Questions [Latest Questions]

  • Sequels best than the first part

    Similar to Hollywood, it's a new trend in Bollywood to do sequels. Don, Krish, Hera Pheri, Dhoom, Munnabhai, Jolly LLB, Murder, Tanu Weds Manu, Once upon a time in Mumbai,...
  • Relatively lesser known Music composers of yesteryears ..

    While everyone knows about the top composers of yesteryears like Naushad, SD Burman, SJ, RdB, Salil Chaudhary etc there were many others who were equally talented and gave...
  • Your favourite songs of this Bollywood trio featured which actors

    Mukesh, Rafi and Kishore. Mukesh's voice was mostly associated with Raj Kapoor, Rafi with Shammi and Rajendra Kumar and Kishore with Rajesh Khanna. Your favourite songs of this...
  • Your favourite Lata and Asha songs featured which actresses?

    Definitely Asha and Lata - the great two pillars of Bollywood music. Let me ask one simple question. Your most favourite songs of Mangeshkar sisters featured which actresses?...
  • Favorite songs of actress Helen

    Helen is one dancer/actress probably loved by all ..She has had some of the most melodious songs picturised on her. Although Asha Bhosle was known as her voice , Lata too has...
  • A talent you would love to have...

    All persons have talents, may be one or many. Writing, drawing, dancing, singing, acting etc...... It's true a person can never have all talents. I don't know drawing, though I...
  • Movies which gave you nostalgic feeling in the recent times

    In the recent times, Malayalam movies have realized the need to go back to glorious yesterdays, and many movies are made based on this subject. When I tried to choose a few best...
  • What's the biggest failure in one's life?

    Is it failure to achieve the biggest dream of one's life? Or failure in relationships or anything else? How will you define it?
  • Who would you choose as co-star?

    It's only a humour question. If you are given an option to star in a Bollywood or regional film in a lead role. Who would you choose as your co-star (of opposite sex)? You can...
  • India fails again in international beauty peagants

    During the period 1994-2000 India marked its name in the world map of fashion industry with two Miss Universe, three Miss World, One Acia Pacific and a few more. In the past 16...
  • Films promoting regional dialects to earn big at box office

    Earlier in the 1990s, different dialects of Tamil have been successfully used in Tamil cinema (in a serious mode, and not for creating comedy scenes), mostly to show movies based...
  • Definition of monsoon in poetric or philosophical thought....

    Monsoon (or simply rain) - I like rainy season most. Nature refreshes itself and looks most beautiful soon after rain. If you carry a poet or poetess in your mind, how will you...
  • Do you judge people?

    If we live in a society, it's not easy to stay isolated. We communicate with people, and based on the experiences we judge people, basically it's human trait. But it's possible...
  • Your favourite ISL Football team

    I am not an ardent fan of football, and not aware of players associated with each team. But ever since Kerala Blasters started performing, after a few early setbacks, I started...
  • Living with expectations or????

    It's true, a few expectations keep every human life going. But at several occasions, situations push him to dilemma. His mind will be confused and events prompt him to live in...
  • If you write a novel or direct a movie

    Life can change at any moment of time, and you can write a book or direct a movie as well. I am sure, at least a few of you dream to write a book. Just imagine, If you write a...
  • A word on your favourite toy during childhood days

    In the recent movie I watched - Hello Zindagi, it's mentioned about the favourite toy of childhood. During the summer vacation after standard 2, my aunt presented me a beautiful...
  • Favourite day of the week and favourite month of the year?

    I like weekends most. I can stay awake still late nights and sleep till 10 am or 11 on Saturdays and Sundays (holiday for my daughter). Among all months, I like Onam month most...
  • Micro chip instead of mobile

    I often imagine, in future, micro chips placed inside wrists may replace mobiles. Nowadays, men spent most of his time with mobiles, and it's associated with profession also. So...
  • Freedom after Marriage

    Question 1: Both men and women complain the same thing - I lost my freedom after marriage. What do you think about it? Who is correct and who is wrong? Who enjoys more...

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