What is Lifestyle?

Lifestyle is the sum total of our food we eat, sleep, exercises, tastes, habits and thought patterns. Every one of us is endowed with a natural Defense system that acts a shield to protect us from the ailments. This is our immunity system.

Any violation in the factors that constitute ‘Life style’ will lead to innumerable mild to life threatening diseases.

Brain, Heart, Kidneys, Liver and other vital organs are severely affected. It was revealed in the several studies that 70 percent of the serious diseases plaguing the Indians are linked with ‘Life style Violations.’

Be it a paunch protrusion or spurt in BP, they are without an iota of doubt due to severe violations in Lifestyle. 

Obesity rules the roost.

Children gasping for breath while ascending the stair of the school. House wife wheezing even to reach the nearby market, Pot bellied Peters…. Are the scenes frequently seen everywhere. It goes without saying that Obesity is the outcome of Lifestyle violation.

Main reasons attributed for Obesity are, negligence of good food habits, lack of physical activity and leading sedentary life.

What is sedentary life style?

Sedentary lifestyle means spending much time seated.

We work while sitting.

We gossip over the phone sitting for hours together.

You may ask, what if I sit for the whole day ?

Lack of activity by sitting or doing nothing leads to non- production of an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase. In the absence of this enzyme, the body cannot breakdown fat from digested food. Owing to this the fat remains in the body leading to obesity. Obesity becomes a hindrance to perform our normal duties with ease.

Additionally, movement of the muscles will help in promoting the blood flow and enable in driving away the toxins in the body.

So it all amounts to one single fact, by sitting and doing nothing day after day we are not allowing the production of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase and allowing the dangerous Obesity to conquer us.

Our body is not meant for sitting in a chair and working on computers or viewing TV for hours together. We are supposed to work and make the body work in order to keep the life threatening ailments at bay.

The study done by the American Cancer Society reveals that the life span of those who sit idly for more than 6 hours a day will be reduced by 20 percent in the case of men and 40 percent in the case of women.

Sedentary life is more deadly than the habit of smoking. Australian researchers say , Smoking a cigarette will reduce the life by 11 minutes. But an hour of sedentary life reduce the life by 22 minutes.

What happens when you sit?

After sitting, the production of enzymes that help melting the fat content in the body will be reduced by 90 percent. The burning rate of the calories in the body will be reduced by 1 for every one minute. As a result the body weight increases.

The amount of good cholesterol levels will fall by 20 percent.

Sitting for more and more longer hours will affect the functioning of Insulin production. This leads to Diabetes.

According to the World Health Organization, incidence of 21 to 35 percent ailments related to digestive system and Breast cancer, 27 percent sugar related ailments and 30 percent heart ailments in the recent times are attributed to Sedentary Life style. Additionally, the report says women are more vulnerable to these ailments than men.


Thomas Yates of Leicester University, lecturer in Physical activity and sedentary behavior opines that, even though one is habituated to regular exercises, it’s no good to sit continuously.  Many people are of the wrong impression that because they are consistently indulging in exercise like walking will not have any adverse effect if they continuously stick to a job where there is no possibility for any moment.

Yates says if one cannot do physical activity because they are confined to their seats because of the nature of the job, it’s essential to move their limbs from their sitting position itself once in a while. And it’s quite possible to view the TV, while stretching the limbs while viewing TV.

Avoiding the lift by those who live in multi storied apartments and use the stair case can help in having movements in the limbs.

While sitting it’s always advisable to sit erect in a 90 degree angle.

 Kidney Problems.

One of the products of wrong lifestyle is Kidney problems. 

The first and foremost function of Kidneys is to serve the body as a natural filter. While doing this kidneys maintain a balance between the minerals and salts in the blood and expel the wastes and the toxins through urine.

Kidneys produce a Hormone called Erythropoietin, which controls the production of Red blood cells. Failure in these functions of Kidneys will lead to Kidney related diseases. 

Kinds of Kidney failures.

There are two kinds of Kidney failures. They are

  • Acute Kidney injury
  • Chronic Kidney disease.

Out of these two kinds of Kidney failures, Acute kidney injury is reversible with proper treatment and food control measures.

Reasons behind Kidney failures.

There are several reasons for Kidney diseases. The main reason is Obesity and High BP which are caused by Lifestyle violations. These diseases further lead to swelling of Kidneys and kidney stones. In the aged people kidney ailments take place due to swelling of prostrate gland and cholesterol.


Most of the symptoms are not visible. But those who have diabetes, high BP and those who have hereditary kidney ailments must undergo regular medical checkups. 

Rise in BP, loss of Protein, swelling in the legs and face, wheezing, Bloodlessness, restlessness, vomiting, lack of hunger,  rashes on the skin, backache during summer and winter are some of the visible symptoms.

The main symptoms which need immediate medical attention are, the density of urine reduces and the frequency of the urge for urinating during nights increases. It’s mandatory for the Diabetic patients to check and control the glucose content in the body. 

Protein content in the urine can be found through tests like Serum Creatinine, Ultrasound, and PTH to name a few.

Food precautions.

Avoid sweets.

Eat more cereals like wheat. Wheat releases energy in to blood gradually and controls the glucose. Due to this reason the pressure on the kidneys is considerably reduced. 

Reduce the consumption of non- vegetarian food.

Those affected by Kidney problems, there is a possibility of an increase in the amount of bad cholesterol. They are advised to use oils containing Omega and polyunsaturated fatty acids which have many health benefits.

Consumption of excess salt contributes to addition of more water in to the body. Which results in body weight gain. It also leads to wheezing and swelling in the legs.

Salt is also responsible in forming stones in the kidneys. Hence it’s advisable to add salt to the food stuffs after cooking. See that the amount of salt consumption doesn’t exceed more than 4 grams per day. Be away from pickles, salted nuts etc.

Thyroid menace.

Thyroid is a small gland located at the base of the neck, just below the Adam’s apple. Though it is small in size but it’s functions are very big. For its right and proper functioning, the process of body’s metabolism should be an optimum level. That is if the functioning of the thyroid is slow, life becomes stale and slow. Similarly if the functioning fast, there will be a chaotic conditions in the body.

Thyroid gland utilizes the iodine in our body and produces two Hormones ,known as T3 and T4. These hormones travel through all organs of the body through blood. These hormones while travelling through the organs of the body activates those body organs to several main functions like speeding up the calorie burning process, maintaining a steady heartbeat. All these activities of the hormones are called as the ‘Metabolism’ of the body.

The T3 and T4 hormones are under the control of one hormone known as, ‘Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH. TSH is produced by Pituitary gland. It’s duty is to maintain the levels of T3 and T4 in the blood.

When there is a lapse in the coordination of T3 and T4, Thyroid related diseases crop up. 

What happens if the Thyroid gland is damaged?

A damaged thyroid gland may lead to either Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism. When the thyroid gland fails to produce enough Hormones for the body, the condition is known as Hypothyroidism. It’s also known with the name ‘Underactive thyroid.’If the production of Hormones becomes excessive, the condition is known as Hyperthyroidism.

 The above two conditions of Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism are caused when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland.

Hypothyroidism, symptoms.

  • Weight gain, even though you are not eating excessive food.
  • Inability to bear cold.
  • Constipation.
  • Severe muscle weakness.
  • Pain in the Joints or muscles.
  • Excessive tiredness.
  • Dryness in the skin.
  • Puffiness in the face.
  • Excessive bleeding during menstrual period.
  • Increase in the levels of bad cholesterol.

Treatment for Hypothyroidism includes treating the deficient hormones with tablets. These tablets must be used all along the life. The degree of treatment will be less in the case of children, heart patients and aged. And the degree of treatment is increased gradually. There is a risk of going in to coma, if the patient neglects treatment. This condition is known as Myxedema Coma.

Those who are affected by Hypothyroidism, should eat food rich in vitamin B and iron.

Hyperthyroidism, symptoms.

  • Weight loss.
  • Eating abnormally.
  • Rapid heartbeat.
  • Anxiety.
  • Irritation.
  • Sleeplessness.
  • Shaking and trembling in hands.
  • Excessive sweating

Hyperthyroidism treatment.

The treatment for Hyperthyroidism is done by using medicines for anti Hyperthyroidism.  If the medicines fail to yield results, the gland is removed through Surgery .

Those who are affected by Hyperthyroidism must take food rich in antioxidants and omega fatty acids, vegetables and cereals.


One of the fallouts of the fast life style is Headache. It seems and sounds simple and harmless but it’s the warning signal of impending and inevitable serious life threatening ailments, If left untreated.

It’s obvious it’s the outcome of life style violations. The other reasons for Headache are severe stress, insomnia and failure of food intake in time. 

Different manifestations of Headache.

cluster Headache.

Severe Pain around the eye which waxes and wanes over a period. This is known as ‘cluster Headache’. People having sight defects also may become the victims of cluster headache. 


Migraine’s main characteristic is pain is restricted to a single side of the head.  It’s caused by the disorders in the central nervous system. Changes in the emotional levels are the main cause of migraine. When the stress builds up due to  workload in the office or due to family conditions, migraine attacks severely.

Sinus headache.

Sinuses are located in the region around the nose. Sinus is a hollow air filled cavity. When pus accumulates in the sinuses, sinus headache is caused. The victims experience severe pain on the forehead and between the eyes. For those who are affected by Sinus headache experience pain in the morning and recedes as the day advances. During Sinus headache cold will be there in the affected people.

Meningitis headache.

Layers around the brain are known as Meninges. If these meninges are infected, Meningitis headache caused. General symptoms that appear are vomiting, neck pain, fever and headache. These symptoms appear for a few weeks. Pus in the ear and TB victims are likely to have Meningitis headache. 

Fever headache.

People affected by viral fevers like Dengue and influenza  experience this kind of headache.


Any type of head ache if persists for more than a week the victims should consult the doctors. A change in life style will greatly help. It is mandatory to have a good sleep in order to reduce the stress levels. Pranayama and yoga are the proven ways to reduce the stress levels. It’s essential to maintain consistent timings in taking the food. One should be away from high decibel music especially through earphones.

Erratic food habits.

Modern life style is the real culprit behind erratic food habits. They say one need not feel the pulse of an individual to know the condition of his health. It’s enough to see his plate to know the condition of one’s health.

If you eat food with health consciousness, the food you eat will act like a medicine that shields you from innumerable ailments. The same food if overeaten will act like a poison. Many ailments with which the mankind is affected are directly or indirectly linked with the food habits.

Golden eating habits for perfect Health.

  • Get up early and go to bed early.
  • Avoid coffee and tea, instead drink more water.
  • Making the habit of freeing the bowels will set tune a bright day.
  • Indulge in doing physical exercises or yoga or Pranayama that suits you.
  • Avoid soaps and shampoos for they contain hazardous chemicals.
  • Break your fast in the morning with sprouts which are rich in nutrients.
  • Don’t drink water in between the meals or during meals. Drink enough water half an hour before meals.
  • Avoid heavy food during nights.
  • If you are a rice eater eat unpolished rice.
  • Depending on the type of fruit, eat them with skin. The same thing applies to vegetables.
  • Avoid deep frying. Let the frying be minimum.
  • After washing the vegetables don’t throw away the water. Drink that water.
  • Go natural. As far as possible eating raw vegetable will do lot of good to your health.
  • Chew the food. Don’t gulp.
  • Don’t drink the fruit juices. Eat whole fruits. Juices will lose valuable fiber an essential ingredient for good health.


Its presence in the body along with Triglycerides is essential as long as they are in their limits. Both cholesterol and Triglycerides play a vital role in keeping the body hale and healthy. Both cholesterol and Triglycerides are necessary for building of vital parts of human cells like cell membranes. These two are also essential for the production of many important Hormones necessary for healthy body.  

When cholesterol becomes dangerous.

Generally cholesterol necessary for the body is made by the body itself. Due to modern and fast life style more and more people are oriented towards Junk food. Habits of eating Pastas and Pizzas are on the rise. In addition to this, lack of physical activity due to modern life style contributing a lot to the excess stock of Cholesterol in the bodies. 

During the lipid profile test, along with the cholesterol, Triglycerides percentage in the blood are indicated. But many people because of lack of awareness look for the cholesterol content only ignoring Triglycerides percentage.

The amount of Triglycerides in Indians is more than any other people in other countries. And these are the reasons behind a variety of heart problems.

Whenever we eat any food, calories are released. Liver converts the calories in to Glucose,cholesterol and Triglycerides and releases in to the blood. Glucose converts in to energy very fast. But cholesterol and Triglycerides which are the repositories of energy will not melt easily. The energy required by the body will be supplied by cholesterol and Triglycerides as and when necessary. In this process if the existing cholesterol and Triglycerides are not dissolved, and with the new addition of cholesterol and Triglycerides, the percentage of cholesterol and Triglycerides in the blood increase.

There are two types of Cholesterol. They are good cholesterol also known as HDL and bad cholesterol also known as LDL. Presence of  good cholesterol in the blood is not harmful. Whereas the presence of bad cholesterol clogs the arteries. This leads to heart stroke.

By exercising or doing pranayama the amount of cholesterol can be reduced in the blood.One should be away from the junk food. Food should contain more vegetables and very less amount of non- vegetarian items. But fish is allowed.

From the above one can grasp the fact, that it’s highly essential to keep a watch on the life style in order to have a healthy and disease free life. 

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