Everyone is busy with their daily activities and merely concentrate on nutrient-rich food that are easy to prepare or can be consumed directly. But is the ready-to-eat food really nutritious? No. Thus, it is time to make a leap and catch some superfoods that can give energy and nutritional benefits for your body and also value for your bucks. These superfoods reduce inflammation, chronic diseases like blood pressure and diabetics, which are common health problems now-a-days. In addition, they can boost energy and mood; provide healthy skin and eye-sight too.  So, what exactly the term “Superfood” stands for? Do they include crunchy granolas, energy bars or macrobiotic diet food? No. Superfood is just the normal highly nutrient-rich food available in local food market or stores and in fact includes fruits, veggies and whole grains etc. Sneaking these superfoods into daily diet may not need much effort and is relatively easy to prepare. The more you include them in diet the more you can get rid of unhealthy refined and processed food. Here are some for the readily available basic superfoods with abundant nutrients for healthy lifestyle:


This superfood also known as legumes comes in the vegetable category. It has good sources of fiber and proteins needed for staying fit.  Beans have 2 to 4 times more proteins compared to grains and each 100 grams serve contains 5 to 8.6 grams of fiber also called as oligosaccharides. Diet rich in beans can provide various health benefits such as: 

  1. Lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
  2. Controls blood glucose and reduces risks of diabetics 
  3. Regulates colon and prevents problems like constipation and other bowel problems
  4. Presence of “Isoflavones” helps in preventing various types of cancer and heart problems
  5. Antioxidant rich properties helps in reducing inflammations and boosts energy 

There are almost 14,000 types of beans and to get full benefits of this nutrient rich food, you can combine them with other foods like rice, corn, nuts, wheat and seeds or can be consumed alone. However, in food stores we can buy canned beans that are easy to prepare and consume. But while cooking or consuming such type of food should be rinsed thoroughly to eliminate the excess sodium.  


320px-End of Summer Tomatoes

This rich red colored superfood comes in the category of fruits. Its red color indicates the presence of a carotenoid pigment known as “Lycopene” that provide various health benefits too. There are various types of tomatoes but red tomatoes are used mostly all over world. In addition to lycopene, tomatoes contain other nutrients such as vitamin C, E, A and K, fiber, iron, minerals, proteins and water. If this superfood is including in your diet then the following health benefits can be obtained:

  1. Presence of lycopene prevents risk of osteoporosis and other bone problems
  2. Helps to improve skin’s glow by protecting it from harmful sun rays
  3. Reduces the risks of heart problems and type2 diabetics
  4. Decreases the risks of various types of cancers and health problems like urinary tract symptoms (BPH)
  5. Lowers total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and improves heart health 

Tomatoes are consumed in various ways especially they are used in sauces, soups, stews, salads and recipes. It is also taken in juice form and its puree adds good taste to most of the cuisines. Healthy pickles are also made with this delicious and acidic fruit. It is used for skin nourishment in facials and is a good UV protector.


Tasty and nutritious berries are powerhouse of antioxidants and contain vitamins, minerals and fiber. They are low in calories and rich in nutrients recommended for daily dietary needs. Blackberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are some of the common types of berries. However, there are other berries with alike nutritious values such as gooseberries, bilberries, currants, loganberries and lingonberries. The diet that includes berries has various health benefits such as:

  1. Improves immune system functionality
  2. Presence of “Phytochemicals” and “Flavonoids” prevents various types of cancer
  3. Prevents bladder infections and other bladder problems
  4. Improves eye-sight and hydrates the skin

There are wide varieties of berries available in market and they come in fresh, dried, canned or frozen form. Due to the sweet tart taste they are easy to serve as topping on some desserts or snacks. To increase the nutritional value they can be combined with various recipes. Sprinkle them on salad or add them to oatmeal or healthy whole grain cereals to prepare a low fat breakfast or meal. 

Broccoli and spinach

Green vegetable like broccoli and leafy vegetable like spinach are wealthy foods needed for healthy diet. They are good sources of various nutrients that are recommended for daily dietary needs. Broccoli packs the nutritional punch of various other veggies and is good substitute for those who avoid dairy product. Though one serve of broccoli cannot equal one glass of milk, it has enough calcium that is needed in daily diet. The other nutrients present in broccoli include vitamin C, vitamin A and beta-carotene, fiber and folic acid. Spinach is high in nutrients such as iron, fiber, vitamin B9 or folic acid and antioxidants. It also contains vitamin A especially lutein, vitamin C, E and K, protein, betaine, folate, calcium, zinc, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, niacin, selenium, vitamin B6  and B2, copper and omega-3’s. In addition, it is found that spinach has opioid peptide known as “Rubiscolins”. The health benefits associated with these two superfoods are numerous but some of the common benefits include:

  1. Protects body from free radical and inflammations
  2. Boosts energy and improves bone health
  3. Prevents the risks of heart diseases and various types of cancers
  4. Protects eyes from various age related eye problems such as cataracts

Both of these superfoods can be served fresh, boiled or streamed. They can also be combined together in soups, recipes, salads or topping. Further, they can be served individually with any other veggies, meat, burgers and more in easy way.


This fatty fish is superfood with various essential nutrients especially omega’s and is a popular food classified as oily fish. Some highly found nutrients include vitamin D, B12 and B3, protein, amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains cholesterol in a range of 23-214 mg/100 g based on the type of species and research reports says that farmed salmon are rich sources of dioxins too. If we compared the levels of PCB or polychlorinated biphenyl in farmed and wild salmon, the farmed salmon has eight times more of PCB. Whereas the omega-3 levels in wild salmon is more than farmed salmon. The three types of omega-3 are ALA, EPA and DHA where the DHA and EPA are important for brain function. Some of the health benefits of this superfood include:

  1. Provides support for joint cartilage and controls inflammation of the digestive tract
  2. Lowers blood sugar levels and reduces the risks of diabetics 
  3. Improve memory and functionality of brain
  4. Protect nervous system from problems caused due to ageing

The salmon is available in canned, smoked, grilles and various other forms to consume. Smoked salmon is popular method of consumption and they can be hot and cold smoked. Canned salmon can be skinless or boneless and sometimes with both skin and bones. The best and healthiest way of cooking salmon is by keeping the moisture and tenderness it has without overcooking. 


320px-English Walnuts

This heart healthy superfood can be added in diet as a substitute for high calorie food such as meat bacons and cheese. It contains higher amount of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fiber, magnesium, B vitamins and vitamin E. Glycemic Index or GI is also low that is below 55 and is consider to lower LDL or the bad cholesterol and CPR or C-Reactive protein. However, due to presence of calories in walnuts they cannot be taking excessively but a handful is enough in your daily diet. The health benefits associated with this superfood include:

  1. Helps in reducing various  MetS or Metabolic syndrome related problems
  2. Decreases the bad cholesterol that is main cause of coronary heart disease 
  3. Controls blood sugar and reduces risks of type-2 diabetics
  4. Anti-inflammatory and anti cancer properties

Walnuts are delicious as well as nutritious and hence can be added in recipes for extra nutrition or consumed in natural form along with its skin. They can give crunchy favor to various dishes or if roasted can be used in salads or pasta etc. Cookies and baked food items have some walnuts flavors or toppings. Chopped walnuts can be sprinkled on cereals or cornflake for a healthy breakfast. 

Green and black tea

It is a misconception that tea is just for revitalizing body and mind but they have some healthy components in them that can prevent various ailments. Both of these teas are good sources of antioxidant polyphenols, catechins, thearubigins, theaflavins and flavonols. There is another type of catechin known as “EGCG” in green tea that is most active element in all types of catechins. The antioxidants in these teas are 10 times more when compared to veggies or fruits. Some of the health benefits include:

  1. Helps to boost metabolism and aids in weight loss
  2. Protects from various health aliments including cancer and diabetics 
  3. Prevents bad breath and various problems related to teeth
  4. Detoxify and protects cells from free radicals

Therefore both can be added in daily diet to boost energy and keep away various ailments at bay. With distinctive flavor, color and aromas the two teas are good to taste in any way either by adding milk or even without it. To make the tea more nutritious you can even add honey, milk, ginger and lemon to it. 

 Exotic food items to make your diet further nutritious:

ACAI berries

This inch-long reddish and purple fruit is nature’s best energy fruit and is powerhouse of antioxidants. They are pronounced as ah-Sigh-EE and can be  found in the rainforest of Brazil. Harvested from Acai palm tree they are touted as superfood and few research studies proved them as healthy food for weight loss. With plenty on antioxidant, this fruit also include amino acids, fiber and essential fatty acids needed for healthy body and mind. They contain two powerful antioxidants “Anthocyanins” and “Flavonoids” that defend the body from various stressors. The anthocyanins are the main components responsible for providing the red and purple color to the fruit. It is also observed that the antioxidant power is 10 times more than other fruits, especially red grapes. Here is some health benefits associated with this superfood:

  1. Reduces the risks of heart disease and various types of cancers
  2. Manages high cholesterol and controls the weight 
  3. Detoxifies and improves overall health
  4. Fights against ageing and keeps skin’s natural glow

Acai fruit can be consumed in many forms such as tablets, beverages, juice, energy drinks, smoothies, jelly, desserts or ice-cream. Acai oil is used in skin facials, cosmetics, body creams, conditioners and shampoos. It can also be consumed as unsweetened pulp or powder and can be put on yogurt too. 


320px-Harvested seeds of homegrown Chenopodium quinoa

This superfood pronounced as Keen-wah is a type of seed but looks similar to whole grains and is also cooked alike. It is easy to cook and tasty to eat with benefits of healthy nutrients. They are good sources of proteins, fiber, calcium and various other essential nutrients. In addition, quinoa is considered to be gluten-free, cholesterol-free and is available as organic food certified for kosher households. So it can be a good substitute for rice and salads and is totally a vegan and vegetarian food. The health benefits associated with this whole grain food include:

  1. Lowers cholesterol and glucose levels in the body and reduces risks of the hemorrhoids
  2. Boosts energy and helps in the weight management
  3. Controls hemoglobin levels and keeps red blood cells healthy
  4. Relaxes blood vessels and alleviates various problems caused due to stress of blood vessels
  5. Helps in maintaining strong teeth and bones

Available is various supermarkets this food can be consumed similarly as some rice dishes. They can be used on salads and can be served on vegetable stir fry. The nutritious value can be increase by added them to other healthy vegetables and fruits.    


Originated in South America and harvested from the chai plant, these nutritious seeds are great way to stay healthy and fit. Packed with good nutrients such as antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, dietary fiber and 8 amino acids, they can be good nutritional punch to your diet. It contains 5 times more calcium than in milk, 3 times more Iron than in spinach, twice more potassium than banana and 7 time more vitamin C than in oranges or any other fruits. The omega’s present in this superfood is 8 times more than in salmon. Some of the health benefits include:

  1. Controls blood pressure and blood sugar and keeps away various aliments
  2. Reduces food cravings and blocks calorie absorption for weight management
  3. Prevents inflammation such as arthritis and heart related problems
  4. Hydrates the body and is great solution for athletes to avoid dehydration
  5. Digests well and heals various digestion problems

This superfood is also available in oil form and you can create some tasty and healthy dishes with them. The seeds as well as chia oil can be added to beverages, yogurt, salads and can be sprinkled in cereals or oatmeal. Another dish is chia pudding, which is an energetic food as well as easy to cook. To prepare the seeds can be mixed with coconut or almond milk and then can be flavored with vanilla extract and some berries or fruits. The dish can finally be topped with a cap of chai oil and refrigerated till the mixture takes the pudding form. 

Goji Berries  

Originated and harvested in Himalayas, these berries are considered as nutrient rich food on the earth. They are used in herbal medicines and are vegetarian version of proteins packed food. Also known as wolf berries these orange-red berries harvest from shrubs and are eaten in the hope of achieving longevity. Enriched with antioxidants and other nutrients such as amino acids, vitamin A and C, beta-carotene and B-vitamins, this superfood contains a life extending elements known as “polysacharride”. Some health benefits of this slightly bitter taste fruit include:

  1. Boost immunity and helps the body to fight against various types of illnesses 
  2. Manages the cholesterol levels in the body and reduces risks of heart diseases
  3. Increases brain health and improves mental well being and  fosters good sleep
  4. Prevents age related problems and reduces problems associated with eyes by protecting the vision
  5. Reduces the risks of various types of cancers and inflammations
  6. Increases life span and various weight related problems

This slightly bitter, sweet and herbal scented fruit can be consumed as drink, baked food, snacks or in recipes. They can be used with granolas, energy bars, dark chocolate coated bars or as an substitute of raisins, cranberries and other fruits in dessert or recipes. Dried goji berries are used in medicines, wines, juices and herbal tea. 

Dried wolfberry closeup

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Kale chips

These raw and nutrient rich chips are good alternative for potato chips or other chips. Made from dark leafy green veggies that is alike to spinach these chips are flavored with dressing and then air crisped in low temperature. They are rich sources of beta-carotene and other useful carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxathin. It also contains reasonable quantity of vitamin C and B6, calcium, folic acid, manganese and potassium. The health benefits associated with these nutrients include:

  1. Supports good eyesight and prevents age related eye problems
  2. Prefect for the weigh management and lowers cholesterol levels
  3. Prevents problems such as osteoporosis and improve bone health

This leafy green food can be served as an alternative for high calorie food. Just take them as snacks or consume with rice or other recipes in either way the taste is good.  

Finally, all these superfoods or some of them can be added to your daily diet to stay fit, active and healthy. As most of these foods are good for preventing heart diseases and various types of cancers, it is prudent idea to find them and make them part of your diet. Weight conscious people can also eat these food items as they are good for weight management.  

Image source: Wikipedia 

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