Lets use this thread to share some good, interesting and fun websites you know. Please be careful, not to post any website link that will violate the terms and conditions of boddunan.For example,your reference,pirated software site or anything like that.It would be great if you know the site very well and is sure that its 100% safe to visit.

My contribution


Know your PERSONALITY by answering 41 questions!
All you need to do is,just answer 41 questions.Each question has only 2 answer and you need to select one answer,just like a poll.You can move back to the previous question if you want to change the answer.Once you complete the 41 questions the result will be formed, which is a very elaborate report on your personality!.
Its 100% free and very simple to use.
Like it on Facebook, Tweet it or share this topic on other bookmarking websites.
An interesting site indeed. Another site that I would like to share is http://www.bobblebrook.com/ a simple site for a few online games.
Please do not promote other website on Boddunan.com... We should rather do something to attract visitor's traffic to Boddunan.com...

Thanks and take care

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
hello harish bhai,
There is no intension of promoting any website..Please understand that i get no benefit from this..Its not a reference or something.But just sharing.If you believe its promoting website,then what about the article given below, which is APPROVED by boddunan.
It gives a list of websites similar to boddunan!!!

i have made it clear in my post that,no links violating the terms and condition must be posted.So its all about sharing some good, interesting and fun site...like what i have given..
promoting boddunan is a different thing..here its about using the features available in boddunan for knowledge sharing.
i believe you are also good in internet and i request you to share some good and educational websites you know..
In between,if the moderator believes its against the policy..please enlighten me and close this thread.
Sharing is caring we shouldnt make it more restricted.

Let's share and don't take it as a chance and promote other sites.. Just post some thing interesting
very good website
when i visited it first time i am so confused
how can be it happening

Hello MC,

I know that you are a sincere and excellent contributor.

We usually convey such messages for all other members that what is that they should avoid

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Hello Harish bhai,
Thank you so much for understanding me..
You are always there to guide us and we all respect you as a senior member.I say, you are a real asset to boddunan.com and i give you a thumbs up karma for that.
Thanks MC,

I have no words to reply the message that you have left for me.

I can only say that I would love to have messages from the excellent humanbeings like you rather than earning points and cash credits.

Thanks indeed, take care and god bless you

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Good to see you guys. Thanks for sharing good things. The websites are really good.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

It offers a lot of flash games.Most of them are stress busters. :cheer:
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