Nowadays all of us are using computer and browsing in Internet.So we all know about Menus.Here i specified some of the details about Menus.

Menus are the major form of navigation through which a system and if it is properly designed,assist the user in developing a mental model of the system.Menus are always effective because they utilize the more powerful human capability of recognition.

Menu information can be remembered and it is integrated across the series of screens.The Graphical and web systems are heavily menu oriented.In Graphical system they are used to designate the commands,properties to an object.In website design,common menus includes the textual links to other pages,command buttons and both graphical and textual toolbars.

Menu comes in many forms,that is from simple to complex.The most used menu structures are

1.Single Menus

2.Sequential Linear Menus

3.Simultaneous Menus

4.Hierarchical Menus

5.Connected Menus

6.Event-Trapping Menus

1.Single Menus:

It is the simplest form of menu.A single screen or window is presented to seek the user's input to be performed.The menu will be represented to the user with a message requesting reentry of valid data.

2.Sequential Linear Menus:

These menus are represented on a series of screens possessing only one path.It is represented in a preset order.The length of the path may be short or long and it depends upon the nature of the information being collected.

3.Simultaneous Menus:

In this type of menu structure,all the menu options are available on the screen.The menu may be completely in the order desired by the user.The long series of sequential menu is reduced by the simultaneous menu.

4.Hierarchical Menus:

This menu is represented as a inverse tree,which is leading to more and more branches.The structure of this menu is characterized by depth and breadth.The order and the structure of branching in a hierarchy is preset and the normal order of top-down.

5.Connected Menus:

These menus are network of menus,all are inter connected in some manner.Here no top-down traversal of the menu system.

6.Event-Trapping Menus:

These menus provide an ever present background of control over the system's state and parameter while the user is working on a fore ground task.

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