Articles [Arts & Science]

When a large –scale accident affects man and nature, we call it a disaster. This can occur without a warning. Natural disasters include floods, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and landslides. Massive earthquakes hit Latur...

  Economics normally view development purely in terms of ideas and concepts like accumulation, Gross National Product, changes in occupational structure etc. These are the criteria the economists apply to measure development aiming at determining...

  The year 2009 would be remembered by the people of India especially the scientific community for the remarkable achievement of the Indian-American Mr. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan winning the Nobel prize for his pioneering studies on the structure...

Mrs. Kapur has a lovely garden at the back of her house. She has grown many beautiful plants and flowers in her garden. She loves to sit there in the evening, after her day’s work. One evening, after dinner, Mrs. Kapur was sitting in her garden....

Satellite radio stations broadcast signals from their earth to the satellites positioned in geo-stationary orbits above the earth. This covered the whole earth, while remaining stationary with respect to the land below. The enabled the satellite...

Teeth, tongue and saliva in the mouth help us to taste and digest food. Digestion begins in the mouth. The teeth break the food into smaller pieces. Food then mixes with saliva. Saliva is a liquid that is produced in the mouth and helps to soften...

House is one of our basic necessities. It protects us from heat, cold, rain, wild animals and thieves. People living in different places build different types houses. The type of house a person builds depends up on the following...

States matter Any thing that occupies space and has weight is called matter. In nature, matter exists in three states; solid, liquid and gas. They all occupy some space and have some weight. Anything that occupies space and has weight is called...

There are around 9,000 different types of birds. All of them live in different places. Some live in deserts, some in open plains, some n high mountains and some in water. Among animals, only birds, insects and bats can fly. Birds are fastest among...

We see many plants around us. They are of different shapes, sizes and colors. They are found in different places. Some are found on land and some on mountains some grow in water. Plants live in different surroundings. Over millions of years, they...

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