We pride ourselves for keeping our houses clean, yet we do not hesitate to dirty our surroundings with our domestic refuse. Our saints, seers and holy books have taught us lessons about the importance of keeping clean. But we have repeatedly ignored such teachings. Even the tragedy of plague has not awakened us.

Cleanliness is the most important way to prevent diseases. As the cleanliness of the house is necessary, similarly cleanliness of soundings is also necessary.

If a person defecates, urinates or spits in an open place, the passers by might step on it. Small children might play with it unknowingly. Files might sit on it. Then they might sit on the exposed food. It can cause diseases such as diarrhea and cholera.

To prevent the spread of disease, we should have proper toilets with flush system in our houses. This system keeps the toilets clean and free from piles, and foul smell. Urine and stool should never be passed near source of drinking water.

If we throw garbage in the open, then flies and mosquitoes sit on it and spread germs.

For disposing garbage we should not throw garbage here and there. Dustbin should be emptied at proper places, made for the purpose by the municipal committees. In rural areas, we can use a compost pit for disposing garbage. The garbage of the house should be put in a dustbin and then put in the compost pit. The opening of the pit should be kept covered. After a few months garbage will decay. Then this can be used as manure in the field.

Polluted water of the houses should not be allowed to flow into the open space outside. For this, drains should be built and covered. Waste water can be used in the kitchen garden. Disposing waste water for a `soak pit’ can be made.

So, we should keep our surroundings clean.




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