If you do a lot of internet surfing or you have your own blog or website, in which you regularly write something, then you could also make a few extra buck online. There are many ways through which you could generate a small income from internet, but if you want to generate a good passive income from internet then it’s necessary to have your own blog.

Before doing something we should find the best way to do it. Similarly if you want to generate a good passive income from internet then having your own blog is the best way to do it because a blog acts like a business platform. So let’s try to understand that how could we earn money from internet?       

We all understand the basic fact that all the different companies want to earn more profits and expand their market. But these companies could earn more profit only when their product sales increase. They sell more products only when more people know about their products because if the consumers do not know about the product then how could they buy it, and when the consumers doesn’t buy the product then how will the company make any profit.

That’s why various companies do many kind of advertising about their products so that the consumers become aware about them and later buy them from the market. The companies choose those distribution mediums for their advertisement which attracts more people. They use TV, radio, newspaper, banners, pamphlets, etc to advertise their product. Similarly one of the distribution medium for their advertisement is internet.

You may think what the products of different companies have to do anything with the internet. According to a survey people spend most of their time sleeping, earning money, watching TV and then surfing internet. Internet is the most easily accessible means today to spend your time. You could have access to internet anywhere you want through your mobile devises.

This mean that internet surfing is the fourth most time consuming activity of the world. If you look at it from a different perspective then internet is a place where a large population of the world could be found at any given time. Internet is the place where millions of eye balls are available at the same time and internet is the place which gathers the largest crowd of the world. That’s why various companies use TV, radio, newspaper, banners and also internet as a medium to advertise their product.

Various companies spend billions of dollars for advertising their products. It won’t be wrong to say that most of the money in the world is spend on advertising. These companies pay a lot of money to those people who act as a medium to advertise their products. For example when the companies advertise their products on the TV, then the owners of the TV channels charge them a lot of money for every second of their Ad time. Similarly when these companies advertise their products on the radio or news papers, then they have to pay a hefty amount of money to the owners of these mediums. Also when these companies advertise their products near main road or cinema halls or any such public places then they have to pay to the municipality or Nagar Nigam. This means in conclusion we could say that these companies pay a lot of money to advertise their products to someone whose medium they choose to use to promote their product.

What a Common Man can do on Internet

A simple common man cannot own the TV channels, radio stations or news papers but internet is a medium which he could easily use because of its very low cost and also internet is a medium of a common man to interact with each other and the rest of the world. The companies also want to advertise their products to common man. In short their target audience is the common man who goes to market and buys their products, and what’s a better way to influence a common man than the readily available internet. Hence these companies also like to pay directly or indirectly to those people who advertise and promote their products in a direct or indirect way. This is where we come in and start our work. We advertise the products of these companies in some way and in return we get commission from these companies.

Although it is not easy to earn a decent income from internet but it is also not so difficult that people like us could never do it. We have to work hard to make money on the internet, but as we start to understand the methods and techniques our tasks become easy. The only condition is that we should never take it lightly, instead consider it a serious business. And just like we put all our efforts and time to start a new business and similarly on the internet also you have to dedicate your time and effort to develop a profitable business. If you have a computer, an internet connection and a bank account then you are ready to start an online business and you could make money without leaving the comforts of your home.

If you really want to earn a decent passive income from internet then you should never take it lightly. You have to view it as a serious business opportunity. So in order to establish your online business, at the minimum you must own a blog because this blog will act as a medium on internet which could fulfill your goal of generating a decent passive income from the internet. So the first thing you have to do is create your own blog.

Create a blog

Most of the people cannot decide which subject they should choose to write so that more and more people would come visit their blog. Almost all new bloggers face the same conundrum in the beginning. That’s why generally when people make their blog they start writing about themselves, like how people behave with them, what are their hobbies, what are their likes and dislikes, how was their day, etc.

If you also want to write about yourself then don’t expect that people would come to your blog and would be interested to read about your daily life. This type of blogging could generate traffic (how many people visit your blog) only for famous people and celebrities. Most people have their own problems and they don’t want to read the whining of other people.

The only exception is if you are doing something special like traveling around the world, then you could write about your everyday experiences on your blog and people would love to read about it. But if you are not doing something extra ordinary then don’t write about yourself. Instead write about those individuals that are famous and liked by most of the people. To know about all the technical details on how to start a blog you could search it in Google. It is very easy to start a blog. You don’t have to learn coding and web designing to start a blog.

Types of Bloggers

There are two types of bloggers in the world of internet. This means two types of people write their blogs on the internet. First type of bloggers are those who write to satisfy their urge to share something, in other words they write purely for themselves. They write about all the good or bad incidents happening in their lives and how they feel about it. They use their blog as a daily journal.

Most of the people use their blog as a platform where they could vent their anger and frustration. People might visit the blog created by these individuals one or two times, but soon they will realize who the bloggers is and why he is constantly whining about his problems on the internet. They will find out that these types of blog don’t have any substance so they will never revisit these blogs in the future.

The second type of bloggers are those people who want to provide some relevant information or services to the world and in return they want to gain something. On the blogs created by such bloggers you will always find some new and useful information that could help you in the future directly or indirectly. Although in the beginning these bloggers receive low traffic but once a person finds out about this blog then he will come back to read more articles and may also tell his friends about this new and exciting blog with lots of useful information.  

Now you decide what kind of blogger you want to become. Obviously you want to become the second kind of blogger, but many times people start blogging with the intentions of becoming the second type of blogger but as time passes they start to become the first type of blogger. This happens when they fail to choose the right subject for their blog or even after choosing the right subject they get confused and start to write about some irrelevant topics.

Understand the Mindset of Internet Surfers


Before choosing any subject you have to clearly understand the psychology of the people surfing the internet. This means you have to learn to read the mind of the internet surfers and you have to understand why they come to internet? Have you ever pondered why the people surf the internet or why they spend so much time on the internet?          

Every individual in this world suffers from an incurable disease and they do everything in their power to treat this disease by themselves. In order to treat this disease they talk with other people, make friends, commit to a relationship, watch TV, listen to radio, read news paper and surf the internet. To do all these they directly or indirectly spend lots of money. Do you have any idea what this incurable disease is?

The name of this incurable disease is curiosity. This means the inherent need of humans to know about something and gather more information. In order to satisfy this need humans make friend, relationships, watch TV, listen to radio and surf the internet.

This is the specialty of every human being that until they are unaware of something then they do not care about it but when they see or hear about something then until they do not know everything about it their brain is constantly wondering about it. And in order to stop this constant nagging feeling in their mind most of the people use internet to satisfy their curiosity and gather relevant information about it. The people who surf the internet are consciously or unconsciously looking for answers.   

That’s the basic mechanism of our brains. Our brain creates an illusion that it knows everything and when it encounters something new then it wants to gather as much information about it as possible to maintain that illusion. This is the same reason why when someone asks you about something that you don’t know, then instead of admitting that you have no idea about it your brain comes up with imaginary answers which may be incorrect but creates an illusion that you know about that thing.    

Let’s understand this function of the brain in the context of surfing internet. When you are surfing the internet have you ever noticed which sites you visit the most? Maybe you never consciously thought about it. The websites any internet surfer uses the most will always be some kind of search engine, like Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, etc.

Why do you open these websites most of the time? That’s because you need some kind of information about something and these search engines do the best job of providing you with relevant answers.

Whenever you need to find some kind of information about a subject then you type in the relevant keywords in the search box of these search engines. These search engines then generate a list of websites related to those keywords. What you are doing on the internet is the same thing that everyone else is doing. This means everybody is looking for some kind of information about something that they need to know and that’s why they are using the internet.      

We could summarize this whole discussion in simple words by saying that every person on this earth has some kind of problem and in order to solve that problem he is looking for useful information about the things that bother him so that he could come up with solutions. Everybody uses different sources, like talking to friends and relatives, TV channels, radio, news paper, etc, to find relevant information about that thing or subject. When these sources do not provide any useful information then everybody turn to internet where they could definitely find their answers and satisfy their curiosity.

So what do you conclude from this whole discussion? Well the conclusion is that people do not surf the internet to read about you or your problems, instead they surf the internet because they have some kind of problems of their own and they want to find useful information about that problem. That’s why you should not write about yourself on your blog, instead write about those troubles that other people faces in their lives and not only about the problems but also provide solutions to that problem. Also make sure that you give complete and relevant information about the subject on which you are writing, so that once the internet surfer stumbles upon your blog then he doesn’t have to go to any other website or blog to read more about that subject. In this way you could not only help many people but also gain strong and loyal readership for your blog.

Provide Useful Information on your Blog

When you give complete and accurate information to people, then they will come back to your blog again and again to read more information. When more and more repeat surfers come to your blog then the credibility of your blog and the information that you provide on it will increase because people would discuss about it and share their experiences about the solutions that you provide.

When you get positive feedback from your readers then other people will also trust you and apply the information and solutions provided on your blog to solve their problems. In this way you could become and influential blogger.

Now if you want to sell something then people will trust your advice and buy it. And if you want to take donation for the information provided by you then they will be more inclined to donate some money to you. This means people will do as you say. But always remember never to break this trust. Always try to sell those items to your readers that you think will be helpful for them.

Choose a Subject for your Blog

Now you have to decide the subject about which most of the people want to find information and start writing on those subjects and provide complete and accurate information about it. But how would you know which type of information people need? Good question. But the answer to this question could be given in an indirect way only.

Most of the people say that you should choose to write on those subjects that people search the most on Google or other search engines and on which very few websites are available. But here I advise you to do the opposite.

There is no information in this world about which no website is available when most of the people are searching about that information. Just open any search engine like Google, Yahoo, or any other, and type any word in its search text box and then surf through the displayed websites there.

You will always find thousands of websites displayed in the search results related to that word. This means that you could never choose a subject on which no website is available, no one had ever written about it and most of the people need the information about that subject. Finding a subject like that is practically impossible.

Don’t try to write about that subject that most of the people are searching on internet on your blog. Instead choose to write on that subject in which you could provide the best information. This means don’t think on which subject people need more information, but think on which subject you could provide the best information to people. People would need all kind of information and millions of people want to know about millions of things. That’s why which ever subject you choose to write you will always find people who are interested about the information you are providing.   

Share your Knowledge

In this world every human has some kind of specialty. So you may also have something unique to share with the world. There may be some task that you could perform with perfection. You just have to identify that and start writing about that subject. If you are a lawyer then write about the judicial process. If you are a photographer then write about photography. If you like to talk about politics, then start to write about Indian politics. This means you should select the subject about which you have complete knowledge. If you like to write stories then express yourself with the stories you write. If you know how to make an original joke then write those jokes in your blog. You have to recognize your passion and write about thing that you enjoy the most.

If you are a movie buff and you like to see new movies and then talk about it, then write about that movie and rate it according to you. Try to find out about the interesting incidents that happened during the shooting or on the sets of that movie which people didn’t know, then write about it in your blog. Write about the incidents happening in the life of the movie starts.

Not only actors but write about a person who is special or who has accomplished something special. People are always eager to know celebrities and successful individuals. That’s why if you write about them then you will get good traffic and people will come back to your blog to read more. When you have a good readership for your blog then you could directly or indirectly generate some kind of income.

If you are an avid fan of cricket then write about those unknown incidents that happened during some of the matches. Write about the records created by your favorite player and team. Read about different players and then write about the amazing moments that happened in the field during a match or in their life. If you write about cricket then many people will come to your blog because people are always interested to know more about movies and cricket. People directly spend their money to know more about movies and cricket.

So you should always write about the thing that you enjoy the most and which you could do for a long time without getting bored and you are very passionate about it. When you write about such a topic in your blog then you will always enjoy the work and you will update your blog regularly.

Write for Targeted Traffic

So now you got an idea about the subjects that you could write about in your blog. This means that you have chosen a subject about which you will write in your blog. Now you have to decide what kind of readers you are writing for or who is your target audience.      

In other words, what kind of people you want to target through your writing so that you could get more targeted traffic. Those people who find the information given by you on your blog helpful and useful are considered your targeted traffic. For example if you are a lawyer and you give information about the judicial process and working of the court on your blog, then those people will come to your blog who are associated with the judicial process or people who want any information about it. These people are considered your targeted traffic.

Your targeted traffic has a deep connection with the subject of your blog. That’s why you also have to decide in which condition people are willing to pay money for the information you are giving to them on your blog. If you target those people in your writing who are interested to pay you money for that information then this could be an excellent option for you to generate online income.

You could create an eBook or any other such information product and then you could write complete and accurate information about that subject and sell it to your targeted traffic. But if you are writing for those people who are not interested in buying any kind of information product then you should not worry about it. There are many advertisements available on the internet. You could display some of the ads on your blog and generate and indirect income from it.      


So now in the end you could summarize the whole discussion in the following way:

Every human being in this world is suffering from some kind of problem and he want to find complete and accurate information about that problem so that he could come up with a solution to solve that problem. Ultimately everybody turn to internet to find the information, that’s why you have to give some kind of useful and complete information on your blog because only then more and more people will visit your blog.

In order to give complete and accurate information you have to choose that subject about which you are very passionate about. When you enjoy the subject then you will know more about it and then you could give the right information to the people in a better way.

You have to recognize your targeted traffic and then write for them. When you write for a targeted traffic then you could try to sell information products to them.

Photo Source: Wikipedia


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