Following are some tips you can use to get acquarate & quick result from Google

#To get defintion of any word

TYPE : define:computer

#  Do You know you can use Google search as a Calculator?

TYPE : 2^10 + 7*98 + 500%13 Or  3/9-4(sqrt 20)^3=

# Want to know the currency of country like Dubai, type

TYPE : currency of Dubai

# Want to do Currency conversion then type

TYPE : usd to inr     OR
100 usd to pounds

# Weight conversions type

TYPE : kg to lb        OR
5 kg to gram

# To know how many seconds are  in a week or Year etc

TYPE : seconds in a week OR
seconds in a year

# Want to know the time in Mumbai or New York  then type

TYPE : Time Mumbai or What time is it in New York

# Want to know the weather condition of any city

TYPE : weather Mumbai

# If you want to search not only for your search term but also for its synonyms, place the tilde sign (~) immediately in front of your search term.

TYPE : ~fast food

# Looking for MAP

TYPE : Map Maharashtra

 # Spell Checking, To check spelling, just type the word & google will prompt you for correct spelling.

TYPE : Discipline

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