Home improvement and DIY jobs..

These days many people try their hand at small home repairs and DIY ( Do it Yourself) jobs around the house. It is fun and challenging and gives one immense satisfaction at the end of it . Please share your experiences if any ...

Category: Home Improvement

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recently i started doing some DIY kind of work at home.. Just thought lets give a try.. After researching on internet I decided to build an office chair for myself.. I think I did pretty good job even though it took few days to build that chair but at the end was so satisfied and happy..



usha manohar That's what really matters, the satisfaction and a sense of achievement.. - usha manohar - 7 years ago


Thing which we make with our hands may be not perfect but it give and satisfication and joy to much. In my childhood I also like to some thing with my hand like binding of books. Once I made cage for parrot from useless hammock. 

usha manohar I agree it is the satisfaction that matters - usha manohar - 7 years ago


I am replying to this question after a long time. Infact my younger daughter who is home schooled in a Waldrof school and set up has stopped buying gifts. She is 10 years and has mastered the art of crochet and stitching. So now she gifts people with her hand made stuffs like sling bag, pencil pouch, mobile pouch etc. She uses old unused clothing for inner linings. Some of our relatives have paid her as a blessing for her handwork items. I have really got inspired by her. I carry her woven bag to work, so  well done. It catches everyone attention.

Now we parents have got a new bigger place for our home school set up. We are getting it ready ourselves. So here is an younger father who will teach us carpentry. Looking forward to learning it after Diwali



I rearranged all my Paintings in my Drawing room according to the themes, like all seascapes on on one side and landscapes on another side. This has given ne lot of satisfaction.


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