On plants, flowers and trees

Their symbolic value

The branch of an olive tree is used as a symbol of peace.

A wreath of laurel is symbol of honor or acclaim.

The lily flower is symbol of purity.

To the Chinese, the apple blossom is a symbol of peace and beauty.

The lotus is the national flowers of India.

The emblem of Ireland is the shamrock.

The rosemary is a symbol of remembrance.

The ivy is a symbol of everlasting life.

The holly is a symbol of goodwill and joy. It is used as a decoration at Christmas. The Peepal or bo tree is scared to both Hindus and Buddhists. Sitting under this tree, Buddha gained enlightenment.

A Tulasi and Margo tree is Hindus goddess (devotee).


Some flowers are used as spices. Clovers are dried flowers buds. Saffron is actually the stigma of crocus; almost a quarter million flowers are needed to make one pound of this spice.

Some flowers buds such as those of cauliflowers, broccoli and globe artichoke are eaten as vegetables.

It is believed that the first Mughal Emperor, Babur, brought the rose plant to India.

Three people who always had Rose flower with them were, Mughal emperor Akbar, the first prime minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru and former president of India Giani Zail Singh.

If some told you tat `life is not a bed of roses,’ he would be telling you that in life, people have problems and difficulties. Life is not easy!

All flowers do not have brightly-colored petals. Grasses have no petals at all.

The flower of dandelion close up at night and opens up during the day!

A flower is  for a love gift.

Plant garden is very beautiful to the house

More uses from the trees. Green trees and color flowers are fine nature, to look very beautiful. Trees give us Fresh air, fruits, wood and Shadow. Some Plant flowers give us scented smell. Some plant Leaves and roots are using for make medicine.

Don’t cut trees and grow more plants.



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