Like spring cleaning our home, our system too needs to be spring cleaned every now and then to keep it fit, healthy and ticking away. A mild detoxification regime helps tune up our body and cleanse the internal systems to remove toxin build ups. Start by making a list of what you eat and what according to you is not healthy and may be the cause of some minor ailment that causes you worry now and then. Now think of ways to substitute that particular food with something else which according to you is healthier, and add more water and liquids into your diet and you are on your way to detoxifying your system and also on your way to better health !



What does detox mean? and why should we detox ?

To lose excess weight - No doubt that our body has its own natural healing system to get rid of chemicals that is not wanted, but sometimes when there is an overload, the excess amount gets deposited in various parts of our digestive system. Detoxification enhances the functions of these systems enabling them to tackle waste better and absorb nutrients more effectively. It is like giving your system a thorough spring clean. There is a direct link between our weight gain and body toxicity. It is actually a vicious circle - the body stores excess toxins in our fat cells and as the body grows more toxic, more fat is produced to store the additional toxins. According to health experts, in a way this is our body's way of protecting the organs from being damaged by the toxins. By detoxifying we can definitely lose all those unnecessary kilos as well.

To Ease headaches – Food additives, sugar, alcohol, constipation, hormonal imbalance and exposure to pollution are all causes of headaches. These can often be relieved by detoxification. In fact, alternate health practitioners say it can also help relieve arthritis, back ache and joint pains.

Detox does not have to mean a punishing diet nor any boring health program. The main aim here is to help the body rid of its toxins that may have accumulated because of excesses in food, drink and other lifestyle abuses. The good and convenient thing is that one can do it at one’s own pace , you don’t need to subscribe to a strict diet regime - all that is required is to make some small changes and you will feel and see the difference in 3-4 weeks time.

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The Golden Rules for detoxification

When we start on our detoxification program we need to remember that it is important to do the right things to get the maximum benefits out of it. So it is essential to follow certain time tested golden rules which come in handy.

Add Antioxidants into your diet

The right way of building up our system is to build up the reserves of antioxidants and the right way of detoxifying is by increasing the body’s supply of antioxidants, with Vitamin E and A, Beta carotene and minerals. These help the body get rid of free radicals (that are normally formed due to oxidation reactions within our body, and may damage the cells and tissues ) that make you feel unhealthy and fatigued and in the long run may make you lead to heart problems among other complications. Although antioxidants can be had as supplements it is best to get them through natural foods.

Go low on fat

All the fat filled food that we eat is processed by the liver and this process takes energy away from the regular detoxification work that the organs perform. Basically the function of the liver is to transform the toxins into water soluble substances so that they may be sent out through the bowel and the kidney. So when we are eating fried food and too much and too often the liver may not be able to cope. Switching to a low fat diet gives the liver a much needed break, So to begin with stop eating fried foods during this period of detoxification , better still continue this trend even after you are through with your detox.

Cut down on Non vegetarian food

Meat is relatively more difficult to digest since it requires the help of several enzymes . Simply by cutting down on your meat consumption you will be able to raise your detoxification quotient. If and when your protein intake goes beyond thirty percent of your daily caloric in-take , it may in the long run , build up toxic ketones in the body. This results in weakness and dizziness and over a period of time will strain your kidneys and liver.

Keep a close watch on your liquid diet

Many people have the habit of gulping down endless cups of coffee or soft drinks. Give your liver a rest by cutting down on those endless cups coffee and soft drinks. However, don’t stop dead bolt but taper off to avoid any kind of withdrawal symptoms like headache or lack of concentration. Change over to healthier drinks like green tea since it contains just a fraction of the caffeine that black tea and coffee has. Plus, green tea is loaded with anti oxidants and is a great detoxifier. Have 7-10 glasses of water each day (don’t overdo this since the essential minerals and salts may get washed away). Water helps your body function well and is a good detox element that helps dilute toxins and waste products, allowing for easy drainage from the body. It also regulates the body temperature and helps clear the excessive fat from the blood stream. Drinking lots of diluted lime juice spiked with honey or a concoction made by boiling a teaspoon each of cumin(jeera), Coriander(dhania) and Fennel(saunf) in a liter of water, strained , helps in cleansing the system.

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 Detox plan

Don’t take any extreme steps when following detox plans. It is advisable to steer clear of water fasts, juice fasts , combination water – juice fasts and also excessive use of laxatives to clean out your digestive system. One has to remember that our body requires and needs nutrients and energy, especially Vitamin B.

1 Choose organic foods – These are free of pesticides, synthetic fertilisers , growth hormones and genetically engineered substances and that means a whole lot less toxins in your system. Have less spices in your daily diet especially chilies and gharam masala both of which are very strong.

2, Trim fat off your diet – You can swap your daily diet of full fat milk to low fat and have more yogurt instead of cheese or if you must go for low fat cheese. While cooking vegetables use less oil and also totally cut down on fried food. Using a non stick pan is a good idea to cut down on your daily oil consumption. A little goes a long way –Just cutting down the quantity of oil by half each time you make a dish ensures that you are making some healthy changes in your diet without compromising on the taste

3, Switch to Baking, Grilling and Microwave cooking – All these methods of cooking ensure that you use up less oil and fat in your daily diet .Cutting down on fats and oils is the most important step while detoxifying our system.

4, Snack on walnuts, almonds and have cereals for breakfast with milk, honey and fruits. Add lime juice into your salads since citric acid cleanses your system and strengthens your liver.

5, Drink plenty of water all through the day. Starting your day with a glass of lime juice or a citrus fruit has many health benefits. Liquidise two tomatoes with a grated carrot and any other fruit of your choice , add some honey and a dash of salt and have this for breakfast or when you feel the hunger pangs.

6, Eating fiber is good for our system. Try to include Brown rice, whole wheat, oats as well as plenty of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Try to eat as much raw vegetable as possible. All the time of course, not forgetting to drink lots of water.

7, Include lots of green leafy vegetables, in fact having a soup made with vegetables , greens, Potatoes and a hand full of pasta is an ideal detox diet since it takes care of all the dietary requirements without adding too many calories at the same time keeping your system clean.

8, Go easy on non vegetarian food especially heavy red meat. Chicken and fish is a better option and if you must have cut down the intake and have meat no more than twice a week. Instead, including more pulses and dairy products is much healthier.

9, Keep eating snacks like nuts, fruits, brown bread with a low fat spread, vegetable and clear soups witha slice of dry toast or pasta with vegetables or a mini meal every three hours instead of having 3 heavy meals with long intervals.If by chance yu are unable to have a proper snack drink two or three glasses of water.

When you begin to eat less salt, less oil and less sweet for a while, your taste buds get conditioned to the taste and you may enjoy the taste even better than the greasy, spicy and syrupy stuff you were eating and enjoying before you went on your detox diet !

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