I was startled and shocked to see in the faq section regarding the active content thing. But 1 year gap is a long time of inactiveness and hope no one would be inactive for such long tenure. Started this discussion so that people in case are using it very rarely and did not get their eye on the faq, just be wary of this Active content law.

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Those who are active are aware about The Active Content. After seeing, members who were inactive for a long time, appear suddenly as if from the blue claim their old dues and arrears in payments. This prompted the administrator to introduce "Active content rule."

Similarly lot of things changed. I advise you to be aware of the rules in currency.

Active and regular members are aware of this Active content rule. I advise you to know about the rules in currency to make the things easier for you.

Oh that's the new thing I have heard here. I was inactive for 4-5 months and have come now again. Let me read the FAQ and know things which I may not be knowing. 

There is law of limitation. Even the govt. dues have limitation period of one year. So this one year inactive period has been well introduced in Boddunan. I had once remarked in these columns that if I am absent for a long period say a fortnight without intimation,  this would imply that I'm not alive. 

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: suni51
Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

There is law of limitation. Even the govt. dues have limitation period of one year. So this one year inactive period has been well introduced in Boddunan. I had once remarked in these columns that if I am absent for a long period say a fortnight without intimation,  this would imply that I'm not alive. 


For moderators it's mandatory to inform admin even if they wish to stay away for more than 3 days. As per rule a member loses all his dues if inactive or not posting in forums/articles/Q&A on regular basis.

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Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

There is law of limitation. Even the govt. dues have limitation period of one year. So this one year inactive period has been well introduced in Boddunan. I had once remarked in these columns that if I am absent for a long period say a fortnight without intimation,  this would imply that I'm not alive. 


Yes sir. Youclarified it well. The member has to prove his existence from time to time.


Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
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