levels in the body and therefore are directly responsible for balancing body weight.

Apples for controlling Type 2 Diabetes

Health experts have suggested that pectin - the soluble fiber - available in apples play an important role in protects the blood cells from faster consumption of sugar. Several studies have so far revealed similar results and therefore medically apples are considered to be highly effective in preventing or even controlling Type 2 Diabetes.

Apples for treatment of gastrointestinal problems

Apples are usually rich in pectin and polyflavonoids both of which are effective against internal pains caused due to gallstones. The natural fibers in apples help the body to absorb sufficient water and allow transitioning the digested food.  All such typical function of the compositions of apples play a vital role in averting gastrointestinal symptoms in the human body.


Having apples regularly can not only add health benefits to your body, but also avoid risks and reduce symptoms of several critical diseases. Apples are easily available and therefore can be part of your regular meals thereby making your internal systems strong enough to combat various disease symptoms.

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