`Boys, I want you to take these ten questions for home work. I will look at your answer on Monday,’ said the teacher.

One of the boys, Gopal, went home and started to do his homework. He wrote down the answers to nine questions. But he did not know the answer to the tenth question. He tried and tried did not know the answer to the tenth question. He tried and tried but it was no use- he could not do it.

Then Gopal had an idea. He knew a boy who was in a higher class. So he went to him and asked for help. The older boy helped him.

On Monday, the teacher corrected the homework. Only one boy had all ten answer co0rrect –Gopal. The teacher was very happy. `You are a very good boy. Here is a prize for you excellent work.’

`But, sir,’ said Gopal, ` I don’t deserve the prize.’

`Why?’ the teacher was puzzled.

`Sir,’ continued Gopal, ` did not do it all myself. I asked a friend to help me with the last question’. His face was pale and is voice trembled.

The teacher looked t Gopal for a minute without speaking. Then he smiled broadly. He patted the boy on the shoulder and said, `The prize is still yours, Gopal. Only, now it is a prize for honesty. I am very proud of you, my boy.’

The boy was Gopal Krishna Gokhale. He grew up to be a very wise man, a great leader and a freedom fighter. Everybody respected him- the Indian people as well as the British who ruled ndia at that time. Even Mahatma Gandhi asked Gokhale or advice.

*justice Ranade was an advocate of Hindu –Muslim unity and said that could not progress until the Hindus and the Muslims united. Gopal Krishna Gokhale, whom Mahatma Gandhi regarded as his guru, was also a member of the Samaj. He founded the `servants of India society’.

*deserve: to deserve something is to get something because you have acted in a particular way

• The world has many great leaders who are great in their own special ways.

• Some leaders used the wonders of science to improve our daily lives.

• Some leaders spoke of quality of all men, goodness and love for others.

• Others were against cruel social customs and unkind practices against women.

• We remember great personalities with respect and honor.



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