
There are many living things around us. But there are also some small living organisms which are found everywhere, like in water, air and soil. They are also present in our body. We are not able to see them with our naked eyes. They cab be seen through microscope. Such organisms are called microbes.

Few are useful to us whereas others are harmful. They can also cause disease. They are known as germs. Microbes are of four types, namely bacteria, fungi, protozoa and various.


Bacteria are the most abundant living thing on this earth. Its body contains only one cell. They are of different shapes.

Diseases like typhoid, pneumonia, tuberculosis are caused by harmful bacteria. Tooth decay is also caused by bacteria. Some useful bacteria play important role in the process of decaying of the dead plants and animals.

Bacteria help in converting milk into curd. Vinegar, yoga hurt and beer are some other examples.


They are single celled organisms. They are found in wet places. Diseases like malaria and dysentery are caused by these organisms.


They are the smallest microbes. They reproduce in cells of other living organisms. They usually destroy cells. They can cause diseases like common cold, influenza, measles, mumps and folic.


Fungi are found on dead and rotten things. Skin problems and dandruff occur mostly due to fungi. Some fungi like yeast are used for making bread and wine.

Illness from bacteria and various

* Leg skin disease caused by fungus infection.

*And other diseases caused by bacteria and various.

Files spread diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid; cholera etc. in diarrhea, a person passes watery stools many times a day. He losses water and from the body and suffers from dehydration.

The water containing germs is called contaminated water. The water free from germs and impurities is called safe water. Contaminated water should be avoided as it spreads May diseases.




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