Articles [Arts & Science]

Living organisms need a constant source of energy to drive the metabolic reactions that takes place inside their cells. In other words, the maintenance of individual life requires energy for performing various activities. This energy is released...

With liberalization, the limits on production have been removed. Multinationals have entered even fields such as the smallest scale food-processing industries. Domestic industries are unable to complete with the multinationals. Some of the biggest...

In Andhra Pradesh out of 72,860, habitations 4050 habitations do not have protected drinking water supply. Out of them more than 75% habitations i.e., 3072 have fluoride problem. In Andhra Pradesh, all districts have an excess of fluoride in their...

Human society is development-oriented. In this development –driven world, two categories of people exist: people who enjoy the development and those who suffer its consequences. The path that forests economic development and at the same time...

In 2001, there were 1.27 cror rural families in Andhra Pradesh. Of these, only 18% or about 23 Lacks had private toilets. Keeping this in view, a big scheme to provide 32.5 lacks individual toilets and 58, 000 school toilets are planned. As...

For generations, we have protected lakes and used them for irrigation. Farmers dependent on lakes planted trees to ensure that lakes did not burst out of their bunds or that stand did not fill them up. With an increase in the number of bore wells,...

Domestic wastes Normally, domestic waste is not very dangerous. That is why this waste is segregated into wet and dry waste. The dry waste is further separated into different categories. Paper, plastic, iron, lead and these items are sent off for...

In our state, average temperature is between 34 and 44 degrees centigrade at the highest and between 12 and 26 degrees at the lowest, in winter in north Telangana, the temperature falls to 5 to 6 degrees. In place where there are mines like...

Some times we feel that we do not have any energy left in us. We feel that we have no strength to do any work. Our physical ability to work is our energy. In the beginning of history of mankind, humans used fire, a form of energy, to cook food,...

There is an unbreakable relationship between income and the fuel used. In all developing nations, the poorest are the tribal people. They use dry sticks, leaves, and cow dung as their fuel. We can also see that nomadic people use less energy than...

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