computer screen reversed upside down How correct?

The computer screen in my home computer has suddenly turned upside down. I could not set this correct even by mouse dragging. What is the way to set this right so that I may use it.

Category: Computers & Internet

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For windows xp:

I have faced the same problem and just follow these steps:

1.Right click and go to 'properties'.

2.You will have an option called 'Settings'.

3.Choose the option called 'Adavnced'.

4.A new window will be opened and you will have an option called 'Intel Graphics Adapter'.

5.In that you will have an option called 'Rotation'.

6.select that and choose it to 'Zero degree' and click 'apply'.

7.System will restart and then again follow steps number 1,2,3,4,5 and you will find an option called 'never rotate'.

8.Select that one and click on apply.

9.That's your problem is fixed.




there problem with monitor. This up screen problem comes in monitor.there some Power and dry soldering. in working condition you move your monitor it make some fluctuation.Just Check it.Get solution for it.


Press and hold the CTL and  Alt keys while pressing Left, right or Down arrow to rotate the screen .



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