Think about going organic 

Our country has almost completed one full circle and now it’s changing its ways. Everyone will agree that we have achieved green revolution over the last five decades and have become almost self-sufficient on the front of food but the time has come we should stop and give the present situation a serious thought. The time is ripe to ponder upon this important point whether we’re moving in the right direction. 

Let’s think over what we have lost rather than thinking what we have achieved in trying to achieve higher growth by using excessive of chemical fertilizers?  What have we done to our soil, water and water level itself or are we moving in to the right direction? In fact, the excessive use has done an immense damage to our environment, soil and ultimately our health.

We are comparatively new to use of chemicals for agricultural purpose. The west had started using chemicals in 160-170 years ago but we have started using chemicals in 1960s however, we have not done it in a right manner but too badly. 

We achieved only one part of our target, the yield part increased but we lost battle badly on the all other fronts, we spoiled our soil and health of this country.

The green revolution

We all know India started using chemicals in 1965 and despite opposition from different sectors that we entirely overlooked without giving it slightest of consideration of adverse effects of chemicals on soil and environment. We only increased the use of pesticides when winged insects, caterpillars, bees, parasites and moths began to harm our produce. 

As soon the agricultural diseases started to increase and harm our crops of food and vegetables infested badly farmers began to use more pesticides. You will be surprised to read some of the vegetables like cauliflower needed 10 sprays, grapes 30-40 sprays and cotton up to 15 sprays to keep them safe from insects. 

The yields were thus saved from the insects up to some extent but it did a great harm to soil. The pesticides and chemicals left their presence on the upper lair of soil that made it hard with increased use of fertilizers. The worst effect was done to water present in the earth that became more and more contaminated with increased use over the time. The increased level of sulfide that is an inorganic anion of sulfur, nitrate and other chemicals did lots of harm to water present in the earth the source of drinking water for most people of this country in its original form became the reason of diseases like cancer, bronchitis and allergies.

There is no doubt the yield increased up to four times during the period of 1965-2010 but the use of fertilizers and pesticides went up manifolds and there is another fact involved in this growth of yield the increment in area for cultivation and better irrigation methods were also the reason to get a better output. 

The time to go green in real terms

The Organic farming is going on in many countries of the world at large scale especially the developing countries where people are aware of benefits of organic products. The experiments with organic farming are going on in almost every part of the world and we have succeeded up to large extent. Even our own country is not lagging behind in this particular sector but there is lot to be done in this field yet. But would you believe if I tell you there is one state in our country that will achieve 100% organic farming by next year.



The time has come when we should opt for organic farming to save our soil and environment.  And who is paving a way in this direction, the small but one of the most beautiful state of our country the Sikkim that will achieve 100% self sufficiency in the field of organic farming by next year.

Sikkim is going to be the only state in the whole of the world that will achieve the target of reaching 100% organic. There will be no use of harmful chemical based pesticides and fertilizers but they will use their waste plants, animals, low starch material and green house to gain maximum yield. 

The people of Sikkim not only thus save on money going to harmful chemicals but will save on their medical bills as well. And look at the savings the farmers will be able to get benefit of by going organic. The people of Sikkim will keep their earnings for themselves instead of spending it for buying harmful chemical products.

However, there is a hard truth behind the achievement of people of Sikkim reaching to this great honor the government of Sikkim did a lot of hard work to prepare their farmers and people concerned to use these methods. Now, the tourists visiting to this tiny mini state will find it more beautiful and healthier than ever before. People in Sikkim have started the movement and they will be the first to eat and drink healthy. 


Sikkim has shown that there is everything possible if only we work in a systematic way for it. Let’s hope more and more of other states will take a leaf from Sikkim towards a better living in near future. The time has come to start an organic revolution in our country and we shall succeed as we have everything available a plenty that needs to convert India in to a chemical free country.    

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