Articles [Arts & Science]

We need food to get energy for doing work, for growth of the body and to protect us against diseases. Food stuffs contain useful nutrients like carbohydrates, proteins, Fats, vitamins, salts and minerals. Carbohydrates are energy-giving food....

The element of sustainability is ingrained in our traditional understanding of environment.The environment that provides us with the basic amenities of survival is supposed to be one with our existence. It is a larger community which brings about a...

Forests have been considered as one of the peculiar and obvious examples of biomes. They are not only about thick cover of trees but also scrub vegetation and grassland. It is a peculiar organism of unlimited kindness and extends generously the...

Development in technological sense involves the coming up of dams, building of roads, tourism and much more. Overlooking sustainable development and stressing on unplanned development has devastating consequences for future generations. Mining and...

People have over the centuries contributed to the development of geography and growth of information. Further contribution to the growth of information was made by many travelers, surveyors, explorers, and scientific observers. It was only since...

The relationship between the elements involved in the creation of Earth, can be better understood if we trace the origin of the planet. During the first billion years since earth was ever born, its surface was molten, as it cooled the volcanoes...

China Major industries of china include toys, airplanes and aeronautics, automobiles, computers and telecommunication equipment, textiles, paper-making, daily-use mechanical devices, foodstuffs etc. Location The industries are located on the...

There are times when it is not so cold. There are times when it is not so hot. These changes are called changes of weather or climate. Seasons Seasons are different times of the year when the weather becomes different. In India, our counter, we...

We, human beings, and all other forms of life live on the planet earth. The beautiful earth We live on the planet called earth. The round planet where we live is the earth. It is made up of land and water and is surrounded by air. Only one part...

Water is most essential for living. Water is drinking liquid. No clean water in some villages. They are suffering from the shortage of water. Water is very important to us. 70% of our body is made of water. Internal organs our body can function...

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