There are certain exercises very beneficial for patients suffering from diabetes. Exercise helps in the improvement of blood circulation. Glucose present in blood is used up in more amount. Thus, work load on pancreas decreases. Fat accumulated in body gets decreased. Weight also decreases and person remains calm and happy.

Exercise:- Following exercises are very essential for diabetic patients. All these exercises have to be done early in the morning on empty stomach.

Walking:- Diabetic patients should wake up early morning and should go for walk in an open space or park. Initially they should walk slow and later they should increase their speed and again come back to slow walking. Without getting tired they should be able to walk for 2-3 kilometers.

Running:- If possible, diabetic patients should run mildly or go for jogging. Running proves to be very beneficial. A person should run only for that particular time till he starts feeling tired.

Swimming:- If patient knows swimming, he should go for it. Through this activity all the body parts get exercised.

Riding Bicycle:- Riding bicycle is a very good exercise. This activity enables good exercise of limbs and lungs.

Apart from these exercises, there are many more such exercises beneficial in case of diabetes. They are gardening, dancing, sit-up's, weight lifting, playing badminton, playing volley ball etc..... Individuals above 50 years of age should not do excessively tough physical exercises. For them, best exercise is to walk. Middle aged individuals can go for physical exercises.

Diabetic patients should take care of the fact that after exercising they should not feel excessively tired. They should not exercise till they become breathless or till they feel suffocated. This can lead to pain in the heart and they may fall unconscious. If an individual feels tired, suffocates, becomes restless or experiences heart pain then he should stop exercising or reduce the amount of exercise he is performing. Similarly, if pain develops in limb while walking or running then individual should reduce the duration for which he walks or runs.

Usually, after exercise intake of food increases. But, diabetic patients should not increase the amount of food he consume to a large extent because this may increase his weight. While exercising, diabetic patients should take special care of their limbs. Wound formed in the limb can prove to be very dangerous. Before exercise, they should wash their hands and limbs with mild warm water and wear socks and shoes of right size.

The most important point regarding exercise is that it has to be done regularly. Exercise done on an irregular basis proves to be harmful and does not yield any benefit.

Yogasan:- Yogasan is beneficial in controlling the level of blood glucose and urine glucose. Thus, diabetic patients should perform yogasan.

    For Cleaning Body From Inside:-

    By practicing following methods, body gets cleaned from inside. Patient gets rid of cough from lungs and also wastes from intestine.

    A glass is filled with mild warm water. Salt is mixed in it. Patient is made to sit on his knees. Hands are kept at knees. He bents and tries to engulf water from nose. Water enters from one nostril and comes out from other one. While performing this activity, breath should be taken from mouth. This activity has to be performed by both the nostrils.


    Pranayama is an activity associated with control of respiration. This activity helps in the flow of oxygen in the body. Through pranayama, body and mind gains strength. This controls diabetes, heart disease and blood pressure. Pranayama is practiced right from olden times. Sages would perform it on regular basis. Through this, all diseases of body gets cured. It can be performed by both men and women.

    Pranayama activity is completed in 3 steps. These are intake of breath, expel of breath and holding breath for some time and then leaving it out. To keep body healthy, following pranayama activities can be performed:-

    • Kapalabhati Pranayama,
    • Nadisodhan Pranayama,
    • Shitali Pranayama,
    • Bhastrika Pranayama,
    • Agnisar Pranayama

    Kapalabhati Pranayam:-

    For Kapalabhati pranayama, person should sit in Padmasan or Vajrasan posture. He closes his eyes and keeps his back and neck straight. Breath is expelled out in one stroke. But, it is allowed to enter inside the body very normally. Initially, this activity has to be performed for 15 to 20 times. Then, it should be increased for 40 times. At the end, breath has to be stopped outside and should not be taken inside for some time. In this way, stress is reduced and head becomes lighter.

    Nadisodhan Pranayama:-

    For this, one needs to sit in Padmasan with back complete erect. Thumb of right hand on right nostril and little finger on left nostril are placed. Right nostril is closed by thumb. Through left nostril air is expelled out and taken in. Then, this nostril is closed and air is held inside till the time it is possible. Thumb is removed from right nostril and air is expelled out. Left nostril is closed with finger and air is taken inside from right nostril. Right side of nostril is also closed and air is held inside. Then, air is expelled through left nostril. In this way, air is taken and held inside from left nostril and expelled from right nostril. Then, taken and held from right nostril and expelled from left nostril. This should be performed 5 times.

    This pranayama keeps mind calm. Blood gets purified, inner organs gain strength and person becomes free of diseases. In this pranayam, if 5 seconds are required to breath then double the time should be spent to hold it inside.

    Sheetali Pranayama:-

    To perform this pranayama, person should sit in Padmasan and keep his back and neck straight. Tongue is removed out. It is bent upwards and made like a pipe. Deep breath should be taken. Mouth is closed and breath should be held. Later, through nose, air is expelled out. This activity has to be done 6-7 times. Diabetes gets controlled by this pranayama. Blood pressure remains controlled. Food consumption remains adequate and anger gets controlled. This pranayam has to be done during summers.

    Bhastrika Pranayama:-

    With the help of right hand thumb, right nostril is closed and left hand is placed on knee. Through left nostril, breath is taken at a faster pace and expelled out. First, this activity has to be done at a slow pace and then pace should be gradually increased. In a similar manner, left nostril is closed and breath is taken inside and left out through right nostril. This has to be performed for 20-25 times. This pranayama strengthens heart. Brain power increases, laziness decreases. Diabetes gets controlled. This pranayama has to be performed only during winter season.

    Agnisar Pranayama:-

    To perform this pranayama, person has to sit straight. Both the hands should be kept on both the knees. Air is expelled out completely. Stomach is moved in out-in fashion. Breath is held outside. This activity has to be performed 4 to 5 times.

    This pranayama keeps stomach healthy. Digestive strength increases. Diabetes gets controlled as stomach remains healthy.

    Pranayama should be performed in an open, neat and clean place. It has to be free of noise. While performing pranayama, conversation should not be done and mind has to be peaceful. It has to be performed after an individual gets freed of his daily activities like brushing, excretion etc..... It has to be performed in early morning.

    MEDITATION: Way of Concentration:-

    Stress, tension, rat-race in life, obesity, excess food consumption etc..... lead to cause blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. To keep mind calm, anger free and happy, meditation is very beneficial. Activity of meditation has to be performed in following ways:-

    • In an open space, yoga mat has to be spread. Person should close his eyes and should sleep on it. Mind has to be focused on each and every part of body and then stabilized. One has to concentrate on any particular entity. By concentrating for 20 minutes on a daily basis can bring calmness in mind.
    • Another way of concentrating is to visit temple or sacred place early morning. Person should close his eyes and sit in front of statue. He should concentrate and remember the image of statue. Within few minutes, mind attains peace.
    • One can go in a park and concentrate on flowers, plants, trees etc..... Within few days mind will become centralized and person will experience happiness.
    • During night, while lying down, one should concentrate on God by closing eyes. All the activities performed throughout the day should be remembered.
    • Sitting in a lonely calm place one should chant "Om Namah Shiva" by closing his eyes. Within few minutes, mind will become peaceful.

    Apart from these methods, other methods of meditation can also be brought into account. Mind becomes peaceful by concentration. Health improves. One achieves happiness through it and can accomplish all his goals in his life. In reality, today technique of meditation is even used by people world wide.


    For our good health and inner peace, entertainment is very essential. Various types of entertainment keep alive our interest towards life. At the same time, it  keeps mind free from anger, greed etc..... Without entertainment life seems uninteresting. Entertainment fills enthusiasm and frees individual from tiredness. Mental stress is eliminated. Major cause of blood pressure and diabetes is stress. Thus, laughter provided to us through entertainment keeps us free from mental stress. It keeps body free of diseases.


    Apart from exercise, walk, body postures, yoga etc..... there are many more methods which can control diabetes. They are:-

    • Acupuncture,
    • Acupressure,
    • Magnetic Therapy,
    • Color Ray Therapy,
    • Nature's Therapy


    This therapy was developed in China. In this therapy, needles are pricked on different body parts depending on the disease the person is suffering from. Doctors of China had chosen 787 points on the body where when pricked by needles could cure the ailments. This therapy hardly requires 10-15 minutes of time. Specialists of this therapy do know where needles have to be pricked for treatment of particular disease.


    In this therapy, with the help of fingers, points on soles of feet and palms of hands are pressed. This pressure creates effects on different body parts which in turn cures the disease. No side effects are seen.

    For the control of diabetes certain points have been discovered by specialists which when pressed can bring blood glucose level in control. First, hands and legs have to be cleaned with water. Then with the help of thumb, certain point on the body parts are pressed. Particular areas pressed with the help of fingers, thumb or bottom of the pencil for at least twice in a day. Duration for pressing on a particular point should be 1 minute. Acupressure therapy has to be done 3 hours after eating food.

    Magnetic Therapy:-

    Magnetic Therapy has proved to be beneficial in case of diabetes. For magnetic therapy, patient should lie on his stomach after consuming his meals. Two magnets of medium power are kept on back of the patient. They are kept 7 inches far away from hips. On left side of the back, north side of the magnet and on right side, south facing magnet is placed. Also, by wearing magnetic belt, diabetes can be controlled.

    A bottle is filled with water. On its either sides, magnets are placed for almost 24 hours. Then, this water in amount of 100 ml is consumed by a person for 3 to 4 times in a day. This proves to be effective in treatment of diabetes.

    Color Ray Therapy:-

    When pancreas are subjected to rays emitted from infra red lamps they work efficiently there by blood glucose level in diabetes comes under control.

    Water is filled in orange colored bottle to 1/3rd level. It is kept in mild sun rays. This when placed on stomach, pancreas and surrounding areas help to reduce blood glucose level in diabetic patients. Also orange or red colored fold of cloth is kept immersed in water. Then in front of mild sun rays this fold is placed on pancreas and surrounding areas. This activity increases working efficiency of pancreas which proves to be beneficial in diabetes.

    Nature's Therapy:-

    Nature's therapy is very age old technique. This therapy includes treatment with water, mud, fasting, consumption of green vegetables, cleaning stomach with help of enema, steam bath etc..... It is believed that stomach is the root of all diseases. Thus, cleaning of stomach, consumption of light food and strengthening digestive system is considered to be the treatment of all diseases.

    Many diabetic patients have benefited greatly by subjecting themselves to this therapy. After nature's therapy their blood glucose level has seen coming under control. They are living normal lives. Following treatment is given in this therapy:-

    • Fold of cloth immersed in water is placed on patient's stomach area for half an hour.
    • Two containers are taken. One is filled with warm water and the other with cold water. First the fold of cloth is immersed in hot water. It is then squeezed and placed on patient's stomach for 2 minutes. Same thing is done by immersing it in cold water container. By doing this for 2 hours, work efficiency of pancreas increases.
    • Daily massage should be done on body with sesame oil.
    • Sun bath is very helpful to control diabetes.
    • Tub should be filled with water. Patient is made to sit inside the tub. Thus, his partial body remains immersed in water. This increases work efficiency of pancreas.

    Apart from all these methods, there are certain other methods included in nature's therapy. These treatments are given under supervision of expert.


    Diabetes causes harmful effects on limbs, skin and eyes. To get rid of these harmful effects following precautions have to be followed which are very essential.

    Skin Care:-

    Diabetic patients have to be very careful regarding their skin. If there is any cut formed in the skin of diabetic patients, it is healed very lately. Thus, they should take precautions when they shave or whenever they scratch any body part. After bath, body should be dried up completely. Especially under arms, body folds, lower areas of breast should always be kept dried.

    Diabetic patients should not bath with very hot water. They should not use soap which gives high fragrance. If wound is formed on body it should be washed with water and cotton dipped in alcohol should be applied on it or else it should be immediately shown to doctor. Diabetic patients should protect themselves from extreme sun rays.

    Care Of Legs:-

    Diabetic patients in comparison to their skin should take more care of their legs. 2-3 times in a day legs should be washed with warm water. Then, legs should be dried with towel and talcum powder should be sprinkled between the fingers of limbs. Diabetic patients should not walk on bare foot. They should wear socks, sandals or shoes. Canvas shoes are better. Special care should be taken that any sharp object like needle, nail, thorn etc..... should not get pricked in feet. They should not wear nylon socks. If limbs are excessively dried, application of little amount of oil proves to be beneficial. In winters especially, shoes should be worn all the time. Antiseptic lotions should be applied on legs.

    Care Of Nails:-

    Diabetic patients should cut nails very carefully. Before cutting nails, hands and limbs should be kept soaked in mild warm water for 5 minutes. This softens nails. After this, nails should be cut carefully. Nails should never be cut more from nail bed.

    Eye Care:-

    Harmful effect is seen on blood vessels of eyes of diabetic patients. Thus, every month diabetic patients should go for eye check up done by eye specialist. Diabetic patients should wear goggles while going out in the sun, so that they can protect their eyes from harmful effects of sun rays. Eyes should not be scratched or rubbed again and again. Pressure of any type should not be exerted on eyes. While reading or writing anything, good light should be available which minimizes pressure on eyes.

    Dental Care:-

    Diabetic patients should take special care of their teeth. Gums should be kept healthy. For teeth, following precautions should be considered.

    In every 6 months, dental check up should be done by dental specialists. Suggestions given by dentists should be brought into consideration. Brushing should be done twice in a day gently. Brush should not be very hard. If there is any swelling in gum, pain in tooth or ulcers formed in oral cavity then it should be immediately shown to dentist. Also, dentist should be informed by the patient about his medical history.

    Care For Proper Blood Circulation:-

    Blood circulation improves in body if on daily basis limbs are elevated for 5 to 10 minutes. If there is pain in limbs, itching, swelling, sensitivity, wound formed then it should be immediately shown to doctor. In these cases home remedies do not prove to be very beneficial.

    Traveling Outdoor:-

    If a diabetic patient has to travel somewhere outdoor, he should carry along with him diabetic kit containing all medications. Hands, limbs and skin should be taken special care of. Care should be taken that his blood sugar remains normal. For traveling, he needs to follow certain precautions:-

    • Patient should carry along with him, eating stuffs in such amount which would suffice till his travel period.
    • If patient is dependent on insulin then he should carry along with him insulin syringe, cotton, insulin bottle etc..... in sufficient amount.
    • Patient should go to physician and ask him to prepare a new diet chart with little bit of changes suiting his travel schedule. If traveling to a hot destination then certain arrangements should be made to keep insulin cool.
    • Patient should regularly check his blood glucose level because while traveling pressure is exerted on the body.
    • While traveling, new shoes should not be worn as there may be risk of shoe bite or formation of wound in foot. This can be very harmful for diabetic patients.

    Eating Outside:-

    Usually, people are fond of eating outside. But, diabetic patients should take care while eating outside and should not consume sweets in large amount as it might increase their blood sugar level. At the same time, should not consume food containing excess of salt. For eating outside, following precautions have to be followed:-

    • While eating outside, diabetic patients should stick to their diet chart as much as possible.
    • Outside food should be eaten in less amount only.
    • While eating out, excessive amount of salad, liquid foods and green vegetables should be eaten more.
    • Food prepared with butter, ghee, cream etc..... should be eaten in very less amount.

    Apart from all these precautions, it is very essential that diabetic patients should keep themselves away from alcohol. Sometimes, due to intake of medications, sugar level in the blood decreases. In such conditions, patient may become unconscious. When patient feels dizziness or experiences symptoms of unconsciousness then he should be immediately given glucose, chocolate or other sweet products. Patient should always keep with him some sweet products and should consult his doctor regularly.

    Diabetes is closely associated with emotions. If patient has good mental health then diabetes imparts less effects on him. Thus, it is essential that diabetic patients keep themselves free from emotions, tension, anger etc..... By following these precautions, diabetic patients can live a better life.


    1. A diabetic man should not marry a diabetic woman. If mother and father both are diabetics, child may also suffer from diabetes. Before marriage, one should know whether bride or groom's family has a diabetic history.
    2. Fat or over weight people mostly suffer from diabetes. So, every one should be fit and not fat. For this, one should eat balanced nutritious diet which is fat free. One should include green vegetables and fruits in their diet. One should consume less amount of oil in their food.
    3. It is duty of parents to make sure their children have good food habits. Sweet and cold food items should be given in less amount to their children.
    4. Chocolates, ice-creams, sweets etc..... must be eaten in less amount.
    5. Every one should follow a good exercise regime, and regularly perform yoga. Physical work keeps body far away from risk of diabetes.
    6. Walking is good for everyone's health. By walking, blood circulates properly. Thus, there will be less risk of diabetes and blood pressure.
    7. Healthy person should eat bitter gourd and all green vegetables which can keep diabetes at bay.
    8. Diabetes can also be caused due to wrong or more consumption of food. Thus, eating habits should be right.
    9. To avoid diabetes, one should not live a lazy and relaxed life.
    10. Drinking, smoking and other addictions like drugs may cause diabetes.
    11. If a mother gives birth to a fat child then the over weight child may also suffer from diabetes.


    1. Patient should not consume food items prepared in ghee and coconut oil in excess. Oily snacks should be avoided.
    2. Sugar, juices, goose berry fruit dipped in sugar syrup, ice-creams and cold drinks should be avoided as much as possible.
    3. Drugs, tea, coffee, cigarettes, tobacco, meat, eggs should be avoided.
    4. One should not avoid food while having insulin or while intake of diabetic control medicines as blood sugar level may decrease all of a sudden.
    5. Blood test and urine test should be done once in 2-3 months. From this, patient becomes alert and careful about his disease.
    6. One should have food eaten many a times in a day in small quantities instead of eating 2 whole meals.
    7. One should avoid potato and rice or consume them in very little amount.
    8. One should not leave insulin all of a sudden. It's dosage should be decreased gradually.
    9. One should take care of hands, limbs, skin and eyes. be tension free and happy. Tension is the way for all diseases.
    10. Diabetic patients should be tension free and live happy. Tension is the root cause of not only diabetes but of all diseases.
    11. Green leafy vegetables, tomato, cucumber, grapes, butter milk, soups etc..... should be consumed by diabetic patients in large amount, as these products are beneficial in diabetes. Milk after boiling should be cooled, cream should be removed from it and without adding sugar should be consumed by diabetic patients.
    12. For sweetness, saccharine can be used. It does not increases blood sugar level and therefore can safely be consumed by diabetic patients.
    13. Fruits can be consumed by them which are less sweet. Also sprouts should be eaten regularly by them.
    14. Diabetic patients should drink more water as it flushes out wastes from body and thereby helps in cleansing.
    15. Studies, jobs, sports etc..... should be carried out carefully.
    16. Diabetic patients should never think themselves disabled and helpless.
    17. They should live life happily and should not become tensed or stressed.
    18. They should be careful while ridding vehicle and playing sports.
    19. One should live life happily and with liveliness. Should be ready to do all sorts of works. Diabetic patient who live life in this way will live for long age.

    By following these steps, one can avoid diabetes and a diabetic patient can live comfortably. Scientists are trying for pancreas transplantation. Today, for diabetic patients by using the technique of bio engineering, artificial insulin is invented. Through balanced food, diabetes is tried to be brought under control. Hope in coming years, diabetes would be cured soon by balanced food.

    Many discoveries are been done in today's world for modern methods of diagnosis of blood sugar and measures are brought into account for its control. In many developed countries, diabetes control association have been formed. Even in our country India, diabetic news magazine is published regularly. Diabetic self care foundation is also set up in India. There are many centers in India in places like Chandigarh, New Delhi, Agra, Lucknow, Madras, Mumbai etc..... which work in favor of diabetic patients.

    Diabetic patients can live happily and for long age by remaining tension free and by following proper nutritious diet along with daily regular walk and exercise regime.

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