Hypetension has been one of the causes that lead to something as fatal as a heart attack. Its a common disease among middle-aged and old people. Though more common in men, women who take contraceptive pills also have high tendency to get affected by this disease. Another reasons for this disease are excessive smoking or it could be even hereditary. It has also been found that an overweight people are more prone to this disease than the slim ones.

Now a days there are many medicines available to cure this problem but each one do have its own side-effects. Moreover, they keep a control on it temporarily which means the chances of this problem re-appearing is always there once you stop taking the medicine. However, diet has been an important factor making an impcat on this problem to a larger extent.

Many of the people affected by this problem finds alcohol as a temporarliy cure for this problem whereas alcohol is a big No-No for the hypertensive people. However, it is a common practice for the doctors in the west to advice a small quantity of red wine post every meal but in no circumstances, it should be treated as a permanent solution to this problem. Alcohol, in whatever form, should be consumed in very limited quantity.

Salt has one of the food component which if taken in high quantity increases the blood pressure to a large exent. So intake if salt should be limited to the 5 gm or so a day or you should consult your doctor to know the acceptable limits for your body.

Apart from reducing the salt intake, one should also consume more and more of raw vegetables and fruits. One can also take food items which have high potassium content like dried apricots, nuts etc. However, if you have any kind of kidney disorder, then potassium rich food is the best to avoid.

Vegetables have always proved to be very helpful in this problem owing to their high fiber content. Moreover, vegetable because of their very nature and the fact that are high in vitamins and mineral, do help a lot in removing the toxics from the body which lowers the blood pressure to a larger extent. Garlic has also proved to be quite helpful in this disease.

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