Joint family is best or not?

Nowadays most people don't like joint family. What is the reason?

Category: Family & Relationships

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The joint family system was a nice experience when our life was filled with innocent love that was not covered with selfishness, and there was always somebody to take care of us and guide us through right direction that gives us a feeling of safety. But, as demanded by time, the joint family has broken down into nuclear families that provide us with a strange world echoing with the terrific sound of silence. We have become strangers between ourselves and lifeless effigies of selfishness. Sorry…I still prefer those forgotten days of joint family system, even though it is a blind dream, ……because there is life!! 



There is no choice between joint family or nuclear family. This depends on job description of individuals. Joint family has broken in many cases because the individual have to separate for jobs in factories and etabishments situated at distant places.  Joint family suits those employe in agriculture or business usually as family enterprise. 



Well, the answer to this is simple, joint family has both pros and cons. But since everybody needs their comfort and privacy, joint families are not seen any more. Also, most people move out of their native places in order to take up jobs and this entails moving out and staying in different cities, owing to which it is difficult to maintain joint family. Nuclear family is what is seen most of the time but now since both parents are working, again people are depending on their parents. Also sometimes parents refuse to move in with the children because they just don't wish to move out of their comfort zone. So we can't say for sure if joint families are good or not because it is better to live peacefully and stay apart rather than have constant bickering by staying together.



Both have pros and cons.


In ancient days Joint families worked. But time has moved forward and so are everyone's necessities, desires and ambitions. In old days, all members were not well educated and in most cases they worked together. People have become more selfish and self centered and their dreams can't be put in chains. So let us move with time. Whether atomic or joint, it's better to maintain a good cord of relation with siblings and parents. I give preference to it.


Earlier, even if parents are lost...uncles take responsibility of young kids. That's the great advantage of joint families. Is it possible today???????



Personally i am for joint families. People may or may not prefer to stay with joint families.



Whether it is a joint family or a nuclear family both have their products and cons in their own way so noone can tell one I'd right way whereas the other one is wrong. What one prefer depends on their way of thinking, situations , priorities, comfortability.



joint family is good.In joint family you get elders support, love, guidance and help.



No not at all, because there wont be any kind of privacy and no freedom. According to present days nuclear family is the best.



Joint family is the best. 



it sounds good to have a lot of people around you who will take care of you ,but if there is no disputes in the family then joint family may be merely equal to  heaven



Yes,I dont know why people don't like joint family but I like very much



I live along with my parents and feel its an advantage to live with them which  understand when  listen to the people who don't have a joint family.



As everybody said there are pros and cons for joint family as well.

Personally I used to live in joint family. Yes there are cons of it too, but not over pros. I mean there are more advantages of living together in big family. That's my opinion.



If people living in joint family adjust their living of style in accordance to their family, joint family is better. I saw many joint family living my surrounding without any problem.



Both have advantages and disadvantages. people choose their type of living in accordance with their preferences, priorities and necessities.



The joint family is better than the Single family. Cause when there is any problem all the members try to solve it together. we can take any decision easily and can share the household work. joint family preserves customs and culture. 



I am not sure, sometimes I feel joint family is better and then I change my mind suddenly.



Living in a joint family both has its advantages and disadvantages. Living in such arrangement makes it easy for children to be taken care of, they become very much adjusting and adapting etc. On other hand, such arrangement may result in lack of personal time or space.



It depends on the people adjustment with each other. If everybody understand each other and give the space to others to live then joint family is a welcome one otherwise nuclear family is best. In nuclear family children did not get much love directly from their grandpa.



Joint family has both advantages and disadvantages and for the modern day living it may not be suitable since people live in cities and even move out on transfers etc...Joint family system emerged when there was joint property and the life of the entire clan centered around that wh8ch is not the case now.Now Jont families that still exist , do so out of convenience more than anything else


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