What is Constipation?

Constipation is a condition in which the peristaltic movement of the intestines is paralysed and the faecal matter accumulates, bowels  do not move properly and fully causing frequent ineffectual desire for stool, makes one to got to toilet many times, do not feel comfortable and do not feel like eating anything. If eats keeps on feeling all the time heavy. Constipation exists if there is not a normal evacuation of the bowels at least once daily. Such a condition is deterimental to health and should not be neglected.

Why Majority Of People Are Constipated These Days?

Constipation has no independent indentity as a disease. It is man's own creation. With the advancement of civilisation, artificiality in our life style has tremendously increased and our young generation have become slave to style and fashion, devote less time to their digestive system and physical health. A very large percentage is also indulging in devastating habits of smoking, sedentary life, devoid of fresh air, less physical work, playing of cards after dinner till early hours of morning, taking frequent cups of tea or coffee, too much T.V. addiction, eating fried foods and eating food in wrong combination.

Our life today is tension ridden it is full of passion, hurry and worry, leaves us little or no time to take care of health.

That is the reason why digestive disturbance is one of the most common complaints and constipation is an increasing health problem these days.

To correct the condition when a man starts using laxatives or purgatives, he develops the habit of it. He suffers more and more and ultimately becomes a chronic case of constipation. He exerts great straining at the time of passing stool, which habit is quiet common these days, but it is quite bad for health. This habit leads to the creation of the disease of prostatitis which is the most common cause of paralysing a man's erectile response. This disease is very common these days and persons in the age group of 20 to 40 years usually suffer from this disease. Because youngmen of the present day indiscriminately imitate the West for their own ruin.

In fact this habit starts from childhood when school going children rush off to their schools without allowing adequate time for their bowels to move and suffer from constipation.

I found some peoples give laxatives to their children to remove constipation. Wrong habit formed at this stage will stay for life. Before using laxatives or purgatives, an unnatural method of removing constipation, you must know that unless the cause is removed, how the child can maintain good health, energy and yothfulness. He cannot be healthy unless his body is supported by open arteries and infection-free lungs and kidneys. Moreover, purgatives create heat in the body. On the basis of my experience of over 40 years and research on constipation, I am of the view that laxatives or purgatives on no acccount be used. It is wrong to believe that occassional purgatives are conducive to health. Always try Homeopathic natural way of treatment which removes the cause and bowel habit becomes normal.

I am deeply interested that you become healthy and live a life full of pleasure and happiness. Become your own physician. Medicines and doctors only help the nature in its recuperative work. If you are young take steps to protect yourself from the hazards of constipation and you can improve your health potential. You will remain sexually healthy, quite fit and normal. You can retain youthful, vigour and vitality and you will grow old without being physically and mentally weak, diseased or depressed.

Parents who want their children to grow into healthy adults, then the most important fact which needs their attention is that the child goes to school after proper evacuation of bowels.

it is at this stage that a sound foundation can be laid for living a healthful and energetic youthful life.

So then, the way to physcial strength and mental vigour is built on the foundation of sound health. Internal cleanliness comes foremost. Health is wealth. Without good health, even a rich man cannot eat well, sleep well, thnik well and enjoy his life well. Internal Insanitation is the basic cause of diseases.

How to Remove Constipation?

Next to exercise and fresh air, diet plays the chief part in the body building programme.

What you eat makes a lot of difference to your overall personality, health, vigour and vitality. So you must take extreme care in selecting your daily diet,

The nurative, laxative and aphrodisiac value of the following vegeatbles and fruits will show how absolutely necessary they are to our system. These inexpensive and easily available items must find a place in your daily diet.


It has a very cooling and refreshing effect. It contains oil, starch and is rich in mineral salts and is nutritious. Oil from the seeds is cooling, diuretie and strenthening.

The cucmuber is a dependable laxative. It supplies bulk to aid bowel action. Those who suffer from constipation can be greatly benefitted by taking two cucumbers a day.


The carrot is a valuable source of vitamin A. It also abounds in Vitamins B, C, D, E and minerals like potassium.

Its fibrous content aids proper bowel movement, thereby relieving constipation. If taken regularly, the raw carrot or its juice helps build up resistance of the body against infections, soothes the nerves and tones up the liver. The regular consumption of carrots purifies the blood, thereby clearing up the skin and helping to bring on the healthy glow.


This green, leafy begetable is full of vitamins and minerals. It has nutritive value and rich in iron, the haemoglobin content in the blood is improved by its intake, hence it is very beneficial to anaemic people. it is beneficial for digestion too.


It is good for heart as it regulates the cholestrol level in blood. Eating raw onions with meals makes digestion easier. It is rich in calcium and vitamin C.


The daily intake of bitter gourd helps remove defective metabolism and also builds up resistance against diseases. It tones up the liver and digective tract.


Its high percentage of fibre content helps easy bowel movement. The leaves of radish are a very rich source of potassium and vitamins A&C andn hence more nutritious than radish itself.


Raw Tomato is a rich source of citric and oxalic acids. it is considered to be a blood purifier. it is the richest of all natural foods in vitamin A & C.


This fruit is very useful in curing constipation, indigestion and bile problems. Intestinal worms are also destroyed by it. Cooked papaya is extremely helpful in trating stomach disorders.

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