difference between OS & SOFTWARE

What is the difference between OS & SOFTWARE

Category: Computers & Internet

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An operating system is a software which drives a computer.It is a set of instructions which gives life to the computer from the very moment it is switched on.To put it another way , it is the inbuilt software of a computer which remains in closest coordination with the hardware.

In comprison,  'software' is a more general term. It may be any set of instructions intended for a purpose,say, an embedded software,an application software for counting the number of hits on a website,a billing software or for anything on earth.

That is to say, OS(Operating System) is a subset of 'software'.All OSs are softwares but all softwares are not OSs.


An operating system is a software that controls the hardware.

As a controller ,An operating system controls the hardware peripharels like a key board, video,disk, mouse. etc..

As a manager, An operating system manages all the resources. it processes the execution time .

An software is a general term . that is having set of instructions. that set of instructions are called application. The EXE format of the application is called software. Software may be system software or application software.


Operating system is a type of software which is responsible for interacting with the user of the computer like microsoft windows XP,microsoft windows 98,microsoft windows vista etc.

A software is a coding or program which is meant for a specific purpose.It could be for graphics, games or any sort of thing which we can use for our purpose without knowing the logic behind that eg. paint brush,MS word etc.



OS : Operating system.. It is a big system contains lot many software within it.

Software: It is one particular app which is developed for particular task.


Just as the brain operates our body, in the same way to operate any gadgets OS is required.
Software is the combinations of some programs which is made to do some specific work.


OS is example of Software. Software is instrucion which is given to the computer system to carry out different types of tasks. OS or Operating System is the basic software without which system cannot start. All softwares are not OS. Software includes OS. All OS are softwares.


Os is a heart to the computer to run. With out Os no software cannot run in any system.


OS is a type of a software


Operating system controls the software and softwares perform specific functions.


OS - operating system is one of the software that controls our computer.
Software - Software means types of programs that used to operate our computer.


Operating system is a platform on which various software works. We can install software on Operating system.


AN OS or Operating System is a collection of Software that manages computer software resources and provides common services for Computer Programs.

System Software is an operating system designed to operate and control the computer hardware and to provide platform for running application software.




Every OS is a software but all softwares are not OS


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