in Hinduism why ladies wear ankles?

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Wearing anklets is a sign of the marital status in many Hindu cultures and is considered to be a symbol of good luck for herself and her husband.

A scientific reason given for wearing anklets is that by wearing the anklets, one's energy is not wasted but re-vibrated back to one's own body. Also, since the woman wears a lot of gold jewellery in any Hindu religion, a lot of electricals currents are produced in the body. To counter these currents and to keep the positive energy flowing in the body, the practise of wearing Silver anklets is established.

Another reason for women being decked up with ornaments from head to toe was that it is considered a  woman's duty to forever be at her best with pleasant appearance in front of her husband and relatives. Hence the elaborate regimen for various ornaments with equal importance given to wearing anklets and toe rings etc.

But the most plausible and relavnt explanation that I was given by someone and the one that I liked was that: from the ancient times, people who were wealthy chose to turn their wealth into precious metal such as gold, silver etc. since there were no banks to keep their money into. Also in those days, a rigid code of conduct was followed where the honour and sanctity of women was concerned. Therefore, most of the wealth amassed was turned into ornaments that could be worn, which when bad times fell could be sold and the family could buy food and necessities with. Later on, this only became a sign of status and symbol in the community and more recently, only a fashion trend.

But mostly, the reason why girls like to wear anklets is that they are simply beautiful and sexy with pleasing tinkling sound.




Hindiism is not only a set of philosophical values. This is also a community with distinct style of living, cultural traditions and background. Anklets are also a paret of women's dress. Moreover, the life style depends mor on region than on religfion. The anklets are worn by women in North India and Bihar. The Punjabis and Himachal Hindus have different life style. The women in regions like U.P., Bihar and other North Indian states wear same sort of dress irrespective of religion. The only difference would be about veil or Burqua. Then, Hindu women in these states also cover their faces with Pallu or something called "Ghoongat' which is also a sort of veil or Burqua.

In short, Region and not religion largely determines the dress and ornaments.



I think your question must be end with bangles? I am answering in that sense.Please post if you are not satisfied with this answer.

Generally Hindu Girls Used to wear Bangles, it is delicate, charming and makes me feel different, connected to something beyond.it represents tradition, femininity, care, beauty, simplicity, style, and it goes with almost everything. especially, if you have long and lean arms, it adds more beauty. not only that,  "men (your partner) loves the sound and can make them crazy." i think that the sound of bangles can also reveal the softer and feminine side of a rough and tough kind of a girl.  smaller bangles are thought to symbolize more happiness during the honeymoon and afterward.

Different types of bangles and the colors in a woman’s bangles can represent whether she is married, single, or a widower.

I have seen girls wearing bangles with a jeans and t-shirt and carry it off amazingly so I think bangles or no bangles its the inner feeling that makes a woman feel Indian or otherwise.




Hi priya,

It is Anklet not ankles...Anklet is worn by many women through the world now, not only by Indian women..But in really more of them wore it for fashion ..and they are coming in different metal.

There are many scientific benefits of wearing Anklets..

1) They stop inflammation of foot soles as mostly silver is the metal used for preparing Anklets. Silver has heeling power and cooling nature.

2) Peripheral blood circulation will improve and other health problem related to feet can be reduced.

In olden days wearing of anklets have another reason other than health benefits. At that time in Villages due to lack of faciliities many women had to travel along the fields to go for bathrooms and the anklets which make sounds were wear by them, to avoid danger from snakes and other poisionous reptiles. negative energies can also be avoid is one belief in hindu culture

In hindu culture the importance is due to these reasons only which are almost scientific. Other than these they give beauty to foot and is considered to be Goddess lakshmi's entering the house.

These are some reason..Hope i clarified




Because this is customary.


Wearing anklets hasn't got anything to do with any religion. Its just an ornament


Anklets are traditionally worn by women as an adornment to make themselves beautiful and heard...


Part of the Hindu culture in certain reasons. Nothing to do with religious reasons but as per their traditions only.


a aprt of their beauty


Not only hindu ladies wear anklets, but most of them wear. Its just a part of beauty and culture


You mean anklets? women in every religion wear anklets. Not necessarily Hinduism


Why in computer section ?


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