altEvery girl wants to look beautiful and loves to seek attention from people. To get that we use every possible remedy and use various cosmetics .

And one of the factor which enhances our beauty is skin tone . we have  three skin tones that is dark,medium and light.

In India most of us have medium to dark skin tone.

fair complexion is preferred by most of Indian women.

We see huge products coming in market for becoming fair and out of excitement we try every product if it is endorsed by our favorite celebrity.

And most of us while buying any product we neglect reading the ingredients which is written backside.

Fact is words which they use we fail to understand . In fairness creams they add bleach powders and they dont mention in ingredients.

So once we start using them ,within the first week we see great results and we feel great about it. With more usage you might not find so much of results, but you cant stop using that product because your skin gets addicted to it and when you stop using it even for a day, your skin becomes dull.

And when you actually stop using that product completely your skin becomes sensitive,prone to pimples and other skin problems.

So please be careful and take care of your skin!



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