Computer is one of the most popular invention of science. It is said to be a remarkable discovery. Computers have opened new horizons for man. It is considered to be the most important means of mass communication, instructive and a source of amusement. 20th Century is controlled by the computer, man has become its slave, as it works faster than a human brain. It can calculate innumerable numbers and can slove difficult problems and situations. Hence 20th Century is considered as the 'Computer Age'. Man has become computerised minded, as he solved problems with reference to communicating in the global market. Now at the press/click of a key, he can make a quick survey of global trends and the global market. Well, the question which arise in what are the effects of computerisation on our society? How does computer change the way we work? What does it mean that internet and E-mail which are the recent discoveries of computer reshape the society ? Will the increased use of computer and the presence of internet reduce the number of students in college and universities. How will the web change the ways the people search for and use medical information. The answer to these questions are very simple, ever since the introduction of computers, they are playing powerful roles in re-shaping the society. Since the development of the first commercial digital computers in the 1950's, their powers to extend human organizational capabilities has excited the imaginations of many people. They also evolved fears that the use of computers would lead massive social problems and widespread unemployment. In the beginning, when the computers were introduced they were very expensive, so very few were used. but slowly, the use of computers started spreading far and wide as people understood the importance of it. The computer with the help of internet links a school and its students to communicate with a wide variety of knowledge wherever in the country or in the world. Similarly, the lines of reasoning holds that the E-mail adds new lines of direct communications between its employers and upper-level managers, relatives, friends, etc. Offices where clerks process large volumes of transactions for reservations, banks, etc. may function effectively with less paper and less labours because of computers. In offices the transforming work is done in unexpected ways. Computers have a wide scope. One family has computer for entertainment while the other may use it for their task, as a word processor. Due to computers man's life has become very comfortable and luxurious. But it is also very sad to state that computers has made mechanical in outlook, ruthless in attitude, materialistic in thinking and cold and calculative in behaviours. Thus this invention has created psychological, social and other problems. In spite of all the problems, the use of Computers are going on increasing, it is never ending process.

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