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Posted by in General. Created on 13 years ago.
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1act of predicting one's fortune by lines of hand
2a small case containing a reel of magnetic tape or film
3La Marseillaise is the national anthem of which country?
4kingdom of King Vishal
5The recent theraphy suggested by doctors and health-care professionals to lower blood pressure?
6A term formed by adding 'ab' before a word which is mathematical word used to refer for a number/quantity who square root is irrational and further cannot be simplified.
8eskimo hut
1Only Poisonous snake of Britain
2the main artery carrying blood from heart
3National Congress is the parliament of
4Term used for tailless
5The expression to show happiness?
6make sure
7a burst of light
8Frozen water molecules
9public slaughter house
10habituate onself to
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