Articles [Arts & Science]

All of us need shelter. We build houses to live in. birds also need some place to live. Most of the birds build nests to live. Different birds make nests in different ways and at different places.NestsBirds build their nests to live. You have seen...

  Our earth is one of the nine planets that orbit round the sun on fixed paths. While it orbits or revolves round the sun the earth also rotates on its own axis. It rotates from west to east. That makes the sun appear first in the east. The part...

  The earth’s crust was- made up of rocks, as time passed due to disturbances like strong wind, rain etc. these rocks broke into tiny particles. The rocks keep on breaking all the time taking the space of pebble, sand and gravel. These tiny...

Constellations One can see only about 2000 stars in a clear blue sky. One can o you know that there are billions of stars? If you look at the sky you can see that groups of stars form the outline of some peculiar shapes. These patterns formed...

On a hot sunny day you are asked to walk before on sand, would you like to do it? - Certainly not. At the same time if you are asked to dip your feet into running water you would not mind, land absorbs heat much faster than water. Take two bowls...

Man body Man is a living machine. Small units called cells make up a human body. These cells join to from tissues. Tissues from organs. Many organs make up a system. Many systems make up a human body.   These systems work together and...

Planet watchWe can see some of the planets without the aid a telescope. They shine like stars, but they have no light of their own. They are lighted up by the sun.The planets going round the sun, their satellites, the asteroids and comets, make up...

We need energy to work and play. The more we work and play the more energy we need. Food gives us energy. Food is of use only when it is broken down to small pieces. This is done by the digestive system.   The food we eat consists of large...

Plants and animals provide us with many things which we need in our daily life.Poultry animals like hen and duck are given special food.Food that animals eat also comes from plants. Animals are dependent on plants directly or indirectly for their...

  The water we use for ourselves, plants and animals should be free of germs and poisonous substances. In the wells of villages the water can be purified by dissolving a small piece of alum. At home, the best way is to boil and filter the drinking...

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