What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is also called as spastic colon, mucous colitis or anxious stomach. IBS is commonly confused with ulcerative colitis and crohn's disease.

IBS is very common disorder of intestines especially large intestines with no permanent damage to the colons. Usually people with IBS improve with the change is lifestyle, diet and alternative medicines.

What are the causes of IBS?

The cause of IBS is not clear. One of the main reason for IBS is the abnormal connection and functioning of large intestines (bowels) and nervous system mostly due to emotional disturbances. The muscles of intestines either contract too fast or too slow but there is no physical obstruction in the intestines.
IBS is caused by emotional stress but it is not the psychiatric disorder.

As this disease is functional gastrointestinal disease , IBS is not visible by naked eyes. For example - A doctor can see the gastric ulcers by the endoscopic examination but IBS is difficult to be seen by any examination.

Some other risk factors associated with IBS are -

  1. Food - Some food items makes the IBS worse. Intake of alcohol, chocolate and milk can cause diarrhea while intake of carbonated drinks can cause bloating in abdomen.
  2. Stress- The emotional stress can aggravate the symptoms of IBS.
  3. Family history - IBS is not hereditary disease but some research study shows that if the close family member suffers from IBS then it's very likely for the child of that parent to suffer the same.
  4. Age and Sex- Commonly seen in younger age group . More common in females as compared to male.

Clinical presentation of IBS

The symptoms seen in IBS patients are -

  1. Abdominal cramps and pain
  2. Change in bowel habits - either alternate diarrhea and constipation or presence of diarrhea and constipation for longer time.
  3. Urgency to pass the stool especially during stress. Sometimes feel as if bowels are not completely clear. Stool has mucous.
  4. Bloating of abdomen.
  5. Sometimes nausea and vomiting also occurs.
  6. These symptoms are provoked by what you eat.


Diagnosis and Tests

The physician diagnose this disease based on complete physical examination and patients history. In some cases diagnosis is difficult to make as the symptoms are not clear. In such case some of the diagnostic tests are advised. They are -

  1. Stool tests - This test helps to understand any malabsorption problem or whether mucus is present in the stool or not.
  2. Sigmoidoscopy - The flexible tube is inserted to the colon from rectum to see any abnormalities in the lower part of colon.
  3. Colonoscopy - It is similar to sigmoidoscopy but it helps to examine the entire colon.
  4. CT Scan - CT scan of whole abdomen can be done to rule out other causes of the disease.

Treatment and Diet for IBS

The treatment is usually based on the symptoms. If a patient suffers from diarrhea and psychological problems then anti-depressant and anti-diarrheal drugs are recommended.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathy is well know and very effective for IBS complaints. Based on personal case history the medications are prescribed as homeopathy deals with individualization.

Some common homeopathic remedies for IBS are-

  • Nux Vomica - It is indicated in people who eat fatty and junk food and intake of excess alcohol. If patient has irregular bowel complaints with feeling of unsatisfied stool , constant bloating of abdomen, nux vomica is effective. These patients usually have constipation problems more.
  • Aloe - It is indicated if patient has constant urge to pass stool and gets early morning diarrhoea. Patient also suffers from crampy pain in abdomen while passing stool. These patients suffer from diarrhea.
  • Lycopodium - It is indicated if patient suffers from abdomen distension immediately after eating food with alternate constipation and diarrhea.

The above mentioned medicines are only commonly prescribed based on only the symptoms. In order to get relief the proper case history is necessary.


There is no specific diet for Irritable Bowel Syndrome but the symptoms can be managed to some extend by changing the diet and lifestyle.

  • Fibrous diet - Gradually increase the fiber in diet. Do not start taking excess of fibers suddenly as it can cause diarrhea. Start taking fruits, green leafy vegetables and whole grains. But start it over the period of 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Avoid intake of alcohol, carbonated drinks like soda, beans , cabbage, cauliflower as these items causes gas and bloating of abdomen.
  • Sugar and Lactose can cause IBS like symptoms. If sugar stays in the intestines for longer time the bacteria's start fermenting it which causes malabsorption of sugar, lactose and fructose. Hence it is necessary to avoid sugar candies, sweeteners and chewing gums.

Low FODMAP diet is always recommended by the dietician for Irritable bowel disease. FODMAP refers to Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharide's and Polyols. These all are the complex combination of molecules in the food that causes poor food absorption. Whenever bacteria's ferment these FODMAPs the symptoms of IBS is seen.

Low fat and high carbohydrate diet - It includes low fat vegetable or chicken soups, vegetable and fruits.

Small meals - Eating larger meals and eating quick meals can abdomen cramping. It is best to divide your larger meal into smaller frequent meals.

Plenty of Liquids - Drink plenty of water every day. You can take juices and soups in the liquids most of the time instead of carbonated drinks, coffee, etc.

Exercise - Exercise helps to relieve the mental stress and tension. Exercise also stimulates the contraction of intestines and thus facilitates the absorption process. Initially start the exercise at slower pace. If you have any other medical problems like asthma, cardiac problem, etc then consult your physician before any exercise.

Stress management - Along with exercise, relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing techniques and yoga are helpful to reduce the stress level. Learn the ways to handle the stress and find the solution for the stress. Sleep is necessary to relieve the mental stress. So sleep properly 7-8 hours of sleep.

Complications of IBS

IBS is not the major illness and it never causes colon or stomach cancer. But the complications are worse and may affect the quality of life.

  • IBS usually seen in people who has more mental stress. Due to the symptoms the person may get more depressed and avoid any social functions.
  • A person may get lazy and irritable due to discomfort.
  • A person may not be able to enjoy his life due to constant discomfort but all these factors can be prevented by taking your life in positive way and with good will.

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