
  • Saudi Arabia is a large country that occupies almost the entire Arabian Peninsula. It is also the only country in the world named after a dynasty. Saudi Arabia is ruled by the Saudi dynasty, which is also supposed to be the guardian and the custodian of the two most Holy  Shrines in Islam,

  • World Economic Forum has selected India as one of other places for Fourth Industrial Revolution. Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra government are pairing up with WEF to bring some revolution in field of drones, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies. We all hope that this development

  • In 1947, the Indian National Congress Party opted for a secular republic in preference to a Hindu Rashtra. The Congress party was then headed by 2 leaders Nehru and Gandhi who wanted to win over the Muslims. Gandhi in particular had a great desire to be a mascot for Muslims as well and was thus

  • In a recent incident involving Sentenalese tribe, an American national was killed by the tribe with arrows since he tried to enter their area. It is said that Sentenalese people like to live alone in reclusion. They kill any one who tries to enter their area. They also speak a language which

  • The Senior actor Balakrishna's controversal lines at an audio launch stage. and later he covered saying it is related to the movie. ...

  • If we have to learn how to trade in Share Market what are the indicators one should look into, is it the Financial Statements of quarter end or is it the meetings results or what else are the considerations for deciding investment and switching...?


    we are seeing nepotism from ancient period ,the son of king will be the next king or the son of any post holder will be the next holder and its still continuing in modern times . there are many examples of nepotism in our modern

  • After the surgical attacks by the army... There have been few people who insist that India completely cut off its pakistani ties and send back all its people...including actors businessman etc.... Recently Karan Johar n mahesh Bhatt have opposed ths view.

    So whats your take on it?

  • Even though it is prohibited  in India to take dowry in marriage, this practice is continuing openly. Many people argue that when a girl can ask alimony for divorce then why can't people ask dowry. So the people who take dowry say the reason to have financial stability dowry is justified.

  • After the common cold, the next thing,but the best thing that catches us quickly is a smile. A comic show on the telly, a baby that gives us a drooling smile in the train, an empathetic stranger in a long winding queue, anything makes you smile as a rejoinder.

    Reading the facial

  • Indian Cinema started off by creating awareness amongst people about the evils such as caste system, dowry system and zamindari system for example. It helped in great extent to broaden the mindset of people. Many movies also played important role in educating about the rich history of India and

  • Being spiritual or religious is same or different things? Are you religious or spiritual ? What you consider yourself?

  • 29405

    Life is full of ups and downs. It is never a straight line and the same applies to the life of the superstar Sridevi. The death of this actress has shocked the nation and there is no doubt that most of the people

  • Joseph Stalin was the president of the Communist Party, also referred to as the first secretary of the Russian Communist Party and the supreme ruler of Russia from 1924 to 1953. Stalin died of a brain stroke and people around him were so scared to touch him that he was taken to hospital very

  • A lot of media attention is being given to the Statue of Unity which is the Statue of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel which was inaugurated in Gujarat state. This is the tallest statue in the world. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel was also known as Iron Man. The total cost of this statue is around 3000

  • Its in news that lakhs of towels, bedsheets and blankets are being stolen or taken away by passenger of Indian Railwaysfue to which Indian railways are incurring huge losses. The sad part is that none of the railway employees tries to stop passengers from taking towel and blankets, what they

  •          STORMS IN OUR LIFE    

    There is nobody in the world who does not have problems in his life,even a priest remains worried about his connection with God,when we got struck in a problem,at that moment we think it's the end of the story,we

  • Does Success ride on the back of Uncertainty ? There is no definite answer for this - May be or May not. Then what is Success. It can be answered in many different ways, all answers are co-related to the context. So no point in giving any definition of Success. Just highlight how Success and

  • Today is 2nd October which is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti across India. Do you think that the Swachh Bharat Mission launched by Modi government has been successful in creating a clean and open-defacation free India ?

  • Why all our movies are same?

    I am not a critic or an avid viewer of movies who is very eager or go in details of every movie that gets released on Fridays. In fact, the paucity of ideas in film makers is one of the main reasons
