Exercise is good for you

We know the reason of fifty-five million deaths every year in the world for no workouts or proper health programs, almost equal to deaths due to smoking habits. We can take care of such problems by taking proper action to get rid of inactivity by exercising properly as per standards set for a fit and healthy body. Almost everyone agrees to benefits of walking more rather than sitting doing nothing or no physical activities but very few people do any thing to exercise according to fitness experts’ manual, which says an exercise for 150 minutes a week or a rigorous workout for 15 However, this is not so in most cases even the outdoor games which generally help younger generation to maintain their fitness are giving way to online games, younger ones are not exercising properly even for 100 mandatory minutes a week. That is proving fatal as it’s giving them fatal diseases like obesity, diabetes and heart problems in a very young age. Mostly people do not go ahead of planning stage and forget the importance of workout programs maybe the lifestyle is also to blame. 

Our options for proper workouts

Most people would think about a gym while it comes to select a proper workout plan, that is not a bad idea but you have few other options, which can prove as effective for a better fitness. For instance, cycling, jogging, that is some thing in between running and walking or running if you can afford to, considered as good for a healthy body or games like volleyball, football or swimming can help. Most health conscious people in cities have stopped using elevators unless must, walking down to nearby places instead of using a vehicle, better still use of bicycle if possible should make a good difference. 

Walking -

Considered one of the best exercises for a illness-free healthy body needs to be with fast pace to keep heart and breathing up to the limit where a person can feel comfortable and within capacity. This is one of the most common ways to remain fit also necessary especially in our country where possibilities are limited and people likely to suffer ailments related to heart, lungs, diabetes and blood pressure. Therefore, even half an hour of walk at brisk pace is useful to keep weight under control, which ultimately gives wonderful results to keep in shape, blood sugar, cholesterol under control, an absolute guarantee against diseases. 

Skipping ropes-

 Jumping ropes, considered best exercise for whole body fitness and burning calories without spending a penny but this is necessary to keep a right posture during skipping ropes otherwise may become stressful, keep a strict watch on your heartbeats and wear a proper pair of shoes.

Aerobics- Aerobics is a group of exercises to increase intake of oxygen into the body consisting of fast-paced dances, walking, jogging, swimming etc that helps your lungs and heart in good shape and cholesterol and fat levels low. Aerobics also helps keep muscles relaxed and blood pressure under control. Aerobics may prove beneficial for diabetics also if the spend 20 minutes per day followed by 10 minutes of weight practice. Morning time is best for aerobics but you can do it according to your suitable time schedule thrice a week. However, aerobics like other exercises are best done under proper guidance to avoid complications.

Precautions during aerobics- Wear clothes, which allow easy movements, keep initial sessions limited to 20 minutes, increasing up to an hour gradually. You should go for movements you find interesting like cycling, swimming or dancing apt from now in trend ‘water-programs’, a stretching session before aerobics is must to keep your body programmed for exercising session. Avoid aerobics or any other exercise if suffering from viral or breathing problems.



Another way to keep fit and healthy, one should prepare by stretching and relaxing muscles for a few minutes before going for jogging. The best way to jogging is to first land on your paw and then to heel and finally on thumb of the foot, one short step at a time pacing slowly looking in front without closing your fists and walking straight forward. This is best to begin with a jogging session of two-five two, that is two minutes of brisk walk followed by five minutes walk and again two minutes of brisk walk. You can gradually increase it to increase up to twenty minutes of jogging followed by five minutes of walk. Your shoes should be proper according to need of your paw, comfortable clothes and posture right for maximum benefit.


You need no specific equipment any special place or much space to practice yoga. What you need a piece of cloth and an open space where you can sit peacefully. Wear comfortable clothes while practicing yoga postures, which need no shoes but if you wish to wear there is no restriction. One should begin with easy asana suggested by your trainer as breathing properly during postures or asana is most important part of yoga. As usual stretching before yoga is another important aspect to keep your muscles ready for the postures. Yoga practice should be limited to 20-30 minutes in the beginning to be gradually increased to an hour finally. This is advised to repeat a particular posture for maximum thrice in the starting. To end your practice session with Suryasana is considered to give you a complete exercising benefit.          

Precaution and diet 

This is an important point to note that capacity of persons is different according to THR even if a person is healthy. You should calculate ‘Target Heart Rate’ (T.H.R) which is measure of heart rate during exercise especially fast paced like aerobics, running, climbing etc. You can simply measure it by keeping your finger under the neck for 5 seconds and multiplying it by 12 to know per minute beats. Keep it according to your age and physical condition, which should be in between 150 to 200 beats per minute range. The balanced diet makes your exercising benefits far better as most exercises are done on empty stomach but having some liquid like juice or water before your sessions would keep you energized and better prepared for your aerobics practice sessions. You should drink water or juice at least half an hour before your practice session and you can drink in between the aerobic sessions. Take a good nutritious food after thirty minutes of your exercising session keeping a good balance of carbohydrates and proteins. Eat enough green vegetables, fruits, dry fruits etc while avoiding junk foods to gain maximum advantage of your efforts. 

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