Have you ever been told you have an analytical brain? Well its funny when I hear that,because ever brain is analytical. Analysis is something our brain is designed to do.How it functions is a mystery to all of human race.We humans have now become  so acquainted  with the budding gadgets for using less brain power and saving time. Are we doing the wise thing? These min brain prototypes were created inorder to fathom the depth of how our brain works. No one could understand it or match it. Its a gift from above that we fail to realize the beauty of it. Our brain perform millions of processes in a fraction of second.And we call it multitasking in slang without realizing the potential we have.Right now you are reading,processing words in your mind.You also would be hearing some sounds and identifying it at the same time like honking of a vehicle,the fan running,music at the neigbour's a dog barking.You might smell something like food, like  fragrance  ( or something else...lol) So many things at the same time. Constant bombarding of data and synthesis of the same,what magnificient Creator we have for such a flawlwess organ. The brain has two sides that has various functions. The Left brain and the Right brain. There is a simple way to put it down;   Ok Solve this : What would be the next number?   10,20,40,80, ?   And now solve this : All rabbits are faint hearted.Henry is a rabbit. Heny is therefore ____________?   If you've answered 160 for the first question ,you are correct.And if you have answered that Henry is therefore fainthearted for the second question becasue he is a rabbit,You are bang on again. Be assured your left brain is working well.The logical part of the brain that is designed to identify patterns in specific data and use information to synthesize the solution.The first question is called inductive reasoning as data is specific while the second is called deductive logic where you have to deduce the result from the two different or general data given. Also if you see two images in the pattern mention in the article,be assured your right brain is also doing a great job.Its main function is to recognize images and give a holistic view. So the next time someone says you are not analytical,please let them know that you are very very capable of analysis. Also do throw a few interesting facts to their face as well: Did you know that your right brain controls your left part of the body and left brain controls the right. So if you are a left handed person,your right brain is pretty dominant,you also might be very creative. Interestingly, A person with a well developed right brain, looks at a holistic picture,but if your left brain is more dominant,you look at minute details and miss the bigger view. If your left brain is dominant,you will notice you learn languages quicker.SO the next time you see a person speaking more than 3 languages,let him know which part of the brain works most. Hope you've learnt something reading this.Hope you understand you are as analytical as anyone else and that your brain is priceless and unmatched,please don't undermine your potential if someone called you a dud. All the very best and keep practicing to develop your skills.                

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