Skin varies from under 0.04 in thickness on our eyelids to 0.2 in or thicker on the sloes of our feet. The skin stops the moisture in the body from drying out and prevents dirt and germs from getting in.

Almost no digestion occurs in the large intestine. The large intestine stores waste food products and absorbs water and small amounts of minerals. The waste materials that accumulate in the large intestine are roughage that cannot be digested in the body.

The small intestine is about 7m long and lined with small finger-like protuberance called villi. The successful absorption of nutrients depends on their transport away from the cells of the villi into the blood stream.

Nerves carry information and instruction to and from the brain and from one part of the brain to the other. There are thousands of millions of nerves in our body.

We see something when light bounces off it and enter our eyes. The black circle in the middle of the eye, called the pupil, allows the light on to the retina at the back of the eye.

There are three different types’ muscles.

1) Involuntary muscles: most of the functions inside our body go on constantly. They do not depend on our will. The muscles connected to these functions are called involuntary muscles. For example: muscles in stomach.

2) Voluntary muscles: the muscles which function under the control of our will are called voluntary muscles. For example: muscles in arms.

3) Cardiac muscles: the muscles of the heart are called cardiac muscles. These muscles are different from other muscles. They are involuntary in function but have the structure similar to that of the voluntary muscles.

Our body

Man brain is great other than animals.

The bony framework of the body is called the skeleton or skeletal system.

The skeleton gives shape and support to the body.

The human skeleton consists of 206 bones.

The skull has 22 bones. It protects the brain.

The ribcage has 12 points of ribs forming a cage. 10 pairs are attached to the breastbone and the back bone, 2 pairs which are called floating ribs.

The back bone enables us to move our body forward, backward and sideways.

A joint is the meeting point of two bones.

There are four kinds of movable joints-hinge joint, ball and socket joint, pivot joint and gliding.

A joint is the meeting point of two bones.

There are for kinds of movable joints-hinge joint, ball and socket joint, pivot joint and gliding.

There are 639 muscles in our body. They help the joints to move.

There are three types of muscles- voluntary, involuntary and cardiac.

Exercise makes muscles strong.

Nervous system consists of the brain, nerves and spinal cord.

The spinal cord links the brain to the rest of the body.

There are soft parts called organs inside our body. They are protected by the bones and skin. The organs include the brain, lings, liver, heart, pancreas, kidneys, stomach and intestines. Each of these organs has a special job to do. The brain tells al the organs what to do. Together, they help the body to work properly.

Nerves link the brain and spinal cord to all parts of the body. This is called nerves system. It consists of the brain, nerves and spinal cord.




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