Final image :


STEP 1 : Open a new document of width - 640 px and height - 410 px. Create a new layer by clicking the new layer icon in the layer box. Name this layer as 'Background' and fill this layer with yello color, that is # dfe10d. Fill using ALT + Backspace. Set the color in the color box before using the shortcut.

STEP 2 : Make a copy of the Background layer and name it as Fibre1. As the name indicates, let us add fibre effects to this layer. Go to Filter menu > Render and select the option = FIBRES. When the Fibre dialog box appears, set the Variance as 16 and Strength as 4. Set the Blend mode of this layer in the layer box to = MULTIPLY.

STEP 2 : Make THREE duplicate copies of the Fibre 1 layer and name them as , Fibre 2, Fibre 3, and Fibre 4. Naming is very important for layers to identify the steps to be performed in particular layers. Set the Blend mode of the Fibre 2 layer as = Multiply. The purpose of this layer is only to add strength to the fibres effect.

STEP 3 : Set the following adjustments to the Fibre 3 layer > Right click the layer and select Blending options or go to Layer menu > Layer style and Blending options. Under this, use the option called > Gradient overlay. Gradient Overlay settings:  Set the Blend mode to = COLOR BURN with opacity as 100% and style used as ‘Linear’ with angle-90% and scaled to 100%. Select the inverse option also as per necessary. The Gradient used is the custo made Bi-color gradient equally divided of colors # 993399 (Purple shade) and the other color is White.  Leave the mode of this layer to = MULTIPLY.

STEP 4 : Now the adjustments for the Fibre 4 layer is also the same as above as in Fibre 3 layer, that is the Blend mode is set to = COLOR BURN with opacity as 100% and style used as ‘Linear’ with angle-90% and scaled to 100%. Select the inverse option also as per necessary. The Gradient used is the custo made Bi-color gradient equally divided of colors # 993399 (Purple shade) and the other color is White.  Only Difference is that the 'REVERSE' option is selected. This is Very Important step. Leave the mode of this layer to = MULTIPLY.

STEP 5 : Let us now type the Text. Use the Type tool in the tools box and Type a text (in this example, 2009) with Font set to - ‘Times New Roman’ and Style set to-Regular with Size increased to as large as - 250pt and Strong effect is selected as style. The color used for the Text is Color- # ff0033 (which is a dark pink shade). Now TWO duplicate copies of the Text layer using CTRL + J to keep it as reference for future just in case you need to make any changes later. Hide this Original text layer. Name one copy of the original as Text 1. Simply set the Blend mode of this layer in layers box as = LINEAR DODGE.

STEP 6 : Before making adjustments to the other copy of the text layer we need to do two things. First, set the name of the second Text copy as Text 2. Next, let us create a custom pattern which we can use to fill the Text 2 layer to add effect. Creating a custom pattern > Under the Custom Shape tool, select the shape > Bull's Eye. The shape is filled with color - # 339e60 (Green shade). Draw the shape of a decent size.  Make many copies of this shape using CTRL + J and move them and place them in any position. I placed it near to each other. You can select the SNAP option in the VIEW menu to place them correctly. Leave the Blend mode of this Shape layer to = Normal in the layers box. Once you have placed the shapes in order, use the rectangular Marquee tool and select the area containing the pattern. Now, go to Edit menu > Define pattern and give a name for the pattern as 'CIRCLES'. Now you can delete all these shapes as the pattern is saved.


STEP 7 : Now that the pattern is created, let us add effect to the Text 2 layer. Right click the layer and select Blending options or go to Layer menu > Layer style and Blending options. Under this, use the option called > Pattern Overlay. Under that option, set the Pattern Blend mode to = OVERLAY and reduce the Opacity to 75 % (where the default is 100 %). Under the list of patterns, Select the pattern we created above called = Circles (It would be available at the extreme last among all other patterns). Set the Scale to = 86 %. Set the Mode of this layer in the layer box to = LINEAR LIGHT.

STEP 8 : Now finally to add something extra, let us add a spiral figure behind the text to highlight the text.  For creating the spiral figure, go to Adobe Illustration software. Creating Spiral Effect :

In Illustrator, Create a new layer and name it as > Spiral. In this layer, Use the pen  tool which is available in the tools box and draw something as in the following image.. Use the >Add anchor point tool which is available under Pen tool and add anchor points by clicking on the arc, wherever necessary. Now use the Direct selection tool to click on the anchor points and drag them to change the shapes in a curvy manner. Once one curve is formed, create another copy. Press ALT+ click the shape and drag to make a duplicate or copy and paste the curve. You can use the Object menu > Transform > Reflect to flip the paths. Select the paths and rotate them. The paths can not be filled so set the stroke color to Black and the stroke size to 1px. See that the paths are at a good distance. Now select both the paths and use, Object menu > Blend > make. You will see the spiral effect. The color of the spiral is based on the stroke color of the paths. Once the Blend is made, go to Blending options > select the option > Specified steps and set the number of steps to 120. You can adjust this according to necessity.


STEP 9 : Once the spiral effect is created, use the selection tool and select all the items and click and drag it into the Photoshop document we were working on. In Photoshop, the spiral figutre is saved as a Vectoe Smart Object, as one single entity. Set the Blend mode of this smart object in the layers box to = SOFT LIGHT. This is a combination of various effects using various methods to create a Fire themed logo.

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