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Yes. Any killing of any living organismis an offence. "Ahimso Paramo Dharmaha" so goes the...
9 years ago
RBI recently devised some schemes for allowing people to deposit gold with banks and earn. But...
9 years ago
Certainly a Hindu scripture, but not a religious scripture. Ayurveda is a therapeutic system...
9 years ago
Department of posts first stopped post cards. Next telegrams. Now Money orders also no more....
9 years ago
Does it mean,security robs away our privacy? Then one has to fix secret cams even in our own...
9 years ago
Govt. of Maharashtra claims that beef ban is not a religious issue but economic one. when asked...
9 years ago
This is a pertinent point with which I agree. Moral bankruptcy  is very much prevalent in...
9 years ago
  Are ghosts real or just made by molds in deserted and old buildings. Just...
9 years ago
These days CCTV cameras are used at many places to prevent crime though there is also some loss...
9 years ago
This is indeed a rare collection of Laden's photos. 
9 years ago
The fact is that there is no moral standard in our country. We can't have honest and sincere...
9 years ago
rambabu wrote: Sir, terrorists never go to a changing...
9 years ago
rambabu wrote: Excuse me sir. With all due apologies...
9 years ago
Indian premier League cricket is all set to start. It is the biggest tournament of our country...
9 years ago
Creativity comes with a price tag. It demands sacrifices.If one is not willing to shed sweat...
9 years ago