India history is primarily divided into 4 periods. The Ancient Hindu, Medieval Dark Age of Islamic invasions, the Raj era and the post-Independence era

IH has gone through many faces. Medieval Islamic Historians honestly related the exploits of Muslims. The British with their subtle & subversive agenda tried first to manipulate IH, by hiding the Islamic crimes and degrading pre Islamic India resulting in AIT. Influence of Socialism and rise of a peculiar brand of Secularism forced post-Ind. history into a negationist mode, white washing the barbarous Islamic Age, and degrading the Hindu heritage of India, thus practicing a politically correct ‘balancing act’, between the ‘similar religions’

This policy was followed in academia & media up to nearly 60 years, indoctrinating Indian Youth for 2 generations against their own culture.

A nation which forgets its mistakes is bound to commit them againAncient-India1

India's history and culture is ancient and dynamic, spanning back to the beginning of human civilization. Beginning with a mysterious culture along the Indus River and in farming communities in the southern lands of India. The history of india is one puncuated by constant integration with migrating peoples and with the diverse cultures that surround India. Placed in the center of Asia, history in india is a crossroads of cultures from China to Europe, and the most significant Asian connection with the cultures of Africa.

India's history is more than just a set of unique developments in a definable process; it is, in many ways, a microcosm of human history itself, a diversity of cultures all impinging on a great people and being reforged into new, syncretic forms.

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