Blood pressure is the pressure of blood. This pressure is exerted when heart throws blood in arteries and also when the arteries contract. Wall of arteries is made up of tissues and is quite flexible. It dilates when blood pressure decreases and constricts when blood pressure increases. In this way, if arteries constricts blood pressure can increase and if arteries dilates, blood pressure decreases. This is very known fact that our heart in every minute beats for 60-70 times. With every beat, heart throws out blood in arteries. With every beat, heart almost expels 70 ml blood in arteries. If in a minute, heart beats for 70 times then 70*70=4,900 ml or almost 5 liter of blood enters arteries.

Our blood pressure depends on two things. One is the amount of blood expelled from heart into arteries and the second one is dilation or constriction of arteries. Beating of heart is called as systole and rest phase of heart is called as diastole. Thus, blood pressure is also of two types. One is systolic which occurs along with heart beat and other one is diastolic which occurs along the rest phase of the heart.

Systolic blood pressure changes every second with the heart beat. Our blood pressure increases when we are in anger, while doing hard physical work, after consumption of food and also while suffering from pain in any part of the body. Blood remains normal when an individual rests and also when he is in happy mood. Systolic blood pressure mainly depends on pace of heart. Its pace does not remain steady. There are lots of fluctuations. Diastolic blood pressure depends on constriction of blood vessels. There fluctuations are very less. Thus, diastolic blood pressure is considered to be of great importance.

We often hear people saying that they are suffering from blood pressure. All of us have blood pressure. If there would not be a thing called blood pressure then life would not exist on this earth. In actual terms, people rather have to say that they are suffering from high blood pressure instead of saying that they are affected by blood pressure. It becomes essential for all of us to know the normal range of blood pressure. After the age of 15, systolic blood pressure is 120 m.m. and diastolic is 80 m.m. No matter of what age an individual is systolic blood pressure above 250 m.m. and diastolic blood pressure above 150 m.m. is considered to be abnormal.

Any person if shows increased blood pressure after just one check up should not be considered as a patient. It may be possible that while measuring blood pressure, patient may be in anger or he might be suffering from any pain or trouble or may have just come to doctor after doing physical exercise etc..... Such patients should rest for 2-3 days as suggested by their physician. They should eat balanced nutritious food. If they are suffering from pain then they should undergo its treatment. They should be prescribed relaxants. Such patients should regularly go for check up twice in a day every morning and evening for at least 2-3 days. If patient is detected with no other disease, no sort of physical or mental problems and even after that if he is showing constant raised blood pressure for 3-4 days then it means he is suffering from high blood pressure.


Blood pressure is of two types:-

  • Normal or essential,
  • Secondary

To detect the causes of normal or essential blood pressure is very difficult as it can develop in any person. Secondary blood pressure develops as an influence of under lying disease or due to disorder of any organ in the body.

90% of the patient having complain of blood pressure suffer from high blood pressure and remaining 10% suffer from low blood pressure.


Blood pressure can be measured by an instrument known as sphygmomanometer. This instrument is of 2 types. First type contains capillary filled with mercury and the second type contains barometer.

To measure blood pressure, patient is made to sit or lie down. Patient faces no sort of trouble while his blood pressure is been measured. Blood pressure is measured on upper area of hand, above elbow. A bag like cloth is wrapped on hand which also contains rubber in it. Two pipe like structures are attached in this bag. One pipe is connected to the device used in the measurement of blood pressure. Other pipe is connected to a round ball like rubber pump.

Rubber bag is tied on upper part of hand, above elbow. Patient is asked to relax. Then, his blood pressure is measured. Rubber ball is pressed and pumped. This raises mercury level. Once mercury rises, doctor keeps his stethoscope on brachial artery and listens to the blood flow and at the same time loosens the knob of rubber ball. This decreases the pressure created by rubber bag on hand. During systolic pressure, blood reaches that level of dilated artery where doctor has kept his stethoscope to listen. During systolic pressure on each heart beat a loud sound is heard. This is the highest reading of blood pressure. There by pressure of air decreases and knob of rubber ball is loosened. This decreases the level of mercury. Sound of heart beat gradually decreases and at the end almost vanishes. This is called as diastolic pressure. Doctors check the blood pressure for 2 to 3 times in a row. This will rule out any error while measurement. In devices containing barometer, systolic and diastolic reading from dial of the device can be noted.

Now a days, automatic electronic devices have been invented. They themselves record systolic and diastolic pressure once rubber fold is tied around hand and air gets filled in it. In our country too, such devices are available now. They are a bit expensive.


Pressure of blood rises from normal level to higher level while walking at a faster pace, while running and also in critical conditions. As soon as a person relaxes, sits or stops himself after physical exercise or frees himself from critical condition his blood pressure comes to normal level. In such conditions, causes of high blood pressure is known and blood pressure rises only for certain time. In absence of these causes if a person suffers from high blood pressure then he should consult a doctor. He should know the causative factor behind his high blood pressure.

There are many causes of high blood pressure. They are:-

  • Hereditary factors,
  • Mental stress,
  • Obesity,
  • Smoking,
  • Alcohol consumption,
  • Excessive consumption of salt,
  • Lazy and relaxed life style,
  • Kidneys,
  • Miscellaneous 

Hereditary Factors:-

Studies of high blood pressure have shown that if mother-father or grand parents suffer from high blood pressure then kids too in their future would get affected from it. This disorder runs from one generation to another. If one of the twins suffer from high blood pressure then the other would likely be affected from it in the new future.

Mental stress:-

Mental stress, tension, external pressure etc..... are the major causes of high blood pressure. Individuals who often live tensed and spend stressful life are likely to develop high blood pressure when they near the age of 30-40 years. Blood pressure due to stress can prove to be fatal. Quarrel, anger can contribute in developing high blood pressure. One who are ambitious, who cannot control their emotions, one who become over sensitive in happy and sad moments and the one who always live busy schedule often suffer from high blood pressure.

Following people are at increased risk of high blood pressure:-

  • Individuals who are short tempered, 
  • Individuals who often develop restlessness when standing in a queue or the one often remains in a hurry and live a busy life,
  • Person who becomes angry on silly things and get annoyed easily,
  • A person who is multitasking will develop high blood pressure. For example:- If a person while eating his food also reads newspaper or carries out other tasks,
  • A person who is deeply drowned in his own thoughts and does not get entertained in communicating with others and also does not listen to them,
  • A person who becomes restless even in absence of work, during holidays, in free time,
  • A person who restlessly gets involved in doing his work, will suffer from high blood pressure. This will exert effects on his body,
  • Individual who keep talking to himself, who often shakes his hands and limbs unnecessarily, clenches his teeth tightly,
  • Individual who often becomes conscious may it be regarding working in new offices, new place, new shop etc.....,
  • Individual who is very conscious regarding money matters etc.....

One should keep mental balance and should not get emotional and tensed regarding any of the matters like work or work place, success, failure, stress, pressure, tension, anger, jealous, poverty, richness etc..... One should relax themselves and solve their problems calmly. This should be the motto of life and this attitude can save us from high blood pressure.


Obesity is the biggest enemy of high blood pressure patient. Thin individuals are less affected from high blood pressure when compared to fat individuals. In case of obesity, blood flow in arteries face obstruction. Apart from high blood pressure due to obesity there is also risk of heart diseases. With the increase in weight, blood pressure too rises. Major cause of obesity is consumption of excessively oily and sweet food stuffs. In case of individuals who consume high calorie food and does less physical work, excess calories are stored in body in the form of fat and thus he starts becoming over weight. To prevent obesity, most of the people think that they should eat less. This is not enough, apart from eating less they should consume less amount of sweet and oily foods. Along with this, physical work, exercise etc..... also help in reducing weight.


Cigarette and tobacco too can cause high blood pressure. Smoke contains poison called as nicotine which is very harmful to health. Smoking will cause harm to the inner surface of coronary artery which gives rise to high blood pressure.

Patients who have complain of high blood pressure should not smoke. This can prove very harmful to them. Such patients can suffer from coronary thrombosis. In this disease, blood clots in the arteries. Smoking 1 cigarette can increase blood pressure by 8-10 m.m. and blood pressure remains increased for 15 minutes. Smoking also allows carbon monoxide to enter in the body. This will interfere with the process of blood purification. Smoking also causes diseases of stomach, lung disorders, diseases of heart and cancer. Individuals who have been smoking for a very long time comparatively die earlier than individuals who do not smoke. Individuals smoking since very long time also suffer from weakness. They suffocate and become breathless very early.

On each cigarette packet, a warning is been written which says 'smoking is injurious to health'. But, individuals who smoke do not give importance to this warning. Effect of smoke is even seen on individuals who do not smoke but are sitting nearer to a person who is smoking. Smoking also causes halitosis.

Individuals who consume tobacco suffer from weak gums. Teeth become pale yellow. Stomach secretes excess of acids. They are at high risk of cancer and their blood pressure too increases. Quitting smoking is a little difficult task. But, strong desire can help an individual to quit smoking and protect himself from various diseases.

Alcohol consumption:-

Researches have been done in many countries and studies have shown that pressure in blood increases more in case of alcoholics when compared to non-alcoholics. In alcoholics, apart from increased blood pressure, there are many more diseases that take birth. 

Alcohol on consumption increases excitement in brain. On consuming alcohol, self control, alertness, understanding, ability of decision making decreases. Person loses control on muscles. Thus, person cannot walk and drive vehicle properly. Major cause of road accidents is alcohol itself. Alcohol if consumed for long time can affect liver, stomach, heart etc..... Alcoholics also suffers from cirrhosis of liver. Today, in world's most of the countries, alcohol is considered to be the major cause of health related disorders. In our country too, every year thousands of men die on consuming local home-made alcohol. High blood pressure patients should never consume alcohol.

Excess consumption of salt:-

Some people excessively consume salt in their food. They prefer snacks too with excess of salt sprinkled on it. Some people prefer salted curd, salted lemon juice etc..... Such people are at high risk of developing high blood pressure. Patients of high blood pressure should consume salt in very little amount. 

Many studies have shown that in case of individuals who consume salt in very little amount or in negligible amount, approximately 2-3 gm/day, their blood pressure remains in normal range throughout their life. Consumption of excess of salt actually is a kind of habit or addiction. If kids right from childhood are made to eat less amount of salt then their this habit would prove very beneficial to them in long run.

Lazy and relaxed life style:-

Some people spend relaxed and lazy life style. Eating, sleeping, resting and leisure are considered to be the main goals of their lives. Such people run away from physical work. This will increase their blood pressure. Physical work keeps blood circulation adequate whereas rest does not keep blood circulation proper. No physical work will increase the deposition of fat in the arteries and these arteries will show constriction. This will in turn increase their blood pressure. High blood pressure patients should exercise on regular basis. Yoga, daily regular walk, riding bicycle, running, playing etc..... are certain activities which keep a person's blood circulation adequate and body too works efficiently. Absence of physical work not only increases blood pressure but also gives rise to heart diseases.


Kidneys are very important parts of our body. They produces hormone called as renin. It regulates blood pressure. If excess of renin is produced in body, excess amount of salt gets stored in it. As a result, blood pressure increases. In case of certain kidney disorders too, renin production increases. If size of kidney increases due to infection or disorders, blood pressure also rises. Kidney may swell due to many causes. This condition is known as nephritis.


There are many other causes of rise in blood pressure. Blood thickens if red blood cells increases in blood. This creates obstruction in blood flow. This also gives rise to high blood pressure. This is not a serious issue and can be treated.

All the causes responsible for rise in blood pressure are not known. Scientists are doing researches in this aspect. Even though all the causes responsible for increasing blood pressure can be brought into control and a happy life can be lived. High blood pressure can be brought into control by taking regular medicines as prescribed by doctor, proper diet, daily regular walk and consumption of very little amount of salt.


Apart from above mentioned causes, there are certain others causes in women which can give rise to high blood pressure. Women who are on oral contraceptives are at high risk of developing high blood pressure. The reason behind it is these medicines contain estrogen hormone. It accumulates salt and water in the body. This in turn causes high blood pressure. Thus, women on oral contraceptives should regularly check their blood pressure. Sometimes due to sudden rise in blood pressure, women often are asked to stop taking oral contraceptives.

In certain women, blood pressure rises during last trimester of pregnancy. During those days, they develop swelling in legs, hands and fingers. Pregnant women should rest and should reduce their salt intake to a large extent. Along with this, they should also take blood pressure medications. Usually, after child birth, blood pressure of women reaches normal range. They should go to specialists and take the treatment if their blood pressure does not come under control even after giving birth to child.


Earlier people used to think that high blood pressure occurs only in men and women are not affected by it. But, today their thinking has been proved wrong. Usually, men and women after the age of 35 get affected by it. It is also seen that young boys and girls are also affected by it. If an individual until the age of 50-55 years is not affected by high blood pressure then the risk of getting affected from it also decreases in the future. Women of middle age may also get affected by it. However, men are more affected when compared to women. Studies of middle aged women have shown that after the menopause, women too will develop the complaint of high blood pressure equivalent as men.

High blood pressure does not differentiate between rich and poor. It can occur to anybody. Patients often complain of various signs due to high blood pressure. Some of them are headache, dizziness, increased heart beat, bleeding from nose etc..... But, as per specialists these solely are not the symptoms of high blood pressure. Usually, during initial phase, symptoms are not seen. A person due to a complain of disease or disorder when visits doctor then doctor measures his blood pressure. In this way, incidentally his high blood pressure gets diagnosed. Certain other people accidentally come to know about it when they visit doctor for regular medical check up required for life insurance policies. In case of others, they accidentally come to know about it when they go to doctors with the complain of heart pain, paralysis, certain heart disorders etc.....

It is usually seen, a person until he knows he is suffering from high blood pressure experiences headache. But, once he is diagnosed of high blood pressure he will frequently develop headache. This is the mental effect imparted on the person by his disorder. The first symptom experienced by a high blood pressure patient is pain in the head and back of the neck felt usually after he wakes up in the morning. This pain automatically gets vanished within few minutes. If headache persists for long time, patient should consult his doctor. Headache also develops in case of migraine. Headache is not severe in case of migraine whereas very severe in case of high blood pressure. Patient often experiences dizziness. He feels tired and does not feel better even after resting for couple of days. Eye sight weakens in certain cases. This is because high blood pressure imparts ill-effects on eye sight.

Heart experiences load in case of high blood pressure. Thus, patient experiences heaviness in breathing even while he is doing a little physical work and even while he is walking at a very slow pace. If high blood pressure is not treated, it may prove fatal. Heaviness in breathing can even result in heart attack. Thus, it has to be treated immediately. Due to kidney disorders, a person may develop high blood pressure and if high blood pressure is not treated it may worsen kidney disorders.

A person initially wakes up only once during night time for urination. Later, he wakes up many a times for the sake of urination. Patient experiences excessive thirst. He feels he has lost his body strength. He easily gets tired. In case of high blood pressure, patient often is at high risk of developing heart diseases and brain disorders.

Following are the symptoms of high blood pressure:-

Headache:- High blood pressure gives rise to headache. But, if patient rests for some time, headache disappears.

Dizziness:- High blood pressure patient may sometimes become dizzy.

Blurring of vision:- Due to high blood pressure, sometimes patient may experience blurred vision.

Lack of sleep:- High blood pressure patients do not sleep well. Their sleep often gets disturbed.

Shortness of breath:- Person becomes breathless even while doing slight physical work or walk of a short duration.

Kidney failure:- Increased blood pressure can lead to kidney failure. Diabetic and high blood pressure patients suffer from excessive thirst, frequent urination and often feels tired.

Heart attack:- Heart needs to work a lot due to high blood pressure. This can result in heart attack. Thus, patient can even become unconscious.

In this way, high blood pressure can be diagnosed. High blood pressure is a dangerous disorder and therefore it becomes essential to be treated.


High blood pressure imparts its effect on all the parts of the body. Studies have shown that high blood pressure decreases age of an individual. It gives rise to various diseases in the body. Sometimes, its symptoms do not develop and thus are not seen. But, this disorder slowly starts weakening the body from inside by imparting its ill-effects. Following effects are seen on the body in presence of high blood pressure.

Stiffening of arteries:-

Arteries of a normal healthy individual are quite flexible and blood flow is also adequate. This flexibility allows arteries to dilate or constrict as per its requirement. Excessive rise in blood pressure can stiffen blood vessels and make them narrow. This will cause obstruction in the blood flow. Constriction will not allow blood vessels to dilate whenever and wherever necessary. As a result, heart does not receive blood in adequate amount. This will cause pain in the heart. This disease is named as angina pectoris.

Once blood vessels start stiffening then this process of stiffening keeps on increasing. In this process, many blood vessels which supply blood to heart keeps on constricting and completely gets blocked. Blood flow to the heart stops completely. Part of the heart which does not receive blood becomes completely dead and function less. This is called as heart attack.

Studies have shown that death due to heart attack is four times more in number in case of high blood pressure patients. Stiffening of blood vessels can sometimes rupture blood vessel supplying brain. This will cause blood flow inside the brain. As a result, either person will die or becomes paralyzed due to this.

Heart failure:-

High blood pressure is the biggest enemy of heart because while pumping blood in the body, heart needs to work more. In the beginning phase, heart tolerates excess of work. However, gradually its size increases. With the gradual increase in the size of the heart, possibilities of getting an attack too increases. Pressure on lungs increases as well as there is swelling in limbs. Nerves on the back and neck swells as a result person dies in the duration of 4-5 years.

Effect on kidneys:-

Ill effects of high blood pressure is even seen on kidneys. Due to high blood pressure, kidneys cannot filter the blood properly. Due to inadequate purification of blood, toxins and salt start accumulating in the body. Water too accumulates within the body. This will increase the risk of heart disease.

Increased blood pressure gradually destroys the tissue system of kidneys. Albumin gets excreted through patient's urine. As a result, body becomes deficient of protein and person dies within few years.

Blood thrombosis:-

Due to high blood pressure, blood vessels become constricted and on inner walls of blood vessels, fat accumulates. If blood pressure remains high for a long period then within these vessels, blood starts clotting. Clots of blood which act as obstruction in blood flow is called as thrombos and the condition is called as thrombosis. With the increase in age a person develops atheroma in blood. Small part of clotted blood from the rough area of atheroma separates and moves to the place where blood vessel is divides into two branches. It finds difficult to pass through either of the branches. This is because it is quite large in size when compared to the size of the either of the branches. As a result, it gets stuck in one of the branches and blood flow in that part of the body gets obstructed. If the blood clot gets stuck in any of the artery supplying brain then person may fall unconscious. Many a times in such condition, part of the body dies and patient may experience difficulty in speech.

Particularly in high blood pressure patients, atheroma causes one more harm. It causes blood vessels to swell and it is known as aneurysm. Aorta wall weakens and swells like a bag. There is high risk of its rupture. Thus, it needs to get operated. Artificial blood vessel is replaced by removing the affected blood vessel.

Itching in the small blood vessels:-

High blood pressure causes itching in the small blood vessels. It also exerts effects on kidneys, brain, eyes and small and thin blood vessels of heart.

In case of high blood pressure, blood is also seen in the vessels which supply retina of the eye.

Decreased age:-

It is seen that people suffering from high blood pressure die early when compared with individuals having normal blood pressure. Reason behind this is patients of high blood pressure develop heart diseases, respiratory diseases, heaviness in breathing while carrying out physical work or during walk etc.....


In first level, pressure of blood is high towards brain. There is no abnormality seen within blood vessels. 

In its second level, pressure of blood towards brain causes interference in its work. As a result, blood is pushed backwards. Blood flow is also interfered in blood vessels. Blood vessels become stiff.

In its third level, size of heart increases. If high blood pressure is not controlled at this stage then clots start forming in blood. Brain does not get adequate blood supply.

Due to increased blood pressure, constriction occurs in small blood vessels of hands and limbs and as a result pain develops.


High blood pressure is categorized into 4 grades:-

Grade 1: 160 m.m. of systolic pressure and 95 m.m. of diastolic pressure. Known as mild hypertension.

Grade 2: 180 m.m. of systolic pressure and 105 m.m. of diastolic pressure. Known as moderate hypertension.

Grade 3: 200 m.m. of systolic pressure and 115 m.m. of diastolic pressure. Known as severe hypertension.

Grade 4: Blood pressure above grade 3 is known as gross hypertension.

It is seen that high blood pressure from all the ways imparts bad effects on our body. High blood pressure is of two types. First one is main type. It is considered to be an independent disorder in body. It gradually firms its roots in the body. Peculiar thing about it is modern medical science even till now has not been able to discover the causes for the main type of blood pressure. Another type of high blood pressure occurs in case of infection of an organ or any body part. This blood pressure decreases once the cause is removed.

High blood pressure can be controlled by 3 methods. One is neurogenic reflex mechansim. Second one is capillary flood shift mechanism. Third one is blood pressure control mechanism. The most effective method is neurogenic reflex mechanism. Through this method, high or low blood pressure comes within normal range immediately. Capillary flood shift mechanism brings blood pressure under control within 15 minutes. Blood pressure control mechanism takes time to control blood pressure.

It is seen that high blood pressure from all the ways imparts bad effects on our body. High blood pressure is of two types. First one is main type. It is considered to be an independent disorder in body. It gradually firms its roots in the body. Peculiar thing about it is modern medical science even till now has not been able to discover the causes for the main type of blood pressure. Another type of high blood pressure occurs in case of infection of an organ or any body part. This blood pressure decreases once the cause is removed.

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