Bad Breath Remedies And Prevention

Bad breath is something that most of us are afraid of. In many cases, majority of the population do not know they suffer from bad breath. To get rid of bad breath, we have to take initial steps in preventing bad breath to occur every time you open your mouth.

These home remedies to get rid of bad breath will be helpful for you.

1.The best bad breath remedies is that you have to make it a habit to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth after every meal. Make it a routine to brush your teeth or rinse every night before you go to sleep.

2.Mouth wash is readily available in any medical store. But keep in mind not to purchase a mouth wash that contains dyes and alcohol.

3.Sunflower seeds can be helpful to get rid of bad breath. All you have to do is chew on some sunflower seeds and drink a glass of water ,mainly after you eat a non vegetarian meal.

4.An apple a day keeps the doctor away. It is very much true. Eating an apple daily will help to remove bacteria in the mouth, the main cause of bad breath.

5.Lemon does wonders. The lemon juice mixed with warm water can be used to gargle your mouth to help get rid of bad breath. It a one of the best home remedies for bad breath.

6.To get an aromatic breath, cardamon is the best. Although is it pungent, it will give you good results for bad breath. It is also a mouth refreshner.

These home remedies for bad breath will be of good use . But, in order to prevent this, we can take certain precautions to prevent bad breath.

1.It is good if you drink plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water will help to get rid of the bacteria in the mouth.

2.Bad breath remedies is good as it helps to kill the unwanted germs in the mouth. Although, you may brush reguarly and maintain a good oral routine, it is important that when you brush your teeth, make sure to use a tongue cleaner to clean the tongue. The bacteria usually stays on the tongue causing bad breath.

3.If these home remedies for bad breath do not work, it is advisble to see a dentist. You may be having an oral disease that needs doctor's consultancy.

4.When you use mouthwashes, make sure that you go in for those that have ingredients of aloe vera and parsley. It is good to help get rid of bad breath.

5.It is said, tea is one of the best bad breath remedies. Those who are coffee addicts, it is advisble to switch to tea as coffee frames a thin coat on the tongue which blocks the oxygen supply on the tongue.

6.Now and again, chew on sugarless gum. This will help you clean your mouth as chewing increases the saliva flow.

Bad breath is one problem that many of us face. Follow these home remedies for bad breath and help to prevent them by taking appropriate steps.
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Thanks for sharing valuable tips to avoid Bad breath.Keep sharing,Dr.Neetu!!! :) :)
Very useful data posted by you, neetu.. thanks for sharing
Do you more often find people covering their nose and mouth in a non offensive way while talking to you? Or sometimes they take a few steps back when you open your mouth to utter a word? Beware! You might have Halitosis or bad breath! This problem can ruin your social life!

How to Test Bad Breath?
There are ways to test your breath if you don't find any close friend to tell you how bad it is!

* • Cup your hands and breathe deeply into them. Now sniff, you'll know whether you have bad breath or not.
* • Pull a floss gently between your teeth, remove and sniff it. If it gives out foul smell, you too smell.
How to Overcome Bad Breath?
Bad breath is often the result of both- external and internal body factors. When you are careless about your mouth care, bacteria develops in the mouth and you can suffer from bad breath. Indigestion and stomach & intestinal disturbances also lead to foul smell in breath. Sinus or throat infections, tobacco and alcohol use are other causes of bad breath. Therefore, avoiding these factors will automatically prevent bad breath. Proper mouth care and keeping the bowel functions smooth by taking proper Ayurvedic diets can keep this problem at bay. Additionally, quit smoking and alcohol to take care of the external factors.
I think most of the tips are shared before anyhow thanks for sharing once again.. :)
Oh really, eating an apple really removes bacteria from the mouth.... something new for me.... Thanks for sharing.....
Bad Breath

This is quite unfortunate that people suffering from hardly understand that this disease should never be ignored. However, most of them think that it is a natural thing after certain age and one can do nothing about it. or halitosis can affect people of all age group; in fact it has nothing to do with age. can be due to many different reasons from trapped food in the mouth to disease in gums to unhealthy food habit to stress and tension. This article will explain everything about halitosis and will explain the effective home remedies to avoid it.

Causes for Bad Breath

is one of worst medical problem people are suffering all over the world. The causes for this embarrassing and at the same time discouraging disease are poor gums, non-chewed food trapped between tooth, eating greasy and garlic, onion-rich food, diabetes
, and sometimes constipation. Poor gums or dental problems like cavity in a tooth results in pus in the gums and thus a poor bad smell comes from the mouth. Doctors also say that if a person has poor digestive or respiratory system, he suffers from . Diseases like sinusitis, chronic disease; intestinal disease such as constipation has a major role in producing . Respiratory disease cause thick layers on tongue, which produce foul smell.
Home remedies for halitosis

The first step to treating halitosis is to find out the cause. If bad breath is due to consumption of a certain food item, avoiding that particular item may be enough to prevent bad breath. If bad breath is being caused by other factors, you may require other modes of treatment. Luckily, there are plenty of home remedies to help you out.

Fenugreek is the most popular and effective home remedy for bad breath. In local language, fenugreek is called 'methi'. Boil one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in half a litre of cold water, and allow it to simmer for 15 minutes on a low flame. When it is done, strain the mixture, and use the filtered liquid as a fenugreek tea. Consuming fenugreek tea on a regular basis will gradually diminish bad breath.

Avocado is an excellent remedy for halitosis. Sometimes, due to indigestion, food remains in the intestine. As it decomposes, intestinal bacteria act upon it, which produces various foul gases. When these gases are expelled through the mouth, it causes bad breath. Consumption of avocado effectively deals with intestinal food decomposition, and thus minimises bad breath.

For bad breath caused by gum disease, guava is a treatment option. Besides calcium, manganese, and oxalates, guava is also a good source of malic, oxalic, phosphoric, and tannic acids. Eating guava stops bleeding in the gums and strengthens their hold on the teeth. It also destroys harmful bacteria, residing in the gums. This, in turn, decreases bad breath. Apart from the fruit, chewing the young leaves of the guava tree also stops gums from bleeding.

Parsley and clove
Parsley is another natural cure for bad breath. Boil two cups of water to which a few sprigs of chopped parsley and a few whole cloves have been added. After boiling, continue stirring the mixture until it cools. Use the liquid obtained after straining as a mouthwash and gargle with it after every meal to keep bad breath at bay.

Juices made of raw fruits or vegetables are important in the fight against halitosis. Juices of green vegetables are especially useful. Individuals who suffer from bad breath should consume raw juices regularly to minimise their halitosis.

Home remedies can work wonders for halitosis but they need to be supplemented with good oral hygiene. A combination of regular brushing and flossing along with these dietary methods will ensure that you keep bad breath at bay
Everyone is scared of bad breath as it may be a cause of embarrassment. It is a very common problem now-a-days

A major cause of bad breath is periodontal gum disease which occurs when hydrogen sulphide and other compounds collect in the mouth and damage the gum tissue. Bacteria which collect in the area between the gum and the teeth create a malodorous film which can be removed. A thorough cleaning by a dentist can take care of this problem. Brushing, flossing and regular dental check-ups are the best ways of preventing periodontal gum disease.

One of the most common causes of halitosis is post-nasal drip. Many people are not aware that they suffer from post-nasal drip, but report its symptoms such as blocked or cracking eardrums and occasional dizziness. Needing to clear one’s the throat regularly and feeling a lump in the back of the throat are also commonly reported symptoms. These lumps and blockages are the result of mucus deposits in the throat and in the nasal and sinus cavities. The protein-rich mucus is food for bacteria which enter the mouth through back of the tongue. Allergies and consumption of dairy products compound the problem by thickening the layer of mucus. Natural saline wash or plain salt water can reduce the mucus in the back of the throat and kill bacteria. Nasal sprays which flush out layers of mucus can also prevent halitosis.
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