Playing sports is not only limited to high performance elite athletes or young people, but every person can and should do some sporting activity according to his/her needs or physical capabilities. Of course prior to going that route, a person should consult a doctor who will determine after your check up and screening what kind of exercise you are able to do or if what we had in mind to make is advisable or not.

Much has been written for athletes or persons eligible for sports, but our intention is to try to encourage those with problems such as obesity and overweight, asthma, diabetes, etc.. I believe that they are not given enough space and that general line of physical education and physical preparation, especially in educational establishments. aimed at people "healthy."

The next step could be the choice of exercise to do in this respect there is great variability, ranging from individual practice outside or in a gym, work in pairs or larger groups. These aspects are pros and cons to be discussed later.

The start of any exercise should be done gradually, i.e., from least to greatest effort to achieve a gradual adjustment of body conditioning the cardio respiratory system, muscles, tendons, ligaments and anyone involved organ with physical exertion.

It's a common mistake to initiate us in the beginning sporty, perhaps at the invitation of a friend, playing paddle tennis or soccer lounge. These high performance sports require a very good physical condition before they call the most not only our joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons but our circulatory system generating countless serious injuries and even death, founded this in each individual possesses in terms mainly on their physical condition and age of optimal training frequency, the frequency of coaching, is the sport that is we must take into account maximum when this type of exercise is where the heart rate anaerobic lay off values (over 170 beats per min.).

But why do we play sports?: Lose weight, well aesthetically, greater physical capacity at a general level, muscle development (hypertrophy), etc, etc, etc.


Moreover, while we look for an answer, I think our goal should be aimed at an improvement of both aerobic and anaerobic endurance. What these terms mean?, Let's see.

* Resistance: is a basic component for sports and is considered generally the most important factor in the physiological preparation and essential in any sport. When the fault resistance resulting from a strong and sustained muscular effort, decrease the other qualities that make the best possible sporting performance: strength, speed or c   oordination reaction time, etc..

* Endurance: the ability to sustain a cyclical stress, and relatively strong rhythmic beyond six minutes. This resistance is commonly known by the name of cardiovascular endurance, cardiorespiratory, organic or general.

* Anaerobic Resistance: the ability to sustain a very strong effort for as long as possible in the presence of an oxygen debt caused by the strong effort and to be paid once you end or slow down sufficiently. It is also known by the name of muscle, local or specified.


Make a small digression to deal with this aspect extremely important and quite overlooked when practicing sports while not holding great secrets.

These are not big brands or huge costs, it is just that type of clothing used mainly comfortable as cotton underwear should be firm and not too tight. But more important, we should give the shoes we use, no doubt with the times, the more expensive items that we face at the time of exercising, especially when protecting our feet, parts of our anatomy fundamental to the development of our daily newspaper.

Without them we could not normally move anywhere, are those that allow us to walk, run, jump, dance, swimming, driving, biking, climbing trees, etc.., We can safely say that the foot is a vital organ for sports and that any alteration in morphology may decrease performance

Its structure allows through its arches (plantar arch and metatarsal arch), distribute the loads and / or your body weight evenly to those parts of their anatomy prepared for this purpose.

As data is sufficient to recall that the accessory stand once downloaded our weight, walking 1.1 times our weight, our weight 2.5 times running and jumping that value rises to 6 times our weight. Therefore the choice of an inappropriate footwear will, no doubt disorders and injuries on the muscle, tendon, ligaments and joints especially in ankles and knees.

Another common mistake is to "wrap" beneath the clothes with a belt in order to achieve greater breathing ability. This, far from being a benefit, is more like a torture, undermining the role of sweat that among other things is to eliminate some of the toxins produced in the physical effort, (and if we have an item on the skin waterproof all we get is that these toxins are recycled back into the interior), in addition to cooling the sweat helps the body at the time that the share of physical work raises its temperature on the muscle, and another key aspect to consider is that comes with dehydration and all damages which it generates in the body, since imbalance across the board to problems of cardiac origin. It hurts to remember that fat deposited in our body (triglycerides) more precisely in adipose tissue and striated muscle is not liquefy, but they are oxidized in the presence of oxygen. When muscles need, free triglycerides in adipose tissue FFA (FFA) that are transported by blood to the muscles where they are oxidized.

There are two main forms of fat for fuel, of which have muscles 1) the blood-borne FFA from adipose tissue and 2) the deposition of triglycerides in striated muscles themselves. So, if we intend to use physical exercise to lose weight we must use those that use aerobic endurance for over 30 minutes, but for this we will have to get used to our body for this effort which I explained that earlier in this article.

Types of Exercise and training:

The development of these physical, aerobic and anaerobic, have a direct impact on the health and welfare of people, as these comply with the physical condition, keeping physically fit and willing for the mechanical activity and work.

A practical example would be to start our exercises including:

1. General refurbishment stage within 2 weeks. Walk with good pace and using the entire foot, i.e. heel soles and fingertips, starting with 15 to 20 minutes and gradually increasing until in the last week 1 hs.

2. At this stage in the next 2 weeks, we began to combine the walk at a steady pace with little jogging such as: 3 to 4 min. walk for 1 min. slow jogging, respecting the technique described above. As the first stage will increase gradually in the trot and diminish the bed to complete 4 to 5 min. jogging for 1 to 2 min, walking to recovery mode.

3. In the 5 to 6 weeks to try jogging 8 to 10 min. of pace and a walk to end recovery mode 3 min.


1. Hydrate before, during and after exercise.

2. Stretch the muscles used in sport, in this case the lower body, it is important to do before and after exercise.

3. Never abruptly stop running after a transfer of jogging, it's heart rate recover 110/120 beats per min. either actively running slowly when training intensity was high or walking where the training was of a medium or low intensity.

4. Learn to control your keystrokes. The sites can take the pulse are:

* In the temple (temporal).

* In the neck.

* Part of the arm (humerus).

* At the wrist (radial).

* Internal part of the fold of the elbow (ulnar)

* In the groin (femoral)

* On the back of the foot (pedal)

* In the left breast (apical)

Recommendations to take the pulse

* Palpate the artery with middle and ring fingers, they do not handle with your thumb, because the pulse of this is more noticeable and confuses him.

* Do not apply excessive pressure, it is difficult to grasp.

* Check the pulse in one minute on a clock seconds (or for example take 15-second pulses. And then multiply that value by two and then back for two.

We recommend the radial pulse when performing exercises. Way to take it:

* Palpate the radial artery, which is located in the wrist, just above the base of the thumb and then apply the procedure explained above.

I also recommend if you find it difficult to find the radial pulse, using the apical (chest):

* Place your middle and ring finger on his left nipple and press lightly

* Then use the counting method explained.

It is very important to control with few clicks initiates the activity and few then repeating the procedure ends at min. again, taking careful note of these data. Since the medium and long term, we will indicate the progress made since a correct, adequate and regular training will recover in less time and hence the corresponding physiological benefits.       Of course the practical implementation of a sport with leads to a change in lifestyle, in regard to eating a better and more appropriate to abandon habits such as smoking and alcohol (or drugs), or at least try to decrease their consumption gradually.  Once we reach a steady jogging pace of 10 to 12 min. week after week try to increase it so you can achieve in 2 months of continuous run time of 15 to 20 min. and so on to bequeath to the 30 min. This is overcome and day after day, and demonstrated that one can do, take the time it takes. Setting the targets is essential, perhaps short-term objectives, for example 3 months, then gradually renew. Do not be guided in their progress compared with those of others, each body is different and therefore reacts at different times, equal work.

It is therefore important when doing any group activity, as is mentioned at the beginning of the article, to consider this and may therefore find companions to express and obtain results in a faster, this is logical that happens, each human being responds to what is called a different somatotype and therefore the results will differ. But the important thing is to continue and persist in the short, medium or long term you will enjoy the benefits of sport, being very important consultation with professionals in the field who guide you through the workout. So far the work is called aerobic where pulsations ranging from 120/130 to 150/160 per min. under normal conditions. There are people with various problems that were handled at a pace that suits your needs, potential physiological function and health status as expressly recommended by your doctor.

This applies to the following formula:

(220-E) - P.B. x coef. + P.B. = O.F.E.

* 220 = maximum heart rate limit.

* E = Age.

* P.B. = Pulse at rest. (Estimated to total body rest, for example before getting out of bed for three days and then averaged.

* Coef. = Coefficient depending on fitness level and that vary in. 0.65, 0.75 and 0.85. Where 0.65 corresponds to the initial level.

* O.F.E. = Optimum Training Frequency, a value that would indicate that we will have  safe heart rate training.


* Age: 38 years

* P.B.: 72.

* Coef.: 0.65.

(220 - 38) - 72 x 0.65 + 72 =

= 182 to 72 x 0.65 + 72 = 144

This is the heart rate (144) with which we work at an early stage of training which will enable us to work in a safer manner. Be clear, this value as we move through the training will be adjusted slowly all see that the coefficient (0.65 / 0.75 / 0.85) will increment as expanding our physical capacity.

The next step is to start with aerobic-anaerobic work for which we have at least basic training 3 to 4 months as such we have been detailing.

As we saw above the anaerobic work is one that precipitates more than 170 beats per min. but unlike aerobic training for this system is reduced to very brief times during the year in general.

During the trot (aerobic) 30/40 min. make tiny incidents of approximately 45 sec. In a total of 3. These incidents are done running sprints at full speed, and before we will have to repeat our frequency control which is placed below the 145/140 beats per minute. As an alternative to pique can climb slopes of 60 to 80 m.

The coach said we can combine or do with mobile or stationary bike or choose to go to a gym and use another type of machine as the tape, climber and multiple devices that combine the work of several muscle groups simultaneously exercise the phase aerobic-anaerobic recommend.

Benefits of aerobic training:

* Improves cardiovascular and respiratory system.

* Heart hypertrophy, which allows the entry of larger volume of blood (diastole) and higher volume in the expulsion of the same (stroke volume).

* Decreases in heart rate at rest and work, as respiratory rate.

* Increases capillary network assets.

* Increases the number of red blood cells.

* Improving the process of hematosis (perfusion, diffusion and ventilation of the alveolar-capillary membrane des within the lungs).

* Enhancing the role of detoxification organs such as kidneys, liver, etc..

* Increases muscle oxygen consumption.

* Reduces subcutaneous fat (as I make clear the aerobic work is main source of energy, fat, fatty acids.) This consumption becomes effective with prolonged aerobic work, about 30 min. onwards.

*improves strength, power and muscle strength.

* Improved speed.

* Improved work capacity of high intensity.

* Improves physical appearance.

* Improve the functioning of the neuromuscular system.

* Improves muscle tension.

* Improved response time and response.

* Muscle fiber hypertrophy (muscle growth).

* Improves blood circulation and nervous system.

* Improved neuromuscular transmission of nerve impulses.

* Improving the process of resynthesis of lactic acid.

* Increased buffer concentration of metabolic substances.

There are other considerations to take into account regarding the benefits of sport, in the British Journal of Cancer Researchers at University College London Medical School show that those middle-aged men who exercise two or more times per week have a lower risk of developing various cancers, including prostate and digestive tracts. Physical inactivity has been considered as a risk factor for health. Regular physical exercise plays an important role in controlling weight, reducing fat and provides stimuli that elicit specific adaptations (general adaptation syndrome) depending on the type, intensity and duration of exercise. With respect to obesity and overweight back to reiterate what was said before: "Exercise without losing weight can reduce the risk of disease or death."      This is the title of a newsletter published by the National Institutes of Health, where he notes studies at Duke University in which persons subjected to moderate exercise for three months reduced body fat, not lose weight and decreased bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol (HDL).

In Obesity and overweight, myths and realities in 2001 by the physiologist Carlos Saavedra explained: "Being overweight may not be a risk factor for health: time you make adequate physical exercise, ie to increase its physical capacity. .. "

Overweight and obesity have been identified as direct causes of the following modern chronic diseases: hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, type 2 diabetes, osteopenia, insulin resistance and premature death due to what is now the scientific evidence obtained from protocols with more 10,000 individuals followed for over 10 years this questioning, without discounting the fact that excess body fat leads to illness and premature death is not the direct cause. Much more is cause of illness and premature death, poor physical condition or physical ability of human beings.

Supplements or not? :

On this topic, my view is that if you are not a high performance athlete, all you need is going to find a balanced diet. Do not waste your money on "mirrors of colors" and note that some of the prevailing market products, especially so-called "fat burners" are contraindicated effects to our health as often devastating.

There are no miracles when it comes to losing weight, be in good shape for summer is coming or have developed super muscles.

All that there is work, conscious effort, gradual and constant, exercise and stress generator understood is positive, with the consequent production of endorphins, the so-called drug of happiness, haberdashery item a separate chapter for his great contribution to health and its improvement.

It's time to start some activity, modern life requires some way to stay fit, as I said at first he is old you have, only that there is no impediment limit imposed by medicine and to which we cling " A person of 50 who want to insert into aerobic physical activity on its own initiative or on prescription, you can do, whether it is healthy, is the bearer of risk factors or who have already had some pathology. But, first must complete a diagnostic stage for making a correct history. " This is part of a very interesting report in the Discovery Health and is authored by Dr. Nestor Lark, cardiologist specialist in Sports Medicine and Professor of Physical Education, which recommended among other things before doing any activity having a interview, physical examination and laboratory examination.

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