Hierarchical Directory Systems

In a typical file storage system, numerous files are to be stored on storage of gigabytes capacity. In order to handle such scenario, the files are to be organized. The organization, usually, done in two parts. In the first part, the file system is broken into partitions, also known as minidisks or volumes. Typically, a disk contains at least one partition, which is a low level structure in which files and directories reside. Sometimes, there may be more than one partition on a disk, each partition acting as a virtual disk. The users do not have to concern themselves with the translating the physical address; the system does the required job.

Partitions contain information about itself in a file called partition table. It also contains information about files and directories on it. Typical file information is name, size, type, location etc. The entries are kept in a device directory or volume table of contents.


Figure (a) Directory hierarchy

Directories may be created within another directory. Directories have parent-child relationship. Figure (a)


Directory Structure

The file systems of computers can be extensive. Some systems store thousands of files on hundreds of gigabytes of disk.  To manage all these data, we need to organize them.  This organization is usually done in two parts; First, the file system is broken into in the IBM world or volumes in the PC and Macintosh arenas.  Typically, each disk on a system contains at least_

Second, each partition contains information about files within it.  This information is kept in a device directory or volume table of contents.

The device directory (more commonly known simply as a "directory") records information — such as name, location, size, and type — for all files on that partition.


The Logical Structure of a Directory

Single-Level Directory

The simplest directory structure is the single-level directory.  All files are contained in the same directory, which is easy to support and understand. A single-level directory has significant limitations however, when the number of files increases or when there is more than one user. Since all files are in the same directory, they must have unique names.   If we have two users who call their data file test, then the unique-name rule is violated.  For example, in one programming class, 23 students called the program for their second assignment prog2, another 11 called it assigns.  Although file names are generally selected to reflect the content of the file, they are often limited in length. The MS-DOS operating system allows only 11-character file names; UNIX allows 255 characters.



Figure (b) Single-Level Directory


Even with a single user, as the number of files increases, it becomes difficult to remember the names of all the files, so as to create only files with unique names. It is not uncommon for a user to have hundreds of files on one computer system and an equal number of additional files on another system. In such an environment, keeping track of so many files is a daunting task.

Two-Level Directory

The disadvantage of a single-level directory is confusion of file names. The standard solution is to create a separate directory for each user. In the two-level directory structure, each user has her own user file directory (UFD). Each UFD has a similar structure, but lists only the files of a single user. When a user starts or a user logs in, the system's master file directory is searched. The master file directory is indexed by user name or account.


Figure (c) Two-Level Directory


When in a UDP a user refers to a particular file, only his own UFD is searched. Thus, different users may have files with the same name, as long as all the filenames within each UFD are unique.

To create a file for a user, the operating system searches only that user's UFD to ascertain whether another file of that name exists. To delete a file, the operating system confines its search to the local UFD; thus, it cannot accidentally delete another user's file that has the same name.

The user directories themselves must be created and deleted as necessary. A special system program is run with the appropriate user name and account information.  The program creates a new user file directory and adds an entry for it to the master file directory. The execution of this program might be restricted to system administrators. The allocation of disk space for user directories can be handled with the techniques discussed earlier for files themselves.

The two-level directory structure solves the name-collision problem, but it still has problems. This structure effectively isolates one user from another. This isolation is an advantage when the users are completely independent, but is a disadvantage when the users co-operate on some task and to access one user’s account by other users is not allowed.

If access is to be permitted, one user must have the ability to name a file in another user's directory.

A two-level directory can be thought of as a tree, or at least an inverted tree. The root of the tree is the master file directory. Its direct descendants are the UFDs. The descendants of the user file directories are the files themselves.

Thus, a user name and a file name define a path name. Every file in the system has a path name. To name a file uniquely, user must know the path name of the file desired.

For example, if user A wishes to access her own test file named test, she can simply refer to test. To access the test file of user B (with directory-entry name user b), however, she might have to refer to /userb/test. Every system has its own syntax for naming files in directories other than the user's own.

There is additional syntax to specify the partition of a file. For instance, in MS-DOS a partition is specified by a letter followed by a colon.   Thus, file specification  might be  “C:/userb/bs.test".    Some systems go even further and separate the partition, directory name, and file name parts of the specification. For instance, in VMS, the file "login.com" might be specified as:

"u:[sstdeck1]login.com;”  where "u" is the name of the partition, "sst" is the name of the directory, "deck" is the name of subdirectory, and "1", is the version number. Other systems simply treat the partition name as part of the directory name. The first name given is that of the partition, and the rest is the directory and file. For instance, "/u/pbg/test" might specify partition "u", directory "pbg", and file "test".

A special case of this situation occurs in regard to the system files. Those programs provided as a part of the system (loaders, assemblers, compilers, utility routines, libraries, and so on) are generally defined as files.  When the appropriate commands are given to the operating system, these files are read by the loader and are executed.

Many command interpreters act by simply treating the command as the name of a file to load and execute. As the directory system is defined presently, this file name would be searched for in the current user file directory.  One solution would be to copy the system files into each user file directory. However, copying all the system files would be enormously wasteful of space. (If the system files require 5 megabytes, then supporting 12 users would require 5 x 12 = 60 megabytes just for copies of the system files.)

The standard solution is to complicate the search procedure slightly. A special user directory is defined to contain the system files (for example, user 0).

Whenever a file name is given to be loaded, the operating system first searches the local user file directory.  If the file is found, it is used.  If it is not found, the system automatically searches the special user directory that contains the system files. The sequence of directories searched when a file is named is called the search path. This idea can be extended, such that the search path contains an unlimited list of directories to search when a command name is given. This method is the one most used in UNIX and MS-DOS.

Tree-Structured Directories

Once we have seen how to view a two-level directory as a two-level tree, the natural generalization is to extend the directory structure to a tree of arbitrary height. This generalization allows users to create their own sub-directories and to organize their files accordingly.  The MS-DOS system, (for instance) is structured as a tree.  In fact, a tree is the most common directory structure. The tree has a root directory. Every file in the system has a unique path name. A path name is the path from the root, through all the subdirectories, to a specified file.



Figure (d) Tree-Structured Directories


A directory (or subdirectory) contains a set of files or subdirectories. A directory is simply another file but it is treated in a special way. All directories have the same internal format, one bit in each directory entry defines the entry as a file (0) or as a subdirectory (1) Special system calls are used to create and delete directories.                 '

In normal use, each user has a current directory. The current directory should contain most of the files that are of current interest to the user. When reference is made to a file, the current directory is searched.  If a file is needed that is not in the current directory, then the user must either specify a path name or change the current directory to be the directory holding that file. To change the current directory to a different directory, a system call is provided that takes a directory name as a parameter and uses it to redefine the current directory.

Thus, the user can change his current directory whenever he desires. From one change directory system call to the next, all open system calls search the current directory for the specified file.

The initial current directory of a user is designated when the user job starts or the user logs in. The operating system searches the accounting file (or ask) other predefined location to find an entry for this user (for accounting). In the accounting file is a pointer to (or the name of) the user's initial directory. This pointer is copied to a local variable for this user, which specifies the user's initial current directory.

Path names can be of two types: absolute path names or relative path names. An absolute path name begins at the root and follows a path down to the desired file, giving the directory names on the path. A relative path name defines a path from the current directory.

Allowing the user to define his own subdirectories permits him to impose a structure on his files. This structure might result in separate directories for files associated with different topics (for example, a subdirectory was created to hold the text of this book or different forms of information for example, the directory programs may contain source programs; the directory bin may store all the binaries. An interesting policy decision in a tree-structured directory structure is how to handle the deletion of a directory.  If a directory is empty, its entry in its containing directory can simply be deleted. However, suppose the directory to be deleted is not empty, but contains several files, or possibly subdirectories. One of two approaches can be taken. Some systems, such as MS-DOS, will not delete a directory unless it is empty. Thus, to delete a directory, the user must first delete all the files in that directory.  If there are any subdirectories, the procedure must be applied recursively to them, so that they can be deleted also.

This approach may result in a substantial amount of work. An alternative approach, such as that taken by the UNIX rm command, to provide the option that, when a request is made to delete a directory, and that directory's files and subdirectories are also to be deleted. Note that either approach is fairly easy to implement; the choice is one of policy. The latter policy is more convenient, but more dangerous, because an entire director structure may be removed with one command. If that command was issue in error, a large number of files and directories would need to be restored from backup tapes.

With a tree-structured directory system, users can access, in addition their files, the files of other users. For example, user B can access files of user A by specifying their path names. User B can specify either an absolute or relative path name. Alternatively, user B could change her current directory be user A's directory, and access the files by their file names. Some systems also allow users to define their own search paths. In this case, user B could define her search path to be
(1) her local directory, (2) the system file directory, and user A's directory, in that order. As long as the name of a file of user A did not conflict with the name of a local file or system file, it could be referred to simply by its name.

Note that a path to a file in a tree-structured directory can be longer than that in a two-level directory. To allow users to access programs without having to remember these long paths, the Macintosh operating system automates the search for executable programs. It maintains a file, called the "Desktop File, containing the name and location of all executable programs it has seen. Where a new hard disk or floppy disk is added to the system, or the network accessed, the operating system traverses the directory structure, searching for executable programs on the device and recording the pertinent information This mechanism supports the double-click execution functionality described previously. A double-click on a file causes its creator attribute to be read, and the "Desktop File" to be searched for a match.

Acyclic-Graph Directories

Consider two programmers who are working on a joint project. The files associated with that project can be stored in a subdirectory, separating them from other projects and files of the two programmers. But since both programmers are equally responsible for the project, both want the subdirectory to be in their own directories. The common subdirectory should be shared. A shared directory or file will exist in the file system in two (or more) places at once. Notice that a shared file (or directory) is not the same as two copies of the file. With two copies, each programmer can view the copy rather than the original, but if one programmer changes the file, the changes will not appear in the other's copy. With a shared file, there is only one actual file, so any changes made by the person would be immediately visible to the other.



Figure (e) Acyclic-Graph Directories


This form of sharing is particularly important for shared subdirectories;  a new file created by one person will automatically appear in all the shared subdirectories. A tree structure prohibits the sharing of files or directories. An acyclic graph allows directories to have shared subdirectories and files.  The same file or subdirectory may be in two different directories. An acyclic graph (that is, a graph with no cycles) is a natural generalization of the tree-structured directory scheme.

In a situation where several people are working as a team, all the files to be shared may be put together into one directory. The user file directories of all the team members would  each  contain this  directory of shared  files  as  a subdirectory. Even when there is a single user, his file organization may require that some files be put into several different subdirectories.   For example, a program written for a particular project should be both in the directory of all programs and in the directory for that project.

Shared files and subdirectories can be implemented in several ways. A common way, exemplified by many of the UNIX systems, is to create a new directory entry called a link.  A link is effectively a pointer to another file or subdirectory. For example, a link may be implemented as an absolute or relative path name (a symbolic link). When a reference to a file is made, we search the directory. The directory entry is marked as a link and the name of the real file (or directory) is given. We resolve the link by using the path name to locate the real file. Links are easily identified by their format in the directory entry (or by their having a special type on systems that support types), and are effectively named indirect pointers.  The operating system ignores these links when traversing Directory trees to preserve the acyclic structure of the system.

The other approach to implementing shared files is simply to duplicate all information  about  them  in  both  sharing  directories. Thus, both entries are identical and equal.  A link is clearly different from the original directory entry; thus, the two are not equal. Duplicate directory entries, however, make the original and the copy indistinguishable.  A major problem with duplicate directory entries is maintaining consistency if the file is modified. An acyclic-graph directory structure is more flexible than is a simple tree structure, but is also more complex.   Several problems must be considered carefully. Notice that a file may now have multiple absolute path names. Consequently, distinct file names may refer to the same file. This situation is similar to the aliasing problem for programming languages. If we are trying to traverse the entire file system (to find a file, to accumulate statistics on all files, or to copy all files to backup storage), this problem becomes significant, since we do not want to traverse shared structures more than once.

Another problem involves deletion.  When can the space allocated to a shared file be deallocated and reused?  One possibility is to remove the file whenever anyone deletes it, but this action may leave dangling pointers to the now-nonexistent file. Worse, if the remaining file pointers contain actual disk addresses, and the space is subsequently reused for other files, these dangling pointers may point into the middle of other files.

In a system where sharing is implemented by symbolic links, this situation is somewhat easier to handle.  The deletion of a link does not need to affect the original file; only the link is removed. If the file entry itself is deleted, the space for the file is deallocated, leaving the links dangling. We can search for these links and remove them also, but unless a list of the associated link is kept with each file, this search can be expensive. Alternatively, we can leave the links until an attempt is made to use them. At that time, we can determine that the file of the name given by the link does not exist, and can fail to resolve the link name; the access is treated just like any other illegal file name. (In this case, the system designer should consider carefully what to do when a file is deleted and another file of the same name is created, before a symbolic link to the original file is used.) In the case of UNIX, symbolic links are left when a file is deleted, and it is up to the user to realize that the original file is gone or has been replaced.

Another approach to deletion is to preserve the file until all references to it are deleted. To implement this approach, we must have some mechanism for determining that the last reference to the file has been deleted. We could keep a list of all references to a file (directory entries or symbolic links). When a link or a copy of the directory entry is established, a new entry is added to the file-reference list. When a link or directory entry is deleted, we remove its entry on the list. The file is deleted when its file-reference list is empty.

The trouble with this approach is the variable and potentially large size of the file-reference list. However, we really do not need to keep the entire list - we need to keep only a count of the number of references. A new link or directory entry increments the reference count; deleting a link or entry decrements the count. When the count is 0, the file can be deleted; there are no remaining references to it. The UNIX operating system uses this approach for non-symbolic links, or hard links, keeping a reference count in the file information block or inode). By effectively prohibiting multiple references to directories, we maintain an acyclic-graph structure.

To avoid these problems, some systems do not allow shared directories links.  For example, in MS-DOS, the directory structure is a tree structure, rather than an acyclic graph, thereby avoiding the problems associated with file deletion in an acyclic-graph directory structure.

General Graph Directory

One serious problem with using an acyclic graph structure is ensuring that then re no cycles. If we start with a two-level directory and allow users to create subdirectories, a tree-structured directory results. It should be fairly easy to see that simply adding new files and subdirectories to an existing tree-structured preserves the tree-structured nature. However, when we add links to an existing tree-structured directory, the tree structure is destroyed, resulting in a simple graph structure.



Figure (f) General Graph Directory


The primary advantage of an acyclic graph is the relative simplicity of the algorithms to traverse the graph and to determine when there are no more references to a file. We want to avoid traversing shared sections of an acyclic graph twice, mainly for performance reasons. If we have just searched a major shared subdirectory for a particular file, without finding that file, we want to avoid searching that subdirectory again; the second search would be a waste of time.

If cycles are allowed to exist in the directory, we likewise want to avoid searching any component twice, for reasons of correctness as well as performance. A poorly designed algorithm might result in an infinite loop continually searching through the cycle and never terminating. One solution is to arbitrarily limit the number of directories, which will be accessed during a search.

A similar problem exists when we are trying to determine when a file can be deleted. As with acyclic-graph directory structures, a value zero in the reference count means that there are no more references to the file or directory, and the file can be deleted.   However, it is also possible, when cycles exist, that the reference count may be nonzero, even when it is no longer possible to refer to a directory or file. This anomaly results from the possibility of self-referencing (a cycle) in the directory structure. In this case, it is generally necessary to use a garbage collection scheme to determine when the last reference has been deleted and the disk space can be reallocated.

Garbage collection involves traversing the entire file system, marking everything that can be accessed. Then, a second pass collects everything that is not marked onto a list of free space. (A similar marking procedure can be used to ensure that a traversal or search will cover everything in the file system once and only once.) Garbage collection for a disk based file system, however, is extremely time-consuming and is thus seldom attempted. Garbage collection is necessary only because of possible cycles in the graph. Thus, an acyclic-graph structure is much easier to work with. The difficulty is to avoid cycles, as new links are added to the structure. How do we know when a new link will complete a cycle? There are algorithms to detect cycles in graphs however, they are computationally expensive, especially when the graph is on disk storage. Generally, tree directory structures are more common than are acyclic-graph structures.

Directory Operations

The directory can be viewed as a symbol table that translates file names into their directory entries. If we take such a view, then it becomes apparent that the directory itself can be organized in many ways. We want to be able to insert entries, to delete entries, to search for a named entry, and to list all the entries in the directory.

In this section, we examine several schemes for defining the logical structure of the directory system. When considering a particular directory structure, we need to keep in mind the operations that are to be performed on a directory:

Search for a directory: We need to be able to search a directory structure to find the entry for a particular file. Since files have symbolic names and similar names may indicate a relationship between files, we may want to be able to find all files whose names match a particular pattern.

  1. Create a directory: New files need to be created and added to the directory.
  2. Delete a directory: When a file is no longer needed, we want to remove it from the directory.
  3. List a directory: We need to be able to list the files in a directory, and the contents of the directory entry for each file in the list.
  4. Rename a directory: Because the name of a file represents its contents to its users, the name must be changeable when the contents or use of the file changes. Renaming a file may also allow its position within the directory structure to be changed.
  5. Traverse the file system: It is useful to be able to access every directory, and every file within a directory structure. For reliability, it is a good idea to save the contents and structure of the entire file system at regular intervals. This saving often consists of copying all files to magnetic tape. This technique provides a backup copy in case of system failure or if the file is simply no   longer in use. In this case, the file can be copied to tape, and the disk space of that file released for reuse by another file.
  6. Copying a directory: A directory may be copied from one location to another.
  7. Moving a directory: A directory may be moved from one location to a new location with all its contents.



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