Good Manners - Maketh Man Perfect

Everyone likes a person who speaks politely, behaves nicely and treats others generously. Such a person is
always ready to understand other people and tries to be helpful and charitable to them. He often makes petty
sacrifices for them. He forgets what wrongs others have done to him and is always forgiving. He is the most
welcome and sought after person in society.
A person who is courteous, civil and considerate towards others is said to possess good manners. Such a
person is respectful of his superiors, courteous to his equals and sympathetic towards his subordinates. He has
always concern for others, well-being and comfort.
Good manners practically cost us nothing but pay us rich dividends. They with us friends and conquer our
enemies. They act as lubricants to the screeching wheels of society.They make the world a happier place
to live in by reducing tension, struggle and strife.
Manners are ways of showing kindness and consideration. Good manners are lifetime asset.Without manners
people in this world would be unable to communicate between anyone.It is important in our life. It is about
considering the feelings of other people.
Good  manners are the magic of a cultured, refined and civilized society.They should be cultivated at any cost
I.C.Hill's tips in this respect are worth following. He says that good manners spring up from sympathy with
others and understanding of our own limitations. He exhorts that we shoulds avoid unhealthy arguments. He
says. "The Truth is too big for anyone of us to understand fully. The Truth as we see it is only our truth and a
part of the real Truth. We should always realise that we are humble, unimportant little people on this earth
and try to help the world as much as we can in our short time here."

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