Articles [Stories]

  The next morning, when Shalini's mortal remains were brought to Akashdeep, it was drizzling but that did not stop the estate workers from the nearby estates, who came in droves to pay  homage which I felt was solely because of Mahesh...

After the tragedy and Shalini's Parents  The atmosphere at Akashdeep and the surrounding estate was one of gloom, foreboding and frankly unbearable,with the policemen coming and going and questioning the staff, estate workers and even the...

  The Mysterious  Incident at Akashdeep Estates – 12 Meeting Vidyakka again The next day was usual and after lunch Mahesh anna went up for his usual afternoon nap and Shalini too went up to her room and so did Geeta. Rohini aunt was...

  The Mysterious  Incident at Akashdeep Estates – 11   Shalini Confides As we sat down for lunch it began to rain and it was no ordinary rain either, but a proper storm which apparently was quite normal in the hilly...

 The Mysterious  Incident at Akashdeep Estates – 10   That night it rained heavily and we had a power cut soon after we had finished our dinner. For some reason the power backup too failed and the only alternative was to go down...

I have been wondering about so many events in my life. I consider myself lucky that my life is full of varied experiences throughout the years. I have been assailed by many thoughts but overall I have come to the conclusion, that the words of the...

  The Mysterious incident at Akashdeep estates - 7 Life at Akashdeep estate  Saturdays and Sundays were eagerly looked forward to, by the estate workers and other staff alike. Saturday was their pay day since the workers worked half...

  The Mysterious incident at Akashdeep estates – 6 My routine at akashdeep In no time at all I settled  into my new routine at Akashdeep estates. I would wake up to the sound of the daily roll call and the twitter of hundreds of...

  The mysterious incident at Akashdeep estates – 5 With so much happening in one day - the long exhausting drive through the winding roads and meeting Shalini had completely drained me because all I remembered was flopping on to my bed ,...

A decision is made One week later after many discussions, arguments and deliberations with my family, I decided to go to Akashdeep estates and live there for some time but on the condition that I was free to come home if and when I wanted. Sunita,...

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