Hearing the term "learning-focused learners" at least bring forth a question, namely: "Is this over yet focused learning activities to students?". Or other questions formulated differently, namely: "Is this for a focused learning activities for teachers?". If the answer to these questions is that learning activities are no longer focused on the teacher but has focused on students, then the next question that arises is "How does the concept of learning activities that focus on the learner's?".

With the development of thinking about learning that focus on the students, whether the teachers also have to understand that the learning activities they manage day-to-day should be focused on the learner. How does the teacher's role or position as manager of learning activities (Instructional manager) in the learning activities that focus on the students?

At first, the teacher did is one or it can be said as the only important component in the learning activities. Said to be the only important component in the learning activities as if caused by one thing after another, teachers can not be forced to attend school, the learning activities can not be said to take place. Thus, the teachers really serve as the sole source of learning for students.

When things are in such a way as mentioned above, in which learning activities are dependent on the presence of teachers, it can be said that the applied learning model is a model of learning that focuses on teachers. RPP is composed of teachers can also be seen whether the learning activities run by teachers is still oriented to the interests of teachers or learners.

Is the paradigm of learning activities that focus on the students indicated that teachers had changed the position of his existence in the classroom is no longer the only source of learning for students? But the teacher has positioned itself as one source of learning because teachers have applied learning activities that use a variety of learning resources in the pembelajaannya activities. Such learning activities is referred to as activity-based learning a variety of sources (resources-based learning).

When teachers consistently implement learning activities based on various sources, then the teacher can be said to have applied learning activities that focus on the learner. In this regard, the next question is "What are the features or characteristics of the learning activities that focus on the students?". "How did they differ from learning that focus on the teacher?".

Of the teaching methods applied in the classroom teacher, it can be known whether the teachers are still applying the learning activities that focus to themselves. Then, interesting also to try to answer the following questions. Do you as a teacher only teaching methods Chalk and talk "(chalk and talk)? Are you also just write on the blackboard lesson materials you need to convey to the students and then menceramahkannya?. Are you also conditioned students to just sit back and record what you write on the blackboard and then listen to your lectures carefully?. Is after all your teaching assignment is completed, then you immediately leave the classroom and the students were freed from you as a teacher?

If we answer "YES" to the questions above, then it indicates that we as teachers still be in a position to apply the learning activities that focus on ourselves as teachers. To further strengthen our understanding of learning that focuses on students or teachers, it is worth responding to series of questions posed below. The goal is to train us to understand the concept of learning activities that focus on the learners. Therefore, the extent to which we as teachers are able to understand the questions and answers completely, then our understanding will become more clear about the learning activities that focus on the learners.

"Are we collated RPP still emphasize aspects of ability or success of the lessons we teach the material? To what extent did the lesson materials that have been defined in the RPP has been completed we teach our students? Or, do we as teachers are still emphasizing learning activities at the level of understanding or mastery of learners (competence) of the subject matter that we design?

The next question is "Did the students have achieved a level of competence sebagimana defined in the RPP?". "Are we as teachers feel satisfied when we have succeeded in presenting all the material that has been planned lessons in the Draft?". Would be a concern (concern) we also as a teacher of the subject matter we have presented it has truly understood / controlled by our learners?.

To a series of questions above, how do we as teachers to answer these questions and also reflect on what is our answer? Do we say, "Oh yes, I mean actually not fully implement the learning activities that focus on the learners' or vice versa," Well, then now I know that I actually have started implementing learning activities that focus on the learner ".

In connection with our response to the questions mentioned above and to better direct our attention on learning models that focus on the students, then in the following section shall describe the characteristics of the learning model that focuses on learners' version of Molly Jhonson (Jhonson, 2007). Some of its characteristics is that (1) more teachers act as facilitators in the learning activities rather than as a provider of knowledge, (2) classroom management that is more conducive to the activities and interactions that lead students to a productive learning experience, (3) active learner in activities related to learning rather than just sit back and passively during the learning activities take place in the classroom, and (4) requires an investment of time and energy to apply the learning model that focuses on the learner.

Furthermore, Molly Jhonson suggested several requirements that must be observed that the implementation of learning that focuses on successful learners, namely: (1) changing the paradigm of the teacher becomes a facilitator of learning, (2) teachers' commitment in providing time and energy to membelajarkan students on various materials knowledge, (3) the willingness of teachers to try new approach in managing the classroom, and saw business critical applications that focus on teaching students, and (4) the initiative of teachers to join the developer community learning strategy that focuses on the learner.

By applying the learning activities that focus on the students, the following described some additional new role for teachers.

- The first new role for teachers to implement learning activities that focus on the learner is (1) understand and know clearly the direction in which the students will develop cognitive desired. In this case, teachers should know the level of thinking skills required to be developed by students during learning activities take place, (2) using analogy and metaphor, (3) develop a mechanism that is not dangerous nor frightening for indirect dialogue between teachers and learners.

- The role of the teacher is to develop questions that are "forcing" students to describe what they were studying. Teachers should really avoid questions like "Are there any questions?". Teachers should also provide various opportunities for students to draw a conclusion / and or to explain material that had just been discussed. Learners must also be conditioned to ask questions that are penetration.

- The third role of the teacher is to use a tool / visual facilities to assist students to be able to "see" how the information can be linked and teach students how the use of facilities / visual equipment.

- The role is to encourage the formation of the four study groups and memfungsikannya. Study groups can be formed in various forms depending on class size, subject, and opinions / thoughts of teachers

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