Role of Inner Strength in our Life

The inner strength should be the most important part of every human being since no one can do a thing properly without the power of strength within him. One cannot move forward or come out of his limited circle of thoughts if he has no courage to break the shackles with the help of his inner strength. I would go a step ahead and say that the inner strength within us plays the most powerful role taking us ahead of others. Therefore, Inner strength must be one of the important parts of personality of us human beings.

Have you met such people?

Most of us can hear people saying that their family members or people in society do not want them to do certain things which in their views are good but they do not want to go against society or family members. What I feel people in this category are mentally too weak to act as per their own abilities or wishes. They do not posses necessary courage to act as per their own strength but remain under a fear of ‘what others will say’ despite knowing full well that they are on the right track. In my views they not only refrain doing good things themselves but give a wrong message to others too to stay clear from doing good deeds. They do not want to be while blower and start something worth for the society.

We must act strong

We should learn how to live with courage in this multifaceted society which seldom appreciates you for your good deeds but never hesitates criticizing you for your slightest mistakes. For instance, most of us talk too big about women empowerment but if talk about inner strength as whole for every human being women will also be part of that and then perhaps we shall understand the value of women more precisely. Just why should we leave half of the society out of the main stream? Once we understand the value of inner strength we shall come out of petty thinking and will be able to take right decisions for everyone in the society with discriminating sex, cast or creeds. The time is ripe when we should come forward and act strong as that is the only way we can overcome the shortcomings spread in our society.

Inner Strength is not inherited

Let’s make sure that we work constantly towards building our inner strength as it is never inherited or gifted by family or friends. Your family members or friends may be a motivative factor towards making you strong but they cannot teach you be one although they can support you or love you for good efforts. However the fact is, you shall have to gather strength on your own to improve your inner strength and act accordingly. There is no formula that can make you strong from inside unless you decide to do it for yourself.  Your parents and other family members including your teachers, friends and the environment of your younger days definitely plays a vital role but this is entirely up to you now as how you wish to transform your inner strength once you have grown up and ready to face the society. Here is a note for parents to teach their children to develop good and strong feelings towards the society so that they could become strong and do something to help improve the cause of the society they live in.

Role of Parents is vital

As parents we teach our children so many different aspects of life but I am sure you will agree with me that most of us fail when it comes to teaching our children to act courageously and intervene when they see something wrong happening on the roads, in the community, in a running bus or train. Children will learn this only when parents will train them right from the younger days but the fact is our parents train children for everything but courage is nowhere in the agenda. The need is to train children in how to cultivate strong willpower as well encourage them face the world with greater inner strength. Let me repeat you cannot make them strong unless but you can give your children lot of love, good ideas, mental security which will help children cultivate good point of views towards life and society. The children will be better prepared to face the life and protect the society.

Sorry but the truth is

I will take the risk and say that our women folks generally talk as weak and helpless (even the shrewdest ones). The need is we talk good things about women and keep working towards empowerment of women constantly and that is not possible unless women will learn to respect themselves. There is general weakness in most women, they easily get carried away (remember I said most, not all) and surrender to others needs without thinking for their own needs and that is one of the main reasons they suffer. The need is they learn to respect themselves and accept their own identity and importance.  Unless the women of this country will know her value the others will keep them taking for granted.

Inner Courage and Women

Women should develop inner courage and make themselves lesser dependent on others that will certainly uplift their status. People say the incident of rapes are increasing but the fact is women is still respected in this country and respected more than anywhere else in the world but the increasing number of media is highlighting such incidents otherwise we are not as bad as more developed countries like America and Britain are where the number of rapes is far greater but media and politicians do not sensationalize them for their self gains. Besides we should keep this in our mind that number of reports by women is increasing as they are no more afraid of so called ‘honor’ tab fixed with rape for none of their fault but certain sick minds involved in this unforgivable crime. Women victim of rape cases do not want live with feeling of guilt (which is not their fault). This simply goes to show that women are showing strong willpower and representing their role of strong character. The fact is, everyone can lead a strong life provided they know how to develop a strong inner strength.

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